Bank Austria AG is the largest and most profitable Austria, Group Bank gives access to its customers in the financial markets. Its objective and the responsibility to develop the region Centre and Europe (ECE). Working under UniCredit Bank Austria, which is the number one of the groups in this region. From the first 8 d, Bank Austria tries to follow a strategy to expand targeted in Eastern and Central Europe. Today, UniCredit expand their business in 23 countries with some 3100 branches and nearly 65,000 employees work for clients 24 million in Eastern and Central Europe.UniCredit retain their offices in the following countries, Poland, Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Hungary, Serbia, Romania, Slovakia, Azerbaijan in 2008, replaces the name of the Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG with UniCredit Bank Austria AG.HypoVereinsbank (individuals) is their participation in the 77.53% in the Austria-CreditAnstalt (BA-CA) UniCredit Bank against payment of the action of 109.81 euros in January 2007. Correspond to a purchase price of about 12.5 million euros in cash. UniCredit is now the 94.98% Austria-Creditanstalt Bank (BA-CA) social capital. Austria-Creditanstalt Bank (BA-CA) are Estonia, Latvia operations Lithuania HypoVereinsbank (individuals) on 10 January. BA-CA registers the majoritarian interests Moscow bank (IMB) HypoVereinsbank (individuals) and to increase their participation in 100% of the many steps 11 January international Russian. First rebranding projects completed in Central Europe and Eastern in the first quarter of 2007. Hungary, Serbia, individuals individuals individuals Bank Latvia be Bank UniCredit.Combination Slovakia UniBanka and Bank Slovakia individuals form UniCredit Bank on April 1. Home, Evros Prefecture in the Bank and UniCredit home Bulgaria on April 27, as a result, the leading individuals in the country, which has assets of approximately € 4.2 billion market Bank Biochim warranty form. BA-CA AG Annual General Assembly adopted a resolution on the closure of the same among other resolutions mayo.La 3 acquisition of Russian Investment Bank Aton on July 31. Croatia BA-CA sales subsidiary kralja Zvonimira Bank in June 2006. in the merger between Banco de Banca Tiriac Romania individuals have successfully resolved in September. Bank Austria Creditanstalt (BA-CA) became member of full-fledged in equity and derivatives on the market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Members of UniCredit and a Board Committee supervisor BA-CA adopt resolutions BA-CA sell 71.03 equity interest % in the capital of the BPH UniCredit Bank and UniCredit transferred BA-CA a central and Eastern Europe business unit comprises UniCredit shares in banks in Central Europe and Eastern except Poland in exchange for newly issued shares 55 million BA-CA in August. BA-CA, a fusion of two subsidiaries of Romanian Bank, i.e. individuals Romania and Banca Tiriac Bank individuals Tiriac Bank to create in September. Structure of departments of UniCredit is full in 1 Otober. "Board adopts a resolution for an increase in the capital against the contribution that subsidiaries of UniCredit Bank Czech Republic Romania, Croatia, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Turkey diciembre.BA-CA recover interest 19.77% at IBM, which is held by Bank VTB (France) at a price of $ 395 million (formerly commercial bank for Europe du Nord EUROBANK) 28 December.""Evros Prefecture Bank" Bulgaria is purchased in 2005. Together with the subsidiary existing Biochim of Bank of individuals, BA-CA is number 3 in Bulgaria and strengthen its presence. Board of individuals and of the Board of UniCredit have approved the combination of UniCredit and individuals on June 12, 2005. So far is the largest European fusion Bank border. Contract to combine Banca Tiriac Bank Romania individuals makes BA-CA bank number 4 in Romania, with a market share of 7.5%. The completion of the merger between Montenegro and individuals with Eksimbanka Serbia Bank.BA-CA is a member of UniCredit avNova Bosnia.En 2004, following the combination of .PBK and Polish subsidiary BPH Bank acquisition banjalucka noviembre.Bankaen 18 name changed to "Bank BPH" brand name. merger of two subsidiaries Central Bank Banco individuals and result in Herzegovina and Bosnia to train legal individuals profit central bank. A spokesman for the Office opening in Macedonia in 2003. BA-CA has opened an Office in Macedonia in March and central bank score was resumed in June, this is the third Bank in Bosnia. BA-CA obtained CAC leasing, Slovakia and the Republic registered in 2001. BA-CA is now in control of the first network of banking in the region. Achievement of a majority interest in Polish Bank .PBK in 2000.BA-CA merged with Germany HypoVereinsbank and was a centre of competence for Austria and Eastern and Central Europe Group 2000.Adquisiciones year another avCreditanstalt avBank 1998og founder shares acquisition Romania Austria Creditanstaltde Creditanstalt s.a. Bank Austria shares held by the Republic of Austria 1997. The acquisition of a share in .PBK is the third largest Polish Bank and Bank Austria creation creaciónen 1993 avCreditanstalt Croacia.AspåBratislava. The new address of the opening in Moscow in 1992 Austria Bank Banco de Austria in 1991 FusjonZentralsparkasse structuring und Kommerzialbank and Länderbankå. Building which was the first foreign bank in Poland and Länderbank Ljubljana Creditanstalt AG avCreditanstalt RT Praga.IUngarni Creditanstalt S.A. Warsaw. 