Language is the most important thing in our life. People communicate with others by using language. Without language we can not communicate with other people properly. Even deaf or dump people can communicate with others by using their special language or sign language. People talk, share their thought, feeling and emotion through language either spoken or written. In the world, there are many different languages in different countries. It is possible that there are many languages used in one country. Although have so many different languages, people use it for one reason, that is to communicate. They communicate with each other either spoken or written through sentences.
Sometimes people do not get what we said to them. It is not because they do not hear it or something. However, occasionally we say a sentence which has more than one meaning. As a result, the listeners will have some different interpretations and this will make confusion for the listener. In this case, this misunderstanding is called an ambiguity. We can find ambiguous sentences everywhere, not only when people say something to us or spoken but we can also find it in written forms, like in the book, newspaper, magazine, and so on. This ambiguity can happen if there are more than one meaning which can be interpreted by the people who read or listen to the ambiguous sentences or phrases.
There are three kinds of ambiguity according to Ullmann (as cited in Tambunan 202, 204); phonetic, grammatical or structural, and lexical ambiguity. Phonetic ambiguity appears in spoken only, e.g. when we say near, not all people will catch near as the meaning of close by or next to. Nevertheless, some people can misunderstand what they hear. They can possibly hear near as an ear or a near as well. Grammatical or structural ambiguity appears because of the resemblance of phrase. Each word which form a phrase actually should be clear, but the combination can be interpreted more than one meaning. For example in the sentence I met a number of old friends and acquaintances. The word old (past or someone who has been already old, in this case about age matter) in this sentence can be connected with friends (people who you know well but not in family members) and acquaintances which means people that you have met but do not know well. In that sentence, where is meant by the past, is it friends or acquaintances? In lexical ambiguity it has been explained that each word can contain more than one meanings. A word can lead to something different according to the usage.
As the writer mentioned above that ambiguous sentences or phrases can be shown in the written forms. Based on this research the writer chooses the source data from a newspaper that is Suara Merdeka. It is the largest Indonesian daily newspaper in Central Java, Indonesia which is made in Semarang, Central Java. There are some sections that is offered by this news, such as headline, business, advertisement, your letters, entertainment, and so on. In this paper, the writer will conduct a research in the news title of each section which has ambiguous meaning.
This research is in the field of Linguistics.
In this paper the writer focuses on lexical and structural ambiguity in the title news of each section in Suara Merdeka newspaper. The data of this research are taken from all titles in each section of the newspaper which has ambiguous meaning.
The research question can be formulated as follows:
Which words, sentences or phrases are possibly ambiguous?
What classes of word are lexically ambiguous?
What kinds of sentence are structurally ambiguous?
Which type of ambiguity is the most dominant?
The objectives of this paper are to answer the problem of this research which are mentioned above. They are:
To find out words, sentence or phrases are possibly ambiguous.
To analyze the classes of word that can be lexically ambiguous.
To analyze the kinds of sentence or phrases that can be structurally ambiguous.
To determine the most dominant type of ambiguity.
The result of this study provides the readers to improve their ability in understanding the ambiguous sentence, phrase, or word in written language. This research will contribute as the reference for the study of semantics and syntax in teaching and learning activity. Moreover for the people who are interested in lexical and structural ambiguity for their research.
Ambiguity appears when something has more than one possible meaning and may therefore cause confusion (Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary 43).
Lexical Ambiguity
According to Grenat and Taher in Al - satil journal (10), lexical ambiguity refers to the type of ambiguity those results from the occurrence of homonyms.
Structural Ambiguity
A sentence is called structurally ambiguous if there is more than one complete structural description that may be assigned to it (Tesar, par. 1).
Semantic Theories
As a branch of linguistics, semantics is defined as the study of the meaning. Yule (100) says that "Semantics deals with the conventional meaning conveyed by the use of words, phrases and sentences of a language."
In semantics it can be seen what is meant by meaning, the kinds of meaning, anything which is connected by meaning, the components of meaning, whether meaning is changed or not, why meaning can be changed, either each word has only one meaning or more, how we comprehend the meaning of a word or sentence easily, everything can be traced through semantics (Pateda 2).
There are two ways in investigating meaning of words in a sentence; conceptual and associative meaning. Conceptual meaning is the basic components of meaning carry on literal use of words. For example, the word needle has the meaning of sharp, thin, an instrument for sewing. Associative meaning is like the connotation of words. For example, the word needle has the meaning of pain, illness, drug, thread, or knitting. In this association meaning, it is possible that each person may have different interpretations (Yule 100).
"An idea has to be sent clearly and meaningfully, so it will not cause misunderstanding in comunication. Ambiguity can cause wrong perception in people's mind when evaluating something" (Suryaslavia 7).
According to Clare (par 4), something is called ambiguous when it can be understood in two or more possible senses or ways.
A word or sentence is ambiguous when it has more than one sense. A sentence is ambiguous if it has two (or more) paraphrases which are not themselves paraphrases of each other. For example, We saw her duck is a paraphrase of We saw her lower her head and of We saw the duck belonging to her. In this case, we consider that We saw her duck is ambiguous (Hurford and Heasley 121).
"Ambiguity can arise in a sentence for a number of reasons; through the ascription of multiple meanings to single words, thorugh the assignment of different syntactic structures to a sentence, or through the use of certain expression that may have semantic scope" (Cann 8).
Lexical Ambiguity