Introduction:l about the selection , recruting , inducting and attracting the talent for the progress of the company when a new talent is needed or when a new department is open and a new staff is needed for it.and here I am going to link about the human resource planning of the National Bank Of Pakistan is the largest commercial bank operating in Pakistan.The Bank's services are available to individuals, corporate entities and government. While it continues to act as trustee of public funds and as the agent to the State Bank of Pakistan (in places where SBP does not have a presence) it has diversified its business portfolio and is today a major lead player in the debt equity market, corporate investment banking, retail and consumer banking, agricultural financing, treasury services and is showing growing interest in promoting and developing the country's small and medium enterprises and at the same time fulfilling its social responsibilities, as a corporate citizen. National Bank of Pakistan has built an extensive branch network with 1250 branches in Pakistan and operates in major business centre abroad. It has agency arrangements with more than 3000 correspondent banks worldwide. The bank is the largest commercial bank in Pakistan and provides top class services to the customers. It is the biggest banking institution in the country after State Bank of Pakistan.
Banks Mission:to recruite a merit and performance culture
• Creating a distinctive brand identity by providing the
highest standards of services
• Adopting the best international management practices
• to creat more and more stakeholders value
• increase our responsibility as a good corporate
city of Pakistan and in countries where we operate .
Banks Vision:To become a leader and a brand synonymous with trust, highest standard of service quality, international best practices and social responsibilities.
LEARNING OUTCOME 1 Be able to understand how the HR Plan supports the strategic objectives:
Strategic Capability: strategic capability is the most important part of the Human resource planning.the company should always recognize the customer identity and the market specification to gain the market advantage through strategic approach and capability. National bank of pakistan always gain the advantage through the strategic capabilities because national bank of pakistan always know the customer demands and customer interests. And time by time launches new product according to the customer demand , market inovation and market compitition.strategic capability is linked with the strategy of the bussiness with every department of the bussiness.
Putting together an HR strategy: putting together an HR srategy mean to think about long term strategy for the human resource in your company and to get or recruit the people for the company in the long run so that company can take the benefit from their employee in the long run they dont have to recruit it time by time. This is a very tough work and many individuals involves in it various target goal set before and then company have to achieve it.the involvement for anything to do with new markets, international explanation and to develop new skills or to invest large number of percentages of the organisation's capital resources. The HR departmnent of National Bank of Pakistan is working very well to put together both strategies i.e., short term and long term for achieving the organization's objectives.
Organisational Design : there are many type of organisation through which an organisation work, every organisation have their own design in which a company work through corporate bussiness have different type of structure, banking sector have disserent type of structure and educational sector like universities and colleges have different structure and sole proprietership business have disserent type of structure and design like doctor or lawyer. As far as national bank of pakistan is concern national bank have the different structure and recognised through its own design, and have very secure structure where people feel secure and submit there money and feel easy to open their account in national bank of pakistan as you know that banking bussiness have their own organisational design the national bank also reveal the same organiational design which appropriate according to the requirement of the state bank of pakistan.and as far as staff is concern it also come in to the organisation design because staff also speak its organisation structure. And as far as culture of the organisation is concern there are 4 type of culture task culture, power culture rule culture, persone culture.
National bank of pakistan reveal task culture where every individual employe work under its superiour and this culture use mostly countries of the world under this culture every employee have pressure to work under its seniour and have to achieve the goal given by it seniour. Like in national bank of pakistan there is a branch manager who make their staff to work under him and his staff obey to its manager and branch manager work under the supervision of area manager area manager have all the branches of the area and undre him he have to make all the branche managers to work under him and then its come regional manager and then country manager.
LEARNING OUTCOME 2 Understand the legal and organisational frameworks for the employment of staff:
Attracting Talent: Attracting talent mean to attract the candidates for their company job and area where your company need a new staff if your company open a new department. The most successful organisations use to recruit and select the best decisions they can. They recognise the that different peoples want different things. There are different way to attract the tallent two type of sources that are usuallu use fro attracting the tallent. Internal sources and external sources. In the internal sources a company contact internally through their internal sources to the newly master student of the universities and colleges and also attract the employee of the other company that are really very tallented and are working for the progress of the other company and they want to make him work for their own company and attract him through high remuniration and high salary packeg and many other things. And in the external resources a company attract the candidates through advertisemant sign board, electroniuc media, news paper, websites and public hand out. National bank uses both way to attract the candidates.national bank also attract the candidates through universities seminars and tv commercial.
Recruiting Talent: Recruitment is a good and a high visible exercise of an advertisement to a local news papers and in the large nation wide campaign. Good campaigns and exercise creates good impression of the organisations and the bring the new clients to the door. The conduction includes the fairness , courteous bahaviour , the quality and the immediately responsce. Open to view small mistakes for example not responding to a candidate's application or to conduct a poor interview. To open or to expand over a large area to the capable development into actual applicants and the one that consumes and harm is done to the organisations reputation After attracting talent a company get application from the candidates and call them for the recrytement and get their interview and test and personality test and computer test. And then assess them in which department which candidates will be suitable. National bank of pakistan recrute through the proper chaannel and have the separate department for this purpose, national bank recrute from universities,s brilliant student and from those student who come to national bank for internship.