1990 creation. in 1989, named Vereinsbank, Creditanstalt, three Western and three banks Soviet community established international bank in Moscow in Creditanstalt in the new supporter first 1983Creditanstaltden forDubaii Yorkog Office åpningenav Austria Bank opened a Department international in London, 1980. Zentralsparkasse has changed its name to Zentralsparkasse Kommerzialbank und in 1979 Western Creditanstaltble is the first bank that grants permission to establish the Office of a plague of tilBuda agent, 1975. The Defender forLondon Länderbankåpnet Office. Creditanstalt was nationalised in 1946.Changed the name of Creditanstalt Creditanstalt Bankverein (CA), the Bank became a member of Deutsche Bank in 1939 .Plaga påBuda Office Ã-CAWen 1938 training. Credit institution together with the Wiener Bankverein and Austrian Creditanstalt Bankverein of Wiener (Ã-CAW) in 1934 .Centro detention for credit maintains offices international i18 paísesen 1918, after that the country now includes Italy Czech Republic, Russia Croatia, in Slovenia. Training by Zentralsparkasse der Gemeinde Wien in 1907 Länderbankåpner iPraha branch in 1894. Training by k.k. Austrian privilegierte Länderbank by Union General a French Bank in 1880.Training by k.k. privilegierte Oesterreichische credit institution für Handel und Gewerbe by a group of bankers, including the House of Rothschild in 1855.
Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft (aws) is a Bank for development and financing of enterprises to promote Austrian federal. Bank provides development assistance billion euros in 2008, mainly provide loans, grants and guarantees for projects around 11 000 million euros in 2008. AWS focuses on four different markets of capital and equity, innovation and technology, financing and advocacy sites as well as services for the management of research and development. Most of these activities also managed the federal Austrian of around EUR 1 billion economic stimulus package in 2009 and 2010. AWS offers additional programs and services.Help Austria guarantees, loans, grants and advice in the following ways, i.e. Aws media companies provides business campaign programs. Enterprise growth, growth in regional growth agendas approach support job creation and the strengthening of competitiveness. Provides funding for the commercialization of technology and innovation, especially in that communication and the fields of high technology, life sciences and physical sciences as well as the creative industries (pulse) special arrangements: provides funding for projects files almost 200,000 € project in physical science, life science and provide funds for ongoing innovative approximately 1,000 placing € 2,500,000 per project in the life science transferred and physical sciences. Provides funding mechanisms for the creation of enterprises in the creative industries more than € 300 000 per project for the xs, XL, lead speed speed pulse. Provides funding for external experts that temporarily provides companies with experience in marketing, finance, or management auf Zeit (MAZ) technology. Complementary to these funding mechanisms to stimulate competition and innovation as science international life Art Nouveau Innovativation Biotech better organized competition and price competition. AWS working closely with the international financial institutions such as the European Investment Fund, European Investment Bank, the EBRD, the World Bank and the international financial Corporation. There will be a member of NEPHI (international network of financial institutions for small and medium-sized enterprises), EDFI (European development finance institutions) and AECM (European Association of mutual guarantee).
BAWAG p.s.k. Bank für Arbeit und Wirtschaft und Ã-sterreichische postsparkasse Aktiengesellschaft (BAWAG_P SK) is the fourth largest bank in Austria. It was established by independent BAWAG and p.s.k. Bank merger on October 1, 2005. The aim is to give credit to the workforce and organization of the company.
UniCredit Bank Austria AGest Europeans and the Centre for the Bank.Possessed 96.35% of the UniCredit group. Zentralsparkasse und Kommerzialbank and Oesterreichische Laenderbank merged in the formation of Austria Bank in 1991. Austria Bank Creditanstalt was resumed in 1997. Related to the forces of the Group of individuals BA-CA in 2000.Since December 2006, BA-CA has been a member of the UniCredit group.Acquisition of remaining shares the International Moscow Bank and 100% of institutional affairs for Aton-Russia Capital to expand business in Russia 2006 estate. From March 31, 2008, the Bank worked under the name brand, i.e. Austria Bank and UniCredit Group to connect with the new logo.
Bank Bank Medici AGest is located in Vienna, Austria. It was founded in 1984 by Sonja Kohn banks and integrated as a bank in 2003. Sonja Kohn has most of the stakeholders and also President of the Medici Bank. Austria Bank Creditanstalt is the most important institutional shareholder who has been the largest group of Austria Bank. Sonja belonging to 75 percent of appartenu Bank AG Medici and Bank Austria remaining 25%.
Creditanstalt was an Austrian Bank. Creditanstalt was in Vienna and founded in 1855, k. k. home real Austrian Imperial credit Institute privileged for trade and industry family Rothschild. Largest bank of Austro-Hungarian Empire was very successful. You may 11, 1931 declared bankruptcy. Due to a global economic crisis, the fact that the Bank of the face of the great depression. The Bank has been fully registered by NBU-Austria and the Rothschilds and merged with Wiener Bankverein, which is why new name for the Bank Creditanstalt-Bankverein. Nationalized Bank and the Bank was a large bank commercial and very involved in the economy in Austria post-war worldwide that have problems with large companies in Austria Steyr-Daimler-Puch Wienerberger, Semperit and Lenzing AG.
In the year 2000 it was accuired Russian VTB Bank of the Danube River, and was controlled by Soviet Bank in Vienna, Austria. The Bank has been renamed Bank VTB (Austria) AG in 2006.
AGest Erste Bank Group, one of the largest bank provides financial services in Eastern and Central Europe focusing on retail and SME banking sales.The Bank has 3,000 branches 50,000 employees working in eight countries as Austria Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Ukraine. Erste group was founded in 1819 first Austrian Bank registration.
Wörthersee Alps Adria (GHAA) group is a group of Austrian banks consisting of several cross-border activities in eight countries of the Alps Adriatic region. Extends its channel of departments and offices by Italy Liechtenstein-Austria Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Hungary and Germany in Brussels. There are three strategic sectors will tell Group Bank Hypo, rental and consultation. Part of 45.6% of the Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung, part of the owner of the Group of envelope actions included detainees Kartner Landesholding 49.4% and the remaining 5% of Hypo Alpe Adria Mitarbeiter Privatstiftung.Wörthersee Alpe Adria Group aims to be the largest commercial bank in the region of the Alps Adriatic.
Ã-sterreichische postsparkasse (p.s.k.) is a Austria postal savings bank.Belonged to the Austrian is placed under the Government. Merged with BAWAG p.s.k. Bank form 1. October 2005.
Raiffeisenlandesbankc ' is the abbreviation RLB is a generic term for a number of regional banks Austrian. Each State in Austria have their own Raiffeisenlandesbank, with the only Vienna and lower Austria share a. the existence of other United Nations Conference on trade in Carinthia, Bank Zveka serves Slovenian minority. Raiffeisenlandesbanks is approved by the respective State coffers. Raiffeisenlandesbanks owned by their respective and together member banks maintain Raiffeisen Zentralbank.
S M von Rothschilda was founded in 1820 in Vienna, Austro-Hungarian Empire by Mayer Salomon Rothchild. It is a banking business. The founder of the company, i.e. Rothchild banking family and Rothchild with Austria-Mayer Amschel Frankfurt, Germany family members. The company launches its capital in the financing of several Austria Government business. The Bank has played an important role in the construction of the economic infrastructure of the country in which included the first railway network.
Volksbank, is the language which means people's Bank was founded in 1850, which is a central bank in Vienna, Austria retailer. Currently operates in Slovia Serbia Ukraine Hungary, Romania, Malta, Austria, Croatia, Bosnia-Alemania, Czech Republic.
A ranking of the ten largest Austrian banks assets depending on their financial statements 2007, total Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG was more active in Austria. It is the largest Austria Bank and its assets 209.170 million euros. The second largest bank in Austria base asset Erste Bank der Sparkas sen AG Home assets are 200.519 million euros. The third Bank in Austria Raiffeisen Zentralbank Ã-sterreich Aktiengesellschaft. Assets are 137 1,402 million euro. The fourth largest bank in Austria is Ã-sterreichische Volksbanken-Aktiengesellschaft. Assets are 78.641 million euros. BAWAG p.s.k. Bank für Arbeit und Wirtschaft und Ã-sterreichische postsparkasse Aktiengesellschaft is the fifth largest bank in Austria based on their assets.Assets are 44.847 million euros. Sixth digital bank based on its assets is Hypo Alpe Adria Bank International AG. Assets are 37.939 million euros.The seventh digital Bank of Austria is control Oesterreichische Bank AG.Assets are 33.019 million euros. The number eight in Austria is European Austria AG. Assets are 24.919 million. its most later combined. The ninth Austria digital Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich Aktiengesellschaft is Bank. Assets are 25 267 million euros. the tenth and last Austria Bank digital is Raiffeisenlandesbank AG in Vienna Austria lower. Assets is 19.554 million euros.
