In this paper we describe how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Distributed Operating Systems (DS) interact in the development of applications. There are two ways in which AI and DS might interact. The first is the use DS as the base platform to develop an AI application. The second is the use AI techniques to develop a control module for one or more of the services that a DS provides.
In the AI field there are several reasons to use DS, one is the need to reduce the running time of AI programs by exploiting the use of multi-processors. Other reason is just because of the nature of some applications, like the coordination of agents that reside in different computers and need to communicate to accomplish their goal. This communication can be achieved using different approaches provided by DS. Another reason is the use of distributed knowledge bases.
In the field of DS, AI paradigms are used as the decision-maker tool for service assignment. An example is a load-balancing module. We are going to refer to several applications to show some of these AI and DS interactions.
2 Distributed Natural Language Summarization [Dragomir].
We have experienced that in some cases a search in the web consumes a lot of time, specially reviewing the information retrieved for a specific topic. Furthermore, there are cases in which we would like to automatically receive updates about that topic as soon as those appear.
The purpose of this application is to solve those problems providing summaries of the information found from the different sources; the summaries are shown to the user in natural language, and new information about the topic will be automatically processed and sent to the user in the same format. For example, if the user is interested in the DS topic the objective of the system is to continuously send him summaries (in natural language) of the updates in the topic from different sources. It is important to mention that the summaries consider multiple articles from multiple sources.
The approach used to solve the problem considers several types of agents. The first type has the task of collecting information from different sources and is called "data collector". The second type of agent is responsible for the task of summarizing the information; this agent is called "summarizer". The third type of agent functions as a database server and provides ontological information used to add or relate information in the natural language construction phase, this agent is called "database server". The fourth type of agent is the "planner", which is responsible of maintaining the coordination between the facilitator agents to update the summarizer knowledge base (keeping track of the information that has already been sent to the user).
The communication module is used for the interchange of messages in the distributed environment. This module uses the KQML [Finin et al. 1994] standard; which provides the communication protocol and the message format.
The environment is naturally distributed since the information to summarize is distributed in many servers, the ontological information resides in different servers as well as the different types of agents, and the users belong to different locations. This is an example of those applications that require a DS model because the parts of the application are essentially distributed. The application performance is strongly dependent of its communication capability. Some of the essential properties of the application are location transparency and communication transparency.
3 Distributed Knowledge Networks [Honavar et al].
Technology advances like the increment of capacity in disk storage and the increment of speed in networking communication make possible the development of applications to exploit very large sources of information geographically distributed through agents that provide information to a decision-maker. The effectiveness of this type of applications depends of two essential factors directly related with the decision-maker. First, the decision-maker needs the right information at the right time, and second, the decision-maker should not loose time reviewing irrelevant information.
An elegant approach to address this problem is the use of Distributed Knowledge Networks (DKN). Distributed Knowledge Networks make use of different types of agents and tools to solve the different problems found to create an application in the environment described before. The problems to overcome and goals to achieve are:
Geographically distributed data sources. DKN use information assistants (agents) to make an intelligent, selective and context sensitive data gathering in the different locations. Ideally this agents learn about user preferences so that they work properly according to the user interest.
Transmit the less amount of information possible over the network. DKN use mobile software agents to provide this capability. The concept is that the agent is transported to the appropriate site and performs computation there and only transmits the results over the network.
Work in heterogeneous systems because data resides over machines with different hardware (including sensors) and software. DKN intelligent software agents are able to operate in this environment.
Work with different types of data like text, images, relational databases, etc. DKN puts the information into a data warehouse that is used to perform further analysis using data discovery techniques.
Information in the data sources changes continuously. The DKN software agents are able to detect those changes and update the knowledge repositories.
Managing large volumes of data. The purpose of the software agents is not only to provide the found information to the decision-maker but search for hidden information that might be implied by the relations of the specific information in the databases. DKN works this using the knowledge-discovery process, which includes the use of data-mining tools.
Modular design. The complexity of the overall approach requires partitioning the problem in sub-tasks that are more easily solved. DKN considers each data source as a module, which is managed by "more or less" autonomous agents. Now there is a necessity to coordinate those agents.
Other issues to consider for the development of DKN application are those concerned with security, reliability, fault tolerance and performance.
