Business Process and Reengineering is the analysis and design of workflow, effectiveness of processes within an organization. Business process is a set of reasonably related task performed to accomplish a defined business result. It is the basis for several fresh developments in management. Processes might involve two types of behavior: Managerial (example develops a budget) and Operational. The cross-functional team has become popular because the desire to re-engineer divide functional responsibilities into completes cross-functional processes. Business process reengineering it is approach for redesigning and way work is fixed to improved support the organization's mission and reduces costs. Reengineering is fundamental restart with a high-level assessment of the organization's mission, planned goals, and customer requirements. Business process and reengineering is a theory that was introduces in the mid 1990s and it was a more radical form of organizational change, and was described as 'obliteration' by Hammer. Dixon et al. Reengineering begins with a clean sheet of paper. It focuses on the desired results from a process, rather than on functional or individual unit needs. "Reengineering is revolutionary with both significant risk and expected payoff" (Dixon et al., 1994, p5). Business process reengineering has been describe as the basic rethinking and radical redesign of production processes to achieve staged improvements in critical, contemporary events of presentation such as cost, quality, service, and speed (Hammer and Champy, 1993).
Business process and reengineering is a theory that breaks from existing practices and structures and is not incremental improvement, but rather involves changing direction.
Gore (1997) believes has arisen as a result of people's aggravation with the time to implement Total Quality Management. It is also a theory that has as main concern to increase the recital of the company and satisfy the customers.
Example of company that uses that approach is any company that is production mostly with information systems.
A process is a structured, measured position of activities designed to create a specified production for an exacting customer or market. "It implies a strong emphasis on how work is done within an organization" (Davenport 1993)
Importance of Information System
In current years, present has be an excess of new technologies in the information systems field. These new technologies have distorted the very increase process itself. Information systems have departed from being a progression of one rank record to three dimensional actuality, virtual reality, and multimedia systems. In the beginning days of information systems, the burden was for data, with no real function of simulated intelligence. Nevertheless, as the 21st century approaches, businesses have taken on an absolutely different function, and the need for entity information systems has grown enormously.
The exact of information technology is in all area of business: corporations, law, medicine, science and even small business.
"An information system is a social system, which has implanted in it information technology. The extent to which information technology plays a part is increasing rapidly. But this does not prevent the overall system from being a social system, and it is not possible to design a robust, effective information system, incorporating significant amounts of the technology without treating it as a social system." F. Land (1985: 215)
"An organizational system that consists of technical, organizational and semiotic elements which are all re-organized and expanded during ISD [information system development] to serve an organizational purpose." Lyytinen and Newman (2006)
Services 2000, In the information age, the organizations that survive will be those which succeed in using computer-based information systems to provide sustainable competitive advantage. An information system is a few combinations of information technology and people's actions using that technology to maintain operations, management, and decision-making. In a very broad understanding, the phase information system is commonly use to refer to the contact between people, algorithmic processes, data and technology. In this sense, the statement is used to pass on not only to the information and communication technology (ICT) an organization uses, but also to the approach in which people interact with this technology in sustain of business processes. Hansen, Gann, Groak, (1998)
Several make a clear difference among information systems, and computer systems ICT, in addition business processes. Information systems are individual from information technology in that an information system is classically seen as have a communication technology module. Information systems are also diverse from business processes. Information systems rally round to manage the performance of business processes.
Problem facing Information System
Failure to deliver the right IS applications on time
Rushing off IS development process
Inability to change IS development approach to process-based
Insufficient IS application communications capabilities
Inadequate action of compatibility issues
Insufficient telecommunication infrastructure capabilities
Insufficient database infrastructure capabilities
Importance of Information Technologies
BPR is a method that promotes change and introduces new process and new styles of working. These elements are well-known as enablers and may be clear as basics that act as vehicles for procedure to change. "Information Technology promotes changes in organizations, mainly changes in the nature of the work, the integration of business functions, and the transformation of competitive forces." [Scott-Morton, 1991].
Information Technology can help formulate the change promote by reengineering, and it can be measured as an enabler of Business Process & Reengineering. There are several studies that show IT as a basic capacitor of process redesigning [Harrington, 1991]. However, how be able to IT help in altering processes? Processes may be classified according to two scopes: degree of mediation and degree of collaboration [Teng et al., 1994]. A procedure at a high degree of mediation involves a large number of intermediate steps; perform in a range of function that adds eventually to the process result. A process at a low down degree of conciliation has several functions that give directly to the process product without the mediation of chronological steps. The regularity and attentiveness of information exchange can range from none (process at the short degree of teamwork) to wide.
Information Technology is increasing at a very rapidity over the very last few years according to winning and well predictable people in the Information Technology sector, this increase is possible to stay stable. There are numerous businesses which are in desire of the software packages for rewarding their prepared as well as purposeful needs. For satisfying this requirement, these companies sign deal with the software developed companies. Information technology is practical in ensuring the downy functioning of the entire department in a company such as the human resource department, finance department, manufacturing department as glowing in shield related purposes. Using help of information technology, the companies in the vehicle manufacturing sector are understandable to get rid of quite a lot of sort errors or mistake in the proper implementation of the tools used for plan and manufacturing purpose. Outstanding growth of the information technology segment the companies are mortal able to stay themselves awake of the changes in the universal markets. The software applications and the hardware plan are recognized to be the main fundamentals of the use of information technology. Information technology performing an important part in easily solving the numerical problems and also in the project management organization. Information technologies have a huge use in the computerized production of aware information, mechanical up gradation of the significant business processes and the mechanical restructuring of the various business processes. It has also play a significant role in the areas of announcement and computerized administration of entire systems.