All theorists Austrian seen as unsustainable fractional reserve banking banking credit run economic cycles most expansion features. Murray Rothbard, however, take into account the role of the Central via the generation of a mobile environment before the great depression and subsequent policy of the Central Bank credit banks that had just raised essential pricing and dysfunction of the inefficiency of the enlarged market adjustments. Rothbard argues that no monetary authority centralized in a market, there is no simultaneous malinvestments error group or enterprise, wise contractors would not be confused at the same time and quickly leverage a combination in isolation. In addition, in an open, intelligent capital not insured banking market far would be speculative and not insured applicants loans examine carefully balance irretating financial institutions of all risky, speculative excess occur regularly in the financial markets.Widespread Rothbard, malinvestment cycle observation intensifies for centralized in money markets by the Central Bank monetary commitment.This criticism advanced Rothbard Bryan Caplan, suggestions have asked questions like "is why think Rothbard entrepreneurs are so incompetent in anticipation of the policy of the Government". Maps in business across generated market planning conditions, but discover inquiringly could not discuss the Government's policy or prevent even simple accounting fall victom illusions created by inflation and deflation, mainly in the dominant economies, make it a natural selection stain search blind would eliminate business with this mass "." However, Rothbard declares an over-encouragement to borrow and lend is enabled by the combination credit on the Central Bank of centralized control over your need to protect the bank runs periodically banks and interest rates (which Austria economists believe that you causes the interest rate is too low for too long compared to the prices that would prevail in a true free market occupied the Central Bank non-). Under the current system of Fiat money generates new assets from a central bank like da banks member and money multiplied several times in the process of generating money from private banks. This new Bank generates money market loans and provides a lower rate of interest than that would exist if the money supply is stable.
Described Austria Bank structure and present the respective institutions that are responsible for the supervision of the Austrian banking sector. Then focus on the Basel II agreement largely responsible for a series of rules and regulations of the banking sector, apart from banking supervision.Introducing this new framework and standards of content control, I'll describe the supervision of the Austrian Central Bank reporting system, but only the part of the Austrian banking supervision.
Austrian banking sector has one of the famous Bank networks more stable in comparison with other European countries. The Austrian Central Bank calculate total banks 837 and 25 branches of foreign institutions with a total accumulated balance €797,757,955 (thousands) of 31 December 2006. It is important to simplify what constitutes an Austrian credit institution entitled to introduce the structure of the banking sector. State of the law (§ 1) Austria banks a credit institution is a device experience and authorised by the financial markets authority to carry out banking activities and transactions, provided that were carried out for commercial purposes. Some follow traditional businesses and operations: allow other parties to archiving and management of financial assets. Running out of payment in cash and billing transactions. Providing loans and loan contracts closed. Receive custody of securities and management of these customers. Issuance of various resources of payment (e.g. credit cards, cheques). Issue of securities (e.g. bonds).
All banks are self-employed in a single scene in the sector. This means that there is no superior institution certain responsibilities and responsiveness.All banks in a single scene in the sector, is therefore equal to sculpture and competition. It has 48 Austria banks stocks on December 31, 2006.Together, had the total budget of € the 229,967,469 (thousands) that shows that 29% of total balance of all Austrian credit institutions that make the most important sector in Austria. Traditionally, focus banks stocks primarily on the financing of large industrial enterprises, as well as for the support of large customers who were active in the trade and commercial and industrial services. In addition, today these banks also engaged in foreign trade and export for the Austrian economy financing operations. Get more great community of independent States that belong to this sector is BAWAG, BA-CA Oberbank. This sector is one of the nine institutions smaller cash credits at the end of 2006. The amount of cumulative balance was € 74,180,655 (thousands), which provides that the relative size of 9 h 30%.For the reason that mortgage owned banks mainly by the respective State or province (country), is that its scope of activity is generally limited to this site.As the name explains, a mortgage bank primarily focuses on mortgage loans, when the loan is guaranteed by building rights and goods roots.
There are four partnerships and build Austria lending at the end of 2006.
Together, summarized his balance general €20,626,508 (thousands)
create the second smaller range of 2.59%. These banks are more
dedicated to granting loans for the purchase of properties of the building and construction, as well as joy apartments and residential buildings.Loans to build and loans to other clients in bank deposits of credit institutions. They were known, always for customers who are unable to build his house, because they are accompanied by very generous government subsidies.
There are special-purpose banks 84 Austria, recorded in late 2006. Total balance, total was € 82,911,193 (thousands) that provides this sector for more than 10% of the Austrian world sector. Special banks usually companies of social capital in specific tasks. The main areas are: export financing. Loans to medium and long term investment. Management of investment funds. Issuing of credit cards. Preparation of means of payment of severance pay. (The fact that the specific banks have limited concessions are generally, there are some exceptions) are not authorized to accept deposits from consumers.
All Austria branches in other countries of the European Union has spoken in the other three sites in June 2004. December 31st, 2006 the recently (as of June 30, 2004), "offices" formed sector contains 25 institutions credit with a cumulative balance of €8,614 total de.744 (thousand), offers the lowest percentage barely more than 1%. Individual fields in each branch business is resolved by its foreign parent company. It is similar to the Austrian credit institutions branches also have to declare their financial data on a regular basis.
An area of two floors is described as there are several institutions of higher credit and the credit institution with the capabilities of specific intervention and responsibilities. It is important to have a two-storey area does not automatically imply a group of companies. This means that when a superior to strengthen its financial statements, credit institution is not required that all members in the respective sector, but only of the business group. The main function of an upper central institution is the coordination of management and liquidity in the sector. You can manage liquidity in all institutions, few surplus of some banks and eliminate scarcity in other credit institutions.
This sector is composed of 56 banks in late 2006 and had a cumulative
total balance of €138,546,216 (thousands) makes the third sector
of Austria over 17% of the Austrian world sector. A point of view, there are two types of savings, namely society savings created by individuals and the community, the municipal savings bank formed by local communities and municipalities. It is mainly savings in terms of savings in enterprises in industrial and commercial fund-raising for the construction of residential and community projects loans deposits. Higher credit institution is home to der Erste Bank Sparkas sen AG and acts as the central sector institution.
There are 69 cooperatives with a total budget of € 45,518,153 (thousands), Volskbank credit that produces 5.71% of the total in Austria 2006. Credit originates from the trade associations established by artisans and small businesses in the middle of the 19th century. Today, these sectors think large area of the Volksbanken are active accomnied recently took private enterprise customers. Ã-sterreichische Volksbanken AG (Ã-VAG) serves as the top institution, check all branches in Vienna and the management of the Consortium Austria I.
Raiffeisen is only three levels Austria sector. Lower stage
consisting of individual Raiffeisen banks are available in all States and provinces. These contain the rights of property in accordance with the Raiffeisen-State banks (i.e. the width of the State of the province are located), laid down in
the second level of the sector. Finally, nine State banks owns the property rights in
superior (third level) central institution, whose name is Raiffeisen Central Bank. This sector has more distant credit institutions on December 31, 2006. There were 488 Austria, Raiffeisen banks with a budget of € in the 197,393,017 (thousands) to give the second highest percentage (27 74%) Austria totlled global sector. Usually these banks focuses primarily on the financing of the agricultural company. On the other hand, have more than one loan to Raiffeisen banks trade industry and business to agricultural undertakings in recent years. Typically, State banks focused greater regional commercial interaction and works in close collaboration with the respective State banks. Raiffeisen Central Bank is responsible for large commercial and investment banking business as well as the expansion in Eastern and southeastern Europe.
2.1.4. The Central Austria Bank (OeNB)
OeNB is Austrian Bank, and therefore part of the European system of
Central banks (ESCB). Since 1984, took the legal form of a parent undertaking as 70% owned by the Republic of Austria, while 30%
is divided between banks, insurance companies and various forms of trade
trade unions. OeNB is divided into four divisions, each led by a
Member of the Board. This area is monitored by the Office of the
General advice. Be part of the Eurosystem, the OeNB primarily interested
have made contributions to monetary policy focused on stability, ensuring a stable Austrian financial market gives individuals and businesses in Austria with
qualitative money, of non-infringement. One of the main instruments that apply to the OeNB
financial stability through the use of liquidity can be used to avoid a crisis
in the financial system and therefore to the lender of last resort. In addition
Central Bank owns and manages the currency and the currency reserves (e.g..)
(Background for change) to ensure a possible crisis euros.
There are many other features OeNB, but for the sake of simplicity, I played in key areas. Their role in Austria
Banking supervision, which are most relevant for this document, we will see later.
2.2 Austrian banking supervision of
After presenting the structure of the Austrian banking system I will do now
discuss banking supervision and their respective companies.
Like most European countries, Austria bank supervision is carried out by
more than one organization. Austria, what is the Federal Ministry for
Finance (Tharoor) and authority des marches financiers (AMF) Central Austria
Bank (OeNB). I'll describe each of the three separately with their functions,
responsibility and authority.
2.2.1 the Federal Department of Finance (Tharoor)
Function and role of Tharoor as assets Bank limited monitoring
participation. Passed legislation on all questions relating to the financial market
Austria and these actions (mainly in the Austrian Banking Act) is the basis for any
transport regulations adopted by the authority financial markets, as well as all activities
or measures of the Central Bank. It is also responsible for the FMA
This means that it must ensure that all the rules adopted by the FMA are
compatible with Austrian law. In addition, the Minister of capacity
request more information in addition to surveys conducted by one of
the other two agencies.
2.2.2 Authority des marchés financiers (AMF)
FMA has started its operations on April 1, 2002 and was designed to work as a
independent authority under parliamentary control. In the field in Austria
banking supervision, CAF is considered executive body with some
legislative capacity. Works closely with the Central-Austria Bank and
Therefore, I will discuss all aspects of as banking supervision
participate, and finally explain who is responsible for what.