Once we described the type of problems to address in the construction of DKN applications, let us describe how it is done, which are the modules and which technology is used to implement each module of the DKN. The DKN consists of a mobile agent infrastructure compound of intelligent agents for information retrieval, information extraction, assimilation, and knowledge discovery; it also requires software to deal with the coordination and control of the interacting agents.
The system is based on an object design. Mobile agents can move from one site to another to achieve their tasks. This is done to avoid sending large amount of useless information across the network, instead the information is processed in-site and the result is transmitted through the network. The mobile agent infrastructure needed to accomplish this task is provided by three components, the first are agent servers, the second an agent interface and the third are agent brokers. A platform independent implementation has been designed using Java and CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture).
Several types of agents can be used in the implementation. We can use reactive agents, deliberative agents, utility-driven agents, learning agents or a combination of them. Machine learning techniques have been used to achieve the tasks of information retrieval, information assimilation, and knowledge discovery. Data mining tools are used for the knowledge discovery task applied to the constructed data warehouse. Some of the data mining tools that can be used for this purpose are neural networks, statistical methods, syntactic methods, rule induction and evolutionary techniques; depending of what is being looked for. The contract net protocol is being used to perform the coordination task of the agents.
This paper clearly illustrates through DKN how the Distributed Operating Systems platform and Artificial Intelligence techniques are used together to construct an application that provides an intelligent service with information sources dispersed geographically. This architecture has been designed to provide services that in essence are distributed but that require intelligence to achieve an efficient result.
4 Parallel Search Using Machine Learning [Cook & Varnell]
The main idea presented by the authors of the paper is how parallelism improves the performance of search using the Iterative Deepening A* (IDA*) algorithm. IDA* is an optimal and complete algorithm that uses an evaluation function to decide which node is the next for expansion according to:
f(n) = g(n) + h(n).
where g(n) is the cost of the path so far and h(n) is the estimated cost to the goal. IDA* can be run on MIMD parallel processor, a distributed network of workstations or in a single processor machine with multithreading.
Now lets see how the tasks can be distributed. One method is to use Parallel Window Search (PWS). In this approach a copy of the entire search tree is given to each processor that will perform a search using a specific threshold (or depth.) Now we have all the processors searching at a different threshold. If a processor finishes the search on that threshold without finding a solution, a different threshold is assigned to it to perform another search. In the case that an optimal solution is required, processors that found a solution must wait for processors that have not finished but that are using a smaller threshold. A second method consists on the distribution of the search tree among the available processors; this approach is called Distributed Tree Search (DTS.) Now each processor will have a node of the tree and it will be responsible for the search in the whole sub-tree starting at the received node. In this approach, all the processors search at the same threshold. If there are not as many nodes as processors, it is possible to start with a breadth-first expansion to get enough nodes to distribute among the processors.
There will be cases where some processors will finish their work before others. If we want to minimize the idle time of our processors we need to implement a load-balancing technique. Load balancing consists of two steps, the first is the selection of a node to request work from. In the second step, the selected processor decides which work is going to give. For the first step, an idle node can request work from its nearest neighbor. A second method is to select randomly a processor to request work from. A third method is to assign a master processor to keep track of the workload of every processor and send information to loaded processors about idle processors so that they can send work to those idle processors. A good approach is to request work when the processor is about to finish but with enough time to get the work before it finishes.
The paper also presents the EUREKA system, which implements the strategies explained before. The EUREKA system contains a module that use the C4.5 learning system to select the best strategies for a new problem instance.
The utilization of parallel processing involves the use of tools for message passing techniques to coordinate the processors and to distribute the work through scheduling and load balancing. In the case of this implementation, PVM was used.
5 Reinforcement Learning and Scheduling [Zhang & Dietterich].
Reinforcement learning techniques can be used to solve the problem of job scheduling. A reinforcement learning algorithm learns policies that specify which action should be taken at each state. During the learning phase, a "reward" is assigned to each action so that good actions can be differentiated from bad actions.
The reinforcement function R(s, a, s') is the positive or negative reward for going to state s' by taking action a in state s. If s' is a good state in the path to the goal, the reward is positive (or greater,) otherwise the reward is negative (or smaller.)
To apply repair-based reinforcement learning to the schedule problem, we start with an initial critical path schedule that does not consider resource constraints. This is the initial state S0. A reward of -0.001 is assigned to a schedule that still violates resource constraints. If the schedule is free of violations the reward is the negative of the Resource Dilation Factor defined as:
where TRUI(S) is the total resource utilization index:
where RUI is the Resource Utilization Index that for a schedule of length l is the sum of the resource utilization index taken over all n resources and all l times. The RUI is defined as:
where is the utilization of resource i at time t, and is the capacity of resource i.
