Pan Asia banking corporation PLC(PABC bank) was established as pan Asia bank Ltd on 26th October 1995 as a commercial bank.PABC bank currently functions as a fully locally owned, public company registered at the Colombo stock exchange.PABC bank faced many obstacles on its way to success. By now the bank has opened 36branches representing the country's main cities as well as in out stations, providing their service to a wider spectrum of communities and customers. The bank also has more than 200 corresponding banking agents around the world to facilitate the international trading activities. All their branches are interlinked in order to provide customers with the facility of any where banking at branch level as well as through automated teller machines (ATM) located at every branch. Throughout the years PABC Bank has developed a strong reputation for providing outstanding service to clients and strongly supporting local communities Pan Asia bank provides consumer banking, corporate banking as well as online banking for their customers.
Vision and mission of the PABC
Their vision-"to become the most customer preferred bank in sri lanka"
Their mission-"we will create the largest satisfied customer base by providing professional, personalized, secure, quality, banking and financial services, using modern technology & innovative products. We will delight our customer, create a better future for employees and enhance stakeholder value"
Main activities and primary activities relevant to them
1.Consumer banking
PABC consumer banking provides all the essential services like savings account operations, current account operations, provisions of personal loans, home loans, credit card services and ATM facilities to persons or individuals.
PABC consumer banking will manage your financial needs conveniently and quickly through PABC consumer banking you can make you day to day banking faster, easier and more convenient and also PABC has provided their customers many loan schemes for your personal requirements identifying your needs.
Personal accounts
Sammana senior savings
Star savings account
Personal savings accounts (LKR)
Personal current account (LKR)
Minor accounts
Foreign currency accounts
Resident Non National Foreign Currency account (RNNFC)
Resident Foreign Currency account (RFC)
Non Resident Foreign Currency account (NRFC)
Deposits and investments
Ranaviru Harasara
Certificates of deposit
Repo(re-purchase agreements )
Treasury bills and treasure bonds
Call deposits
Fixed deposits
Special accounts
Senior foreign nationals' fixed deposit foreign currency accounts(SFNFDA)
Share investment external rupee accounts(SEIRA)
Rupee account for non resident sri lankan investment(RANSI)
Treasury bond investment external rupee account(TIERA)
Special foreign investment deposit accounts(SFIDA)
"nivasa" Home loan
Safety locker facilities
Money to your home
Foreign exchange services
Pan Asia bank leasing
Pan Asia bank pawning
Credit cards
2.Corporate banking
PABC has specialized in corporate banking it always serves the growing companies and provides the necessary financial solutions with flexible terms and creative approaches. Basically pan Asia bank Corporation understands a company's ambition and their macro objectives and will work towards accomplishment, to the benefit of both parties.
PABC bank delivers innovative and intergraded financial solutions and products to help local enterprises in their growth domestically as well as overseas. PABC banking services and products are included with loan facilities, fixed asset financing, trade financing ,cash management services ,leasing and hire purchase loans ,stand by letters of credit, ,bank guarantees custodian services ,and a variety of forex ,business protection productions such as treasury as well as government financial assistance schemes in addition to our lending products.
PABC customers enjoy many benefits with the convenient and efficient service facilitated by our group of employees. PABC network of branches, and various self service banking channels including our electronic banking platform 'PABC online' which is accessible anytime, anywhere
Corporate banking
Domestic banking unit
Foreign currency banking unit
Foreign Currency banking unit caters to
Business Enterprises Approved by the board of Investment of Sri Lanka (BOI)
Exchange houses / Foreign currency banking units
Nonresident Companies / Individuals
Companies / resident approved by Exchange control department of central bank of Sri Lanka
Customers are eligible to obtain the following facilities for designated currencies
Working capital finance /Overdrafts
Project financing /syndicated loans
Trade finance.
Issuance & Documentary credit
Import / Export Loans
Shipping Guarantees
Export DC advising and conformation
Export bill negotiation / Discounting
Imports / Exports collections
Integrated payment solutions
Integrated receivable solutions
Benefit for the customers
Normal exchange control regulations not applicable
No Customs duty
Lower interest rates on borrowings
No effect on exchange rate fluctuation
Tax benefits
3.Online banking
Online banking is making bank transactions or paying bills via internet. PABC online banking allows you to make deposits, withdrawals and paying bills very conveniently and securely with online banking. PABC promise their customers for the highest level of security to carry on their financial transactions online.
Online banking
Internet banking info
Online security
SMS banking
Mobile credit/debit
Scope of PABC
PABC delivers a comprehensive range of innovative banking service and the a financial solution to the individual .their philosophy is to delivers value at affordable cost to meet customer needs through innovative solution .products and services within the personal banking service include attractive account schemes, deposits and investment schemes, credit card, loans, leasing and assistance in insurance schemes through relationship banking. They deliver these products and service through wide network of PABC branches, PABC ATMs, online banking and SMS banking services added convenience to the customers and giving options to bank the way the customer wants and not how the bank wants. Their consumer banking services center the entire valued customers through the branch network with the foreign exchange needs in travelling overseas and their credit card needs.
Values shared by employees
PABC bank is operated on an organization wise code of conduct. It is a form of voluntary self regulation which was first established for few years. It defines 12 core values that all the employees of PABC bank should follow when performing business operations or when interacting with colleagues, clients and other stakeholders.
Ethical Values
Performance Values
Service Excellence
Risk culture