FMA pieces of banking supervision in five areas:
Models and control standards
This Department oversees the banks internal risk assessment methods and
develops standards for monitoring and review, process control for the
recently used framework Basel II (described below in more detail). In reality, this
the site focuses on how this is related to risk management. In the light of its experience in the
Central Bank Austria performs necessary tasks in this area and acts as a
Advisor to the presentation of your data and expert opinion. Official supervision of credit institutions. FMA is responsible for licencias-permiso - allocation and reporting of credit institutions, as well as the procedure for institutions that are subject to the Austria Banking Act. In addition the FMA occupied by the Bank, as well as information system controls the authorities. Supervision of investor groups this site focuses on constant monitoring, procedures and legal issues relating to investment groups subject to different laws (law of the Fund investment, rights of severance pay funds, etc.) Analysis of the constituencies
Given the large number of banks in Austria, than earlier in this article, it is very
difficult for analysis instead of each of them; Therefore, the models used
developed by the OeNB to analyze areas of banks and therefore replace
some of the in situ checks a lot of expenses. In addition, out-of-analysis
used to determine if action is required at banks and in this case legal
to prepare them.
In situ analysis
This Department is responsible for the coordination of surveillance. FMA is
The only body that can request an analysis on the ground. For some fields will be assigned
verification of OeNB (e.g. market risk) and some verification shall be carried out by the
AMF with possible assistance from the OeNB (e.g., credit risk).
As already mentioned by the FMA can be regarded as Executive banking arm
surveillance with a low degree of legislative authority. Legislation can be
because there is only one of three organizations that can be passed to regulations eg.
How, why and when credit institutions must declare their financial data, as well as?
risk assessment and other information (more information about the financial reports of the banks)
(Described later in this article). One of the FMA works only as a leader
Organization demonstrates its ability to take a decision on a number of ways, if considered
It is necessary.
2.2.3. The Central Austria Bank (OeNB)
As mentioned earlier, OeNB plays an important role in Bank Austria
monitoring. There are four divisions of the Central Bank actively
participate in the analysis and monitoring: bancos-inspecciones, banking statistics
and reserve minimum credit and financial markets Analysis Division. In my
paper I will focus on the first two.
Banking service analysis and inspections are among other tasks.
It is responsible for on-site analysis when requested by the CAF.Traditionally, the
areas covered in these analyses is the risk of market and credit risks.However, FCA may at any time the OeNB perform more on-site monitoring. The
the reason why most of the analyses is each increasingly important is the
interdependence of market and other areas of a Bank and credit risk
Department of minimum reserves and banking statistics are divided into two
groups: intervention and monetary statistics. Only the last of the two relevant in relation to monitoring, banks because the monetary group
Works in collaboration with the Central Bank statistics, provides data
and therefore the purpose of forming of monetary policy. The data contain detailed information about banks, requirements of equity advantage and loss, balance sheet statements risk, accounts, etc., which will be discussed in more detail elsewhere in this document. Act (section 79) Austria banks determine the OeNB acts as a service organization to the FMA in the realization of these data. It also means that the Central Bank should be available at all times of the FMA data. Moreover, it is necessary to give an expert opinion by Tharoor and the FMA in all cases the banking sector.
When the FMA passed new regulations, first see the OeNB for a
Expert opinion. This experience is also present with Federal Minister of
G/l. The Central Bank is an advice of measurements in all financial markets
problems and also actively participates in international.
supervisory cooperation and the development of banking supervision standards.
This makes it possible for OeNB to play an important role in the legislative process.
To develop a platform for Austrian institutions.
financial markets creates a Committee on the financial market. Consists in a
representative of each of the three agencies and meets at least quarterly
The Federal Department of finance. The Commission has been designed to encourage
cooperation, as well as comments on the economic situation and challenges
the Austrian financial sector. Some of the topics discussed include internal
questions about the legal, political, topics in the financial markets and the European Union for the next
policies and their impact on Austria.
But this Committee, there are two additional forums regularly meet and act as a support to monitoring Bank Austria base. First is
Heads of divisions. As its name suggests, meet the leaders of the departments responsible for (banking supervision) OeNB and the FMA experts usually selected every two months to discuss issues on timeliness and issues that occurred during the respective divisions. Another forum is the body of coordination carried out of head of divisions Forum.
Here, the Executive Board of the meeting, Director General of the
economy and financial markets Department and the head of the section of the
financial stability and the OeNB Bank inspections.
When we use the term "Danger", we are all financial means risk or uncertainty of financial losses.
Credit risk is the potential as part of the bank counter borrower does not comply with the obligations of the agreed criteria. It is always led to the borrower in line with its commitments for one reason or another, which gave rise to the crystallization of the Bank's credit risk. Credit risk is inherent to the activity of loan transactions that are closely related to market risk variables funds.
Credit risk management objective is to reduce risk and maximize bank interest risk adjusted performance provided, and maintain the risks of credit within acceptable parameters. the severity of the loss which is set by default for reduced recoveries can do in probabilities of default. Therefore, credit risk is a result of risk and exposure. Thanks to a conversion and the total factor of. Measurement (gestion_dele_de_risque_de_crédit_comprend_un) rating and goal, b) quantification of estimate of loan losses expected c) the price of a scientific basis and d) control through effective loans and portfolio review management mechanism.
(A) credit risk management tool.