Selecting and Inducting Talent : selecting and inducting talent is the most important part for the
company have select the right person for the right job where that person tatally suits and work
according to the demand. Selection should be according to the merit their should not be any mistake because it could be effective or dangerous for the company and it reoutition. National bank of pakistan select the people on merit through proper test and proper channel they take only those people who have passed all the tst and come properly on merit and right. State bank of pakistan have made a department for this perpose they have introduces the. Cources for the inovation in banking. Mostly companies select take candidates on behalf of favourtism and regional aspect and cast, this should not be happened in the organisation because it effect the company reputition and also the progress of the company and if you select the wrong person for the company then he wont work properly for the company and company wont progress. And then after selecting the talent companty have to induct the employe that how to do work this is also called trainning how to do work and all the procedure and rules and regulation.which is also very important for the staff to know.
LEARNING OUTCOME 3 Understand the effect of the organisational environment on staff
Culture and its affect on employees:
Edgar Schein, (2004) defined it as the
"the members of an organisation that shares the beliefs and the act of taking for a granted time that operates unconciously and giving a breif view of organisation and its environment."
Edgar Schein gives some factors on which the culture is based.
To observed the behaviour and the regularaties of the people who attract.
To dominate the values of the organisation.
Procedures and processes of the organisational rules.
Hofstede defined culture as
"being collective but often intangible. It is made up of two main elements: the internal values of culture - which are invisible - and external elements of culture which are more visible and are known as practices. The latter includes rituals (such as greetings), heroes(such as people or television shows) and symbols (such as words and gestures).
The organisational culture is like glue that makes the employes together and pursuit the common goals.A big organisation culture can back off by putting off talent, therefore it has a balance to achieve a culture that drives the business on and the workers of the organisation should work together.
Changing work practices: A number of different ways have to grow as a plant to take account of changes in the labour market, such as shift patterns, increased part time working flexitime , annual hours , zero hours , home working and tele working. Some of these changes are positive and the employees have more choices over how they work, and how to get a better work life balance. Some of the aspects are not so good for the workers such as need for the employees to work round the clocks and the demands of the ever present technology.
The work-life Balance: According to Chartered Management Institue(CMI) is the state of intellectual between the amount of time and the persons effort devotes to work and that given to other aspects of life. Work life balance is the subject of wide spread public debate on how to allow employees to make more control on their working arrangements in order to better suitable the other aspects of their lives,, while still giving benefits to their organisation. The work-life balance is very important for every individual because every individual has to relax after working for 8 hours a day and ignoring his or her social life. So to have the work- life balance, the HR department of a company needs to form such policies that the employees should be benefited from them.
David clutterbuck defines work life balance in terms of choice:
Being wary of different demands on time and energy.
Making some choices.
To know what values have to apply to choices.
LEARNING OUTCOME 4 Understand the grievance, discipline and dismissal process
Legal Requirements for HR: The HR has to operate within the range of the context of laws there are some legal requirement for the Human resource that a company have to be fullfull. According to the law and companies act and right. A person that is selected should be legal and have not involve in any criminal of fences. And as far as company is concern a company should select the talent on merit and should not reject the talent on physical aspect, religion aspect, colour, cast and such type of discrimination because it happened that a african manager do favour to the african candidates and give them a job black people do favour to the black people and where a asian manager is working he gives job to the asian manager or according to the religion or cast aspect that could be dangerous for the company and this act also ruin the real talent.
Disciplinary and grievance procedures: disciplinary procedure should be stated as follows
The employee know how to look forward in terms of standard and performance or in the process of carrying on.
To establish the identity of to something that impedes progress or achievements to the individuals to achieve the required standards and to take appropriate action.
To agree with the opportunities of suitable goals and time scales for the improvement of individual performance or conduct.
And to break up the problems of the employment tribunal without any source of help or strength.
The disciplinary is to secure the improper behaviour and capability(performance issues),there are two different ways of mis conduct: mis conduct and gross mis conduct. An act of stumbling of gross mis conduct usually result in summary dismissal - dismissal without notice.
The Role of External Agencie: the role of external agencies also very important for the companies and they are doing good job and have set a law upon all the companies that all companies have to be follow one of the agency is (EOC) equal opportunity commission that is working for the equality of all the candidates. Compaigns, events and the communication to highlight the issues ,better relations, helping public authorities to promote sex and race equality. To develop the understanding and the evidence commission and the publishing research. And to provide services
We have studied this subject and above in the assignment i have written all the learning outcomes taught to us. I have discussed in detail how HR plan supports strategic objectives of the organisation. Then I have demonstrated how legal and organisational frameworks for the employment of the workers and after that I have discussed how in National Bank of Pakistan the organisational environment effects its employees. Then I have discussed in detail how disciplinary and grievances procedures work in National Bank of Pakistan. I have analyzed all the aspects of organisational operations with regards to Human Resource department.