In the reinforcement learning algorithm we apply the policy ï° to the current state to get the best action that can be taken in state s:
we also define an associated function to get the cumulative reward that will be received for going to state an onward:
where N is the number of steps to find a conflict free schedule. In order to learn the policy function, a feed-forward neural network is used:
where w is the vector of weights of the network. The temporal difference error at step j is:
The smoothed gradient is defined by:
the updates to the weights are given by:
where ï¡ is the learning rate and ï¬ is the smoothing gradient.
The features used to train the neural network are:
Mean and standard deviation of the free pool capacity for bottleneck pools.
Mean and standard deviation of slacks.
Modified RDF.
Over-allocation index.
Percentage of windows in violation.
Percentage of windows in violation that can be resolved by pool reasignment.
Percentage of time units in violation.
First violated window index (normalized).
Although the authors of the paper did not apply the method to scheduling considering a computing environment (assign processors time, memory, I/O, etc.), I think that it is possible to try it in that environment and compare its performance with other algorithms. Something else to consider is that this algorithm could be used to schedule jobs to multiple processors but we are not considering to have the scheduler itself distributed among several processors.
6 Decision Trees on Parallel Processors [Kufrin].
Decision Trees (DT) are a tool used to classify examples of data from a domain. If enough examples are used to construct the tree, it can be used to classify new examples. This process is called the training of the DT, then DT are considered as a supervised learning method. DT have been successfully used for the task of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD). Since the KDD process is applied to real world domain databases, it is frequent to see large amount of training data. Then, the training method must be very efficient so that the training phase does not consume too much time and space.
Parallelism is one way to speed up the training phase. The architecture to use might be a multiprocessor machine or a network of workstations using software like PVM and now we have Parallel Decision Trees (PDT).
DT algorithms like ID3 and C4.5 use the divide and conquer approach to find the solution. ID3's classification algorithm looks like:
Examine the examples, if all belong to the same class, terminate.
Evaluate potential splits, use a goodness measure and select the best split.
Divide the examples in two groups corresponding to the previous split.
Recursively apply the DT algorithm to the previous groups.
Some issues to consider by a DT algorithm are the types of values to deal with (categorical, ordinal and contiguous), the method to choose the partitions, the way to evaluate those partitions and the prunning strategies.
One approach to parallelize the DT work is to assign a node of the DT to each processor. The problem with this model is that some nodes will finish early and will remain idle. This problem can be solved with a master coordinator that keeps track of the workload of each node and assign work to the idle processors.
A second method is called "Attribute Based Decomposition". In this case, each processor is assigned an attribute to work with, so that the evaluation of all the attributes can be processed concurrently.
In the third approach the data is parallelized, then each processor will work with a different subset of data. This will make more efficient the basic operation of ID3 that consists of counting the examples that belong to a class with an attribute set to a specific value (frequencies of attribute-value per class of the training examples). In this approach we have a coordinator processor which does not keep any data but receives the calculations from the worker nodes to decide which is the best split. The coordinator also notifies each of the workers which split they have to make and it also keeps the structure of the DT. If parallization is made using a network of workstations, a message passing system is needed to transfer the information needed to accomplish the task. The network communication overhead will not affect the DT algorithm performance because data transmission is fast and we are also speeding up the process with the data parallization.
7 Conclusion
The description of the previous applications and approaches to solve problems integrating Artificial Intelligence techniques with Distributed Systems architectures give us the idea of which are some of the current areas of study in Artificial Intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence approaches are usually expensive and there is a constant interest to reduce the response time of their algorithms. One way to do it is the creation of new algorithms that overcome the previous, but this is not always possible. A second way to do it is to wait for faster processors, but there will always be something that the fastest processor will not be able to deal with. Finally, the most viable option is the use of Distributed Systems techniques that help us to maximize the use of the available resources, and in that way to make possible the speedup of our applications.
Another important achievement gotten with the use of Distributed Systems architectures is the use of complex environments geographically distributed and coordinated by intelligent agents.
In the case of the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques to control Distributed Systems services we did not cover specific mechanisms that have been created for that purpose, instead we showed some basic techniques that can be applied for it (like the job scheduling technique already explained).