Instruments and tools, credit risk
the management is carried out, is described in detail below:
Prudential ØLímites:Límite of is related to the working capital: say 15% of each borrower, 40% for a group of 10% extra for infrastructure projects undertaken by the group, threshold limit is set at a lower level of exposure Metropark; Exposure, which is the sum total of exposure outside of the threshold limit shall not exceed the funds by the Bank (i.e. six to eight times) 600-800%.
ØRevisar renovación:Multi level authority credit wise constitutional delegation of powers, senior representative powers for customers better-rated; discriminatory timetable for consideration/renewal obstacle and fresh exhibitions benchmarking and renewal of frequency based on the evaluation of risks, etc. fees are formulated.
ØModelo riesgo:calendario insert on a scale of six to nine total risk system classification. Clearly defined thresholds and regular intervals preference ranking notation every year half of the test. Dimension of migration must be assigned to calculate expected loss.
ØEl scientific price risk ready prices expected loss link. Category to high-risk borrowers must be high. Based on standard historical data loss.Allocate capital to absorb unexpected losses. Adopt RAROC framework.
Credit portfolio deLiderazgo fortunes ØTratamiento should come from the need to maximize the benefits associated with the diversification and to reduce the potential negative impact on exposure concentration to a specific borrower, owner sector or industry. Require quantitative ceiling on total exposure in specific classification categories, distribution of the various industry providers, group companies and quick implementation portfolio reviews. The existing to monitor framework does loans in the quality of the balance sheet date step signal ready book. Requires a continuous good and the system for the identification of weaknesses in credit in advance on a regular basis. Introduction of measures to preserve the desired credit quality and integration with the decision-making process portfolio portfolio reviews.
ØMecanismo listoEsto examination should be independent credit operations. It is known also covers the process of review of the penalty, credit for the State of compliance, collect warning signals and recommend corrective to improve credit quality measures risk assessment. Target all loans on certain Court limits ensure that at least 30-40% of the portfolio is subject to per year to ensure that all the main credit incorporated into balance risks was succeeded by. try to make a qualitative change in credit management. Identify weaknesses in credit loans. To determine the adequacy of loan loss provisions. Policy compliance and procedures for the loan. The purpose of credit checks should extend account level global portfolio. Regular, good & that reporting to senior management must be guaranteed. Credit check has been on the site, i.e. advance branch revised, and where the limits of the most important cooperative is available.But there is no need to visit the plant and offices. borrower
Market risk can be defined as the possibility of loss that is caused by changes in the market variables store. This is the risk that the value of on-/ off-balance sheet positions be negatively affected by the movements of equity and commodity prices, exchange rates, and interest rate markets.Market risk is the remuneration of the banks and the capital is due to changes in market interest level or values Exchange prices and stocks, as well as volatilities, these price levels.
Market risk management provides a comprehensive and dynamic to measure, monitor and manage liquidity, foreign exchange, interest rate and equity work, as well as risk of commodities of a bank that must integrate closely with commercial bank pricing strategy framework.
(a) liquidity risk:
Bank deposits are usually much shorter than the contractual maturity loans and liquidity management should provide a pillow to cover expected deposit withdrawals. Liquidity is the ability to respond effectively also deposit debt reduction and fund loan growth and possible financing balance requirements. Cashflow at different times based on the likely future behavior of assets, liabilities and affiliates buckets out of balance. Liquidity risk is made up of financing risk, the risk of risk and call time.
Responsibility for active management (ALM) is part of the overall system of risk management in banks. It is consideration of all assets and liabilities at the same time continuously to ensure a balance between money and its distribution with respect to their
(performance costs ((les_profils_de_maturité_un) b) (c) (d)) the risk of exposure, etc. Includes the prices of products of deposits, as well as progress and payment profile desired assets and liabilities. Tolerances on variation file, mixture of presentation, the nature of the flows of cash, etc. should be established. Bank must monitor the effect of indeterminate loans and closing early deposit for calculating realistic cash flow profile.
(b) interest rate risk
Interest rate risk is a negative effect on net income and refers to the weakness of the economic situation of the institution to movement in interest rates. Changes in rates of interest income, value of assets, the responsibility of the balance sheet and cash flow items.
Interest rate risk management objectives maintain revenue, improve the capacity, the capacity to absorb potential losses and ensure the adequacy of the compensation received for risk and danger of effect back risk. Interest rate risk management aims to capture risks arising from the maturity and incompatibilities changes and measure compensation and the prospect of economic value. Income prospects is to analyze the effects of changes in rates of interest on cost accrual or reported revenues in the short term. This is measured by measuring the changes in net interest income (ITN) is equal to the total difference between the interest and total interest income.You want to manage interest rate risk, banks begin to assess the vulnerability of their portfolios with the risk of fluctuations in market interest rates. Such measures is the duration of the market value of an asset by the Bank and commitments for a percentage change in market interest rates.The difference between the average duration of the assets of the Bank and the average duration of the obligations of the Bank is known as the gap contemplating the bank interest rate risk exposure duration. Current liabilities (now) the Committee of the Bank uses the information in the duration gap analysis guide strategies and framework. To reduce the size of the length of the gap, banks reduce the risk of interest rates. From the economic point of view is the value to parse Active cash less cash flows expected in commitments and actual net balance sheet pending workflows.
(c) the risk of Forex
Currency risk is the risk that a bank may incur losses in a period where you have an open position of adverse exchange rate movements identify or transfer, or both, in the same currency. Even in cases where the positions of ink spot or forward currency is balanced mature pattern of previous transactions can produce differences. It is also a solution arising from risk of default counter part, and the time interval in a currency at a Center and a different currency in another time zone regulations. Banks are also at risk for interest from the incompatibility of the maturity of the currency position.Value at risk (VaR) indicates that risk that the Bank has been postponed due to the discovery of incompatibility and these positions deviations must be reviewed daily prices before widespread market announced by FEDAI for remaining maturity. Currency risk is the possibility that exchange rates will change the amount of loan principal and back or investments. Sometimes banks try to cope with risks specific loan by moving the risks associated with changes in the types of currency for borrowers.
Definition of open position limits appropriates and missing, limits of stop-loss, daylight, as well as limitations on the night for every currency, assign the boundaries and limitations of GAP, clear cuts and Division of responsibilities between the front, the median and element back-office of risk in foreign currency risk can be managed and monitored.
(d) country risk
This is the risk that occurs as a result of cross border which increases considerably in recent years due to economic liberalization and globalization transactions. The possibility that a country can not work or to pay the debt to foreign lenders in time. In the process, might be a situation where the seller (exporter) can provide the goods, but can not be paid or buyer (importer) can be paid in advance, but has not been issued the elements of one or the other reasons.
banks should consider funding and no-financiación branch exhibition foreign and domestic, in their case, while the identification, measurement, monitoring and control of the country risk. Advocated that the Bank should also take into account indirect risk countries. For example, exposures to a domestic commercial borrower with heavy economic dependence on a country in particular are considered subject to country risk indirectly.Exposure is calculated on a net basis, i.e. gross exposure less guarantees, warranties, etc. NET can consider warranty in / guarantees issued by the country in a category of lower risk and can afford by Banco-contribución countries. Interbank exposures guidelines suggest that banks should use classifications for countries with international rating agencies and rank countries risk sense in six categories as negligible, low, medium, high, very high and credit rating. But banks authorised to adopt a more conservative categorization of countries.
Continue to live with the risk of human error, financial fraud, and banks of natural disasters. Recent developments such as Barings WTC tragedy mask etc. highlighted possible losses due to operational risks. Exponential growth in the use of technology and increased global economic relations are two primary changes have contributed to these risks. Defined as not classified as credit or market risk, operational risk is the risk of loss due to insufficient or not manage internal systems and people or from external events. If you want to reduce this, internal audit and internal control as the primary medium systems.
Awareness of the risk to learn complex operations at all levels of staff can also reduce operational risk. Insurance coverage is an important mitigating operational risk. Operational risk events are associated with weak links in internal control routines. The key to the functioning of risk management lies in the ability of the Bank to assess its vulnerability process and to establish controls and safeguards give the worst scenarios contingency. Operational risk includes a breakdown of internal controls and gives rise to errors, fraud, breach, corporate governance and governance renounced the benefits of the Bank, which resulted in financial losses. Only implement the practice of corporate governance can serve as a tool for the effective management of risks. Bank shall strive to promote a common understanding of organizations which operate the risk that operational risks usually associated with the credit or market risk, and it is difficult to isolate. During a period of managing credit risk and the market has evolved in a way which is more advanced than the operational risks that the former can easily measure, monitor and analyze. And yet the root causes of financial fraud and loss is the result of operational risk is caused by the incorrect internal control mechanism and that resources are not used for employees. So far, not been operational risk scientific measure development. Therefore the cost of 20% of capital goods destined for subsequent operational risks and the data entry is reduced to 12%. While operational risk measurement and fresh capital in accordance with the proposed Basel team must be objective, what to do at the moment is the implementation of the Basel proposed incremental early and carefully thought in that direction. Incentives for the relocation of the ca banks
Total de activos
Banco Austria Creditanstalt AG 209.170
First Bank Sparkas sen AG 200.574 home
Raiffeisen Central Bank Austria Aktiengesellschaft 137.402
Ã-sterreichische Volksbanken-Aktiengesellschaft 78.641
BAWAG p.s.k Bank for employment and the economy and
Austrian 44.847 postsparkasse Aktiengesellschaft
Hypo Alpe Adria Banco Internacional AG 37.939
(Control de Banco Austrian, 33.019)
Europea Austria AG (24.919)
Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich Aktiengesellschaft 25.267
Raiffeisenlandesbank Baja Austria Wien AG 19.554