So, I make investigate more emphasize on the requirement of the user (school owner) that is what the user would like the proposed system to do. Through investigating of existing system weakness and problems will valuable in developing new system. The initial requirement of the project is necessary to perform the systematic schedule according to the important factors such as the end-users actual operation, technical point of view and details schedule. To develop the proposed system, firstly I try to investigate the current overall business operations of small school that emphasis for that this system would be better managing process and customer satisfaction.
Method of Investigation (Fact Finding)
Method of investigation stage is often called "Fact finding" which means gathering information not in the existing system but also what the user might require form the new one. The first step is to study background information on the area to be investigated. It will give understanding of the overall business environments. There are a number of methods can be used to collect facts, I must choose which methods most suitable the investigation and timescale. The methods are:
Observation, Record searching, Special purpose records, Sampling, Questionnaires, Interviewing and Workshops.
Among the popular investigation methods, I use the observation, record searching and interviewing for the School system.
Observation can be formal (eg. Understanding manual operation) and informal (eg. Looking out tidiness, layout, lighting, noise etc..)
Formal observation is a planned which involves watching an operation or procedure for a specific period.
Informal observation should be used by the analyst at all times when the investigation user operation.
Record searching
Record searching is only reliable method of obtaining Quantitative information (eg-volume, frequencies etc..). It way of seeing what data actually occurs.
Interviewing is the most common method used in fact finding method. It contact with users at all levels and provides and opportunity to listen to their opinions about the existing system, its associated problems and possible solutions.
I have had school background, their aim and object, request to make Observation of the business. When I get the permission of the centre, I observe the flow of work and day to day operation and took note of the necessary requirement that would have impact on the proposed system. By observation, I recorded data flows between the business, customer and process of transaction daily routine.
Moreover, I interviewed the owner, manager and school staff about the recorded various information relevant to school student, all of school staff (School staff, teaching staff, BOD and etc..)
Weakness of existing system
As the paper-based records can be easily damage or lost and also require room or spaces to store the paper files.
If the order records are lost, it would be very difficult for the manager or school staff to find out the detail information.
The current manual system has poor facilities to keep back up of up to date information as well as to keep in the voucher of student entry (registration form) eg. Date, Time and etc.
If a school staff mistake in calculation of registration fee, there must be lost on both student and business.
There are no records for daily, weekly and monthly request student member in a class inconsistence in relating information by manual calculation so there may be much error in calculation.
Benefits of proposed system description
When the existing system is changed to proposed system, many benefits will be getting. Some of them are:
Reduce time delay in processes (high speed more than manual processes)
Reduce costs for the paper and stationary
Reduce the record storage area
Reduce redundancy of the data
To update the information, it just needs to change in one area and the rest will take care of the proposed system.
The reports can be generated quickly
Can be produce report which is daily, weekly and monthly of order record, total income and etc.
Can easy backup deal with storage data (mark, testing result and assignment)
Can search student ID or student name eg. Grade, Attendance and etc.
Smooth data flow between processes
Increase security for the information
Increase more privacy for the middle and top management
Calculation is more accurate
Easier to know detail of income (Student member and fee) and enquire about school from student
Ease of use and understand for school staff, teaching staff (if you can work this project, will follow user manual)
Aims and Objectives
There is ready-made ("off-the-shelf") software in the market, if your school has to do their software, will be flexible and aimed to achieve:
To provide better for your pupils, school staffs, teaching staff and so on.
To be available good decision for making record level (student marks, test result, exams, assignments and so on.
To keep track of every request complain and feedback from your student(s) or their guardian
To ensure to provide timely information
To response the student's enquiry quickly
To know daily record, monthly record from time to time
To reduce human made errors and inconsistencies
Development Tools
Development tools determine the choice of development platform because the platform and the tools must inter-operate. I have chosen Microsoft visual studio 2008, Microsoft SQL and install shield.
Install shield: I used install shield is to produce installation package for the system.
Investigation and evaluating the Technical
If you will use Microsoft Excel (readymade software), can calculate the total cost of a payment (register fee and enroll time) over any given number of years when you want to master excel, you need to know how to use array formulas (a large group of Method/Rule/List). You can use array formulas to do the seemingly impossible such as:
Count the number of character in a range of cells
Sun numbers that meet certain conditions, such as the lowest values in a range or number that fall between an upper and lower boundary
Sum every nothing value in a range of values
This column introduces array formulas and explains how to enter, edit and troubleshoot them.
Above if you can use readymade software, will solve to problem in your school. Give information, we write software about programming coding (Java or and data store (Microsoft Access or SQL), will develop your school from time to time.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
- Visual studio 2008 IDE (Integrated Development Environment as implement a single program, or sometimes the series of programs that comprise an application.