Meaning of information technology in management is moderately important. It helps the managers in become accustomed to the new business processes in calculation to be expecting the possible impact of new technologies. The managers be able to promote from the efficiently ready computer correspondence and the electronically store classified information. With in a minute of single click the mouse, they can have the associated information in obverse of their screen. However, in classify to be able to hold these software packages in enhanced; the managers be supposed to have undergone quality guidance in information technology. Taking this require into reflection, many corporate companies are seen enchanting special efforts for the increase of these soft skills by training programs ready by experienced software professionals.
Problem facing Information Technology
Optimizing lower-level processes that can be outsourced for cheaper
Premature IT outsourcing
Costing models fail to consider the totality of system elements
Failure to mutually consider and align both business strategies and IT infrastructure strategies
Difficulty of modelling and simulating the new business processes
Failure to continually assess emerging IT capabilities
Failure to aggressively use IT enablers
Lack of documentation, or obsolete documentation
Loss of human system expertise
Inability to recover total system architecture
Re-engineering unfinished systems
Insufficient understanding about existing IT infrastructure
Implementation of Information Technology in BPR
1. Implementation of the new means through the use of project organization and process analysis tools. These help recognize structure and estimate all related activities. They smooth the progress of tracking and supervision employee's possible against commitments. Contingencies and problem that arise throughout the implementation phase can be handled and controlled.
2. Electronic infrastructure enables uncompleted and real time statement of the process connecting users and facilitators. IT helps to defeat geographic barriers.
3. Evaluating the budding investments and income of the reengineering efforts is totally essential. How can the charge of any definite reengineering process in the company process be objectively questioned? The reengineering group or management should have sufficient information to decide the value the new procedure contribute to the generally presentation. Pacific Bell management is using the tactic to target ''right'' process for reengineering and to measure the changes that have made and the returns of the reengineering efforts. Housel, Bell, Kanevsky,1994
4. A fundamental basis of problems is the fact that procedure is reengineered but infrastructure is not. The unbending transportation of the organization must be transformed to facilitate cooperation and to cross functional barriers between departments. Cross efficient teams must replace individuals effective in isolated departments. Recently, there have been important growths in combined computing products. This range from software for conduct meetings on-line to compound programs that allow a number of user to collaborate in genuine time, sharing documents, supervision projects and management different tasks.
5. As previous business division experience reengineering development, IT organizations have to be enhanced to meet their rising needs. Where the unit was before technology focused, reengineering bring about a focus on with technology to meet business strategy. Management style distorted from control-based and useful, to leadership-based and team-oriented. The pecking order was compressed, increasing flexibility. Bower, Jarvenpaa, Stoddart, 1993
6. ''Digital feedback loop'' make it possible to contain a specific definition of success, a specific commencement and end in conditions of time and tasks.
The terms in order systems and information technology are frequently used interchangeably by many; on the other hand the realism is that they refer to dissimilar concepts. An information system refers to a set of consistent workings, hardware, software, databases, network technologies and policy and procedures, process, store and deal out information to support decision assembly and control in an association. An information system is typically viewed as a human commotion (social) system, which possibly will or may not involve the exercise of computer systems. Information technology on the additional hand includes the capability use by hardware (computers), software, networks, data management and telecommunications, which are necessary for the scheme to function. Mostly it entails the present media by which information is transfer within an organisation. Information technology is consequently one of the major components within the information system framework. Information technology is one of lots tools managers use to cope through change in the explosive business environment. Storage technologies include both substantial media and software most important the storage and association of information for use of information system. Infrastructure technology consist together substantial device and software that link a range of computer hardware components and move data from one substantial location to another. All of these technologies represent resource that can be shared throughout the organization and comprise the firm's information technology (IT) communications. An information system transcends just technology and encompasses other areas such as abstract behavioral concepts and specialised business applications in numerous business and non-business related areas. It also involves how the information is managed effectively to achieve in general goal of an organisation and the management challenge face in implementing such an organization. As stated earlier, Information system can exist without having anything to do with computers even in this highly computerised age. For example, the data stored in paper and arc files in various office cabinets within the different Ministries, Departments and agency (MDAs) in Ghana comprise a very significant part of the information system within these organisations. Although most financial institutions have computerised systems, they still maintain a paper trail of all their transactions as a backup. Three activities provide the information that organizations need. These behaviors are Input, Processing and Output. 'Input' consists of attainment of the 'raw data', which is transformed into more meaningful packets of 'Information' by means of 'Processing'. The processed information now flows to the users or actions also called as 'Output'. The shortcomings are analyses and the information is sent reverse to the suitable members of the organisation to assist them appraise and purify the input. This is termed as 'feedback'. These activities build out of bed the information system through an organisation and in organize for these activities (system) to be undertaken within the modern business organisation, information technology is extremely critical if the processes outline on top of are to be professionally and effectively undertaken. For example, the use of a Wide Area Network (WAN) to connect the computer systems of different branch offices across various geographic locations can greatly enhance communication and data sharing within an organisation as opposed to relying on old formed methods similar to the postal services to deliver the same data. Except information system cