Finally, and most importantly, the two voices in Anne Bradstreet's poems show how love and affection is needed towards a woman's struggle in society. In "The Prologue," Bradstreet is faced with societal issues based on why women should not write poetry, but Bradstreet has a passion for poetry, so she continues to push forward. Bradstreet recognizes her handicap in the society of poetry, as well as her gender playing a huge role. She writes, "My foolish, broken, blemished Muse so sings, / And this to mend, alas, no Art is able, / 'Cause Nature made it so irreparable"(Lines 16-18). Bradstreet recognizes that she has a lot going against her. Not only has Nature been the cause for her gender to be unequal, but it has also become nearly impossible to be equal. Bradstreet's love for her work is the only fuel that drives her to confront those who oppose her as a writer. In "To My Dear and Loving Husband," Bradstreet signifies that "Thy love is such I can no way repay, The heavens reward thee manifold I pray. Then while we live, in love let's so persever, That when we live no more, we may live ever" (Lines 9-12). Given that Women have no social authority in society, she simply glorifies her husband's love as a twist to becoming part of society and being accepted. Bradstreet uses a paradox to give an example that will be current with puritan theology; Even after death, our love will survive. It is clear that Bradstreet's unconditional love in her poem is for her husband and his promised love in return. So, the two voices in Anne Bradstreet's Poems share similarities of love and affection towards a woman's struggle in society.
The two voices in Anne Bradstreet's "The Prologue" and "To My Dear and Loving Husband," are clearly similar in that they both express heartfelt feelings towards the Puritan Society. Bradstreet uses metaphors and imagery in both poems to characterize the identity theme. The two voices are also similar by voicing their opinion on the role society has placed them into. And lastly, the two voices in Anne Bradstreet's poems illustrate the love and affection that is needed for a woman to deal with the overwhelming struggles facing her in Puritan Society.