.Net Framework (Version 2.0) if your application is good at design(user interface), will be flexible for school staff
SQL (Structured Query Language) is a language used to insert, retrieve, modify and delete data in a relational database. SQL also contains statements for defining and administering the objects in a database. It can define user level, access and other many restrictions and more secure than other database software (eg. Microsoft Access). SQL can be stored about billion records so there have no worried to be over the limited records. So, I used Microsoft SQL server 2000 for the database of the proposed system.
Most of the advantages listed above are probably fairly obvious. We have to require a computerized database system to run in business environment or business school that will provide individual school or the authorization of the person binding the application is used well-adjusted for your school who the end user doesn't require directs advantage or opportunity to execute the statements in the package. For example, an application could a user to update part of a table without granting an update opportunity on the entire table what achieved by SQL statements to allow certain columns or a range of values.
Investigation and evaluating the Operational
Completing of the new system is depending on the current system investigation what the current system investigation is very important for our project success of the whole new system. There are so many techniques for choosing the suitable for the proposed system, record searching technique and observation technique what are very suitable for our proposed system.
Firstly, I interviewed with the operational staff about the level of pupils (their customer) who asked about the flow of their internal operations such as storing data (student information and payment process) what requirement and existing system weakness now. Aftermath I interviewed with teaching staff about their requirement for their student how to keep student attendance at classes and marks for tests, exams and assignments, how to access the internet for teaching materials that can be used on the interactive whiteboards.
Secondly, if I write programming for your school project, will manage, install and work within six months.
Finally, in the current system, all of the processes are making manually when found the current system has both strength and weakness.
The strength of the current system is:
Physically touch the computer accessories by school staff
Can have human relationship between school staff and student
Can discuss with some technicians or school staff
The current also have got the weakness in their field. They are:
Not available for connection within State or Division within Myanmar
Can't compare price with another school at the same time
Manual paper works make the system processing time flow
Thieves for hacker or cracker from external or internal
Damage by school staff or student
Problem in student in and out ( Start time and End time in school schedule)
A feasibility study is an assessment (advantage or money) of a proposed information system to determine whether the system can effectively meet the specified business requirements of the organization, and whether a business case exists for developing such a system, where a project is used to say exactly what the business should be
definitive and to the point; very long and confused about letter, define the parts of the business behaving in a way that is not natural or sincere, low cost and low risk from the project where organization's point of view.
Indicate two things:
- Computer system can achieve the improvements which are required. Provision of more information, processing of data speed, reducing system costs, benefit cannot be specified in detail, but generalizations are sufficient at this stage;
-If the report give cost and timescale the project, will develop and run of the business system what compares this to the benefits to be gained from new system. Formulated as a cost justification using cost benefit analysis as identifying financial costs and benefits associated with a development project and technical options but may be included non-quantifiable or intangible costs and benefits, compares tangible costs and intangible costs.
The cost analysis is best represented as a graph plotting a line showing costs and a line showing costs and a line showing benefits against time.
Estimated Software Requirement
Operating System: Any Operation System Window or Linux which support the following software.
Development System: Microsoft Visio Studio 2008
Microsoft Word 2003 for documentation
Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Installation Requirement
Hardware Requirements
Memory (RAM) : At least 512 MB
Processor : Intel Pentium IV and above
HDD : minimum 40 GB
Software Requirements
Microsoft Visio Studio 2008
Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Estimated Hardware Requirement
No Description Unit Price Quantity Price
1 P4 Casing (Handle High) 32,000 8 256,000
2 Keyboard 4000 8 32,000
3 Mouse 4500 8 36,000
4 LCD 120,000 8 960,000
5 UPS (Smart) 35,000 8 280,000
6 Memory 1G (DDR-3) 50,000 8 400,000
7 CPU- Intel Pentium 2.80GHz 100,000 8 800,000
(1MB L2 Cache, 533 MHz)
8 320 GB HDD (720rpm) 70,000 8 560,000
9 HP Laser Jet 1900 Printer 160,000 1 160,000
10 Printer Epson C-58 Color Printer 80,000 1 80,000
11 PC stand 70,000 8 560,000
12 Chair 12,000 8 96,000
13 ASUS P5SL 775 with (Audio + LAN) 75,000 8 600,000
14 ASUS DVD (RW DL) 50,000 8 40,000
Total Cost 4,860,000
Software Requirement Cost
Cost for Human Resources
Required Rate per hr Total hr used Cost
System Analyst 1 90 150 75,000
Designer 1 90 120 60,000
Database Administrator 1 100 150 90,000
Programmer 1 70 200 70,000
Total Cost 295,000
Software Cost
No Description Price
1 Software Development Cost 99500
2 Training Cost 70000
3 Installation Fees 90000
Total Amount 259500
Total Cost for Proposed Computer System
Description Amount
Hardware Cost 4,860,000
Human Cost 295,000
Software Cost 259,500
Total Cost 5414500
Description of Benefit for proposed system
Register/Delete/Update student detain information processing can make faster than manual.
Staff communication very easy with computer program.
Will be flexible with student.
Management and arrangement will be a piece of cake.
Stock balance can be known easily.
Annual (every year) or monthly report can be report to manager or audit regularly.
User Training (School staff and teaching staff)
In order to use the proposed system efficiently, people training need to be given to staff that would be using the system. The training may take about a month for novice user, for experience user need to be explained the usage and a little training may take a few days maximum. Training need the people are operational staff, Manager and Responsible person (Owner or Manager) who they will have user manual through my system.
Risk Assessment
One of the important activities in software development process when very costly to stakeholders if the risk are not identified and taken preventative, avoidance and mitigation (less bad or less serious) measure, to manage the risk what it's very important to identify them as early as possible in the development process. Iterative development process takes this early identification of risk, such as:
Hardware and software are also expensive. So I have to use suitable equipment in the proposed system
Can be reduced if the user involvement is high in the development process what have made imprecise or incomplete
Not friendly with school staff and teaching staff
Initial Strategy
20 days
Feasibility Study
7 days
Requirements Analysis
10 days
System Analysis
5 days
System Specification
7 days
System Design
15 days
System Development
40 days
10 days
5 days
21 days
15 days
Initial Strategy
At the school, students and teaching staff will grow their field as student will access the internet for research their assignment task and teaching staff will keep records of student attendance at classes and marks for tests, exams and assignments what can be used on interactive whiteboards.
Investigated and problems to be resolved what state the management requirements from the system (school system). The people/department that is the sources of input data and output data more flexible from our school system program deal with computer materials (internet connection, network laser printer and "an off-the-shelf" database and etc.) will be replacement better at school. But we have finished within six months from starting time.
Total cost, these terms should come from task-1 (including software cost, hardware cost and network costs) what we're recommendation for new program (school project) will finish next six months.
Feasibility Study
To determine whether the system can effectively meet the specified business requirements your organization (school), if you're thinking existing system is not suitable for your organization (school) as more flexible business current system for developing such a system what low cost and low risk from your organization point of view, may not be considered necessary but involves a short period of observation and interviews during we're making a series of judgments on the probable scale of system requirement and what it would do.
Computer based system can achieve the improvements which are required. If you think for your organization, will reply me "need and want for your organization" that I will show you
Total Cost (5414500-kyats)
Timescale (only six months)
Developments of the new system but compare this to be gained from the development of the new system.
Requirements Analysis
Requirement Analysis and existing system analysis are normally carried out at the same time which doesn't refer to the current system. We will be interviews and observation concerning how the work could be done more adequately during analysis stage asked to your teaching staff. If we'll know your organization step, will define your organization requirements.
System Analysis
To understand the existing systems and record the information who teaching staff can understand and agree of new system will be reduce fearless.
This stage who we're discussion between us and teaching staff what find are DFD (Data Flow Diagram) will express how to work, how to store (data) and the whole system (manual) explained by teaching staff.
System Specification
To produce the system specification, we need to complete the new logical who responsible this stage. Contain all information currently available TNF (Normalization), DD (Data Dictionary) and DFD (Data Flow Diagram) will compare all of diagram on this stage.
System Design
Computer based system may be needed to include all feature about system design what is usually able to present for your organization with the relevant estimated costs and benefits.
System Development
In fact, all development work is tested of necessary programs but remainder of the IT development team.
To you, two kind of testing in our computer field as black box testing and white box testing deal with testing case that will test including knowledge of the internal structure and behavior of the system, being concerned what goes in and what comes out the system black box testing responsible by User or Customer.
User or Customer can understand functional behavior of the system, not knowledge of system internal, tests are only standard input interface, data-driven, input/output testing and black box testing can never be exhaustive.
White box testing is responsible by Computer programmer or System Analysis who will test for new system (school system) during can understand or have got knowledge all internal / external in program code.
Responsible can understand logic-driven, structural in code, glass box testing, complete knowledge of internals and tests can use special interfaces.
In case, the old system is kept going with the new system working may be parallel running in advisable but the results of this two systems are compared. Have you changeover instruction and procedures for teaching staff.
Back-ups are covered in more detail in the business system design book in this series until a new release of the system can be made.
Should cover costs, comparing the actual costs with those anticipated at various design stage what the current the expected benefits have been achieved or are likely to be achieved.
Activity Diagram (System Development Life Cycle)
User Training (School staff and teaching staff)
In order to use the proposed system efficiently, people training need to be given to staff that would be using the system. The training may take about a month for novice user, for experience user need to be explained the usage and a little training may take a few days maximum. Training need the people are operational staff, Manager and Responsible person (you or management level) who they will have user manual through my system.
In fact, this stage will use only 1 month as 5 months will use for system development (school system) with System Development Life Cycle (Above stages).
Check List for PC(Personal Computer)
Shwe Nge Sale Center
Unit Price
120,000 kyat
OS Free
Free others Software
Any Antivirus Software (License)
2 GB Memory Stick per 3 PC
1 year
2 years
3 years
Mother Board
100,000 kyat
Hard Disk
(500 GB SATA)
150,000 kyat
CPU Intel Pentium 2.8 GHz
50,000 kyat
(1 G DDR-3)
120,000 kyat
45,000 kyat
P4 Casing
120,000 kyat
4,000 kyat
4,000 kyat
40,000 kyat
Total Amount
723,000 kyat
Arakan Sale Center
Unit Price
102,000 kyat
Free OS
Any Software Free
1 Memory Stick per 2 PC
Panda Antivirus Software (License)
1 year
2 years
3 years
Mother Board
100,000 kyat
Hard Disk
(500 GB SATA)
80,000 kyat
CPU Intel Pentium 2.8 GHz
120,000 kyat
(1 G DDR-3)
45,000 kyat
60,000 kyat
P4 Casing
80,000 kyat
5,000 kyat
3,000 kyat
50,000 kyat
Total Amount
645,000 kyat
T-Land Sale Center
Unit Price
100,000 kyat
Free OS
Any Antivirus Software (License)
Others free Software
Change Damage Item (After 3 months)
1 year
2 years
3 years
Mother Board
100,000 kyat
Hard Disk
(500 GB SATA)
120,000 kyat
CPU Intel Pentium 2.8 GHz
90,000 kyat
(1 G DDR-3)
35,000 kyat
60,000 kyat
P4 Casing
80,000 kyat
6,000 kyat
Free (Per PC)
40,000 kyat
Total Amount
685,000 kyat
Pwint Oo Modern Furniture Shop
Unit Price
PC Stand
100,000 kyat
12,000 kyat
Sinma Modern Furniture Shop
Unit Price
PC Stand
100,000 kyat
10,000 kyat
Unit Price
PC Stand
1 Suit
90,000 kyat
Buffalo modern Furniture Shop
T and M Sale Center
Software Name
Unit Price
Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition 2005
$ 680
1 year
2 years
3 years
It's more request and response time more than Microsoft Access
Microsoft Visual Studio
$ 549
1 year
2 years
3 years
A complete set of development tools for building application such as visual basic, visual C++, visual C#, visual J# all use the same integrated development environment (IDE)
Window XP Professional
$ 100
1 year
2 years
3 years
Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Visual Studio depend on Window XP
M H T Sale Center
(No.179,Eilksathaya street, Tamwe Township, Yangon)
Software Name
Unit Price
Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition 2005
$ 650
1 year
2 years
3 years
It's more request and response time more than Microsoft Access
Microsoft Visual Studio
$ 550
1 year
2 years
3 years
A complete set of development tools for building application such as visual basic, visual C++, visual C#, visual J# all use the same integrated development environment (IDE)
Window XP Professional
$ 100
1 year
2 years
3 years
Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Visual Studio depend on Window XP
Essential skill and effective leadership particularly, to make timely immediately as If I will give detail information you about computer price and description, will decide your goal, need and want.
First hardware cost, find the different branch (sale centre) between Shwe Nge, Arakan and T-Land what have got very good product, quality and warranty, if I will advise you what select Arankan sale centre as suitable for us deal with price and quality if they are famous in Myanmar country establish 1983.
Second furniture, so many shops in our country but I have selected sinma because they are no 1 as service and quality.
Third software cost, MHT sale centre is more suitable price and service for us because of the same of our balance if I will choose MHT sale centre.
Finally, we are thinking so many ways for computer material depend on quality so can't mistake better for our project and will develop small school better.
Report and review for user and technical stakeholders in the project.
Stake Holder
System Analyst
-Concentrates on finding out whether an intended course of action any constraints is referred to as feasibility analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-benefit analysis
-To make the decision making, predict future action deal with any project
-Break down analysis steps by steps, will draw diagrams and charts to show how information will get into the computers
- To show need and want in responsible project
-Understand business and arrangement project
-Solve the software problem, give advice to programmer and decides fastest, easiest and costs effect to current system
-Discuss with system analysis , request to project requirement
-Main responsible by User Interface (UI)
Project Manager
- Responsibility of the planning, execution, and closing of any project.
-A project manager is follow below
Resources (People, Equipment and material)
Time (Task duration, dependencies and critical path)
Money (Costs and profit)
Scope (Project size, goals and requirements)
- Refer to a specialist in one area of computer programming
-Arrange write the programming, test (unit ,integration and system), -
-To perform their functions will develop by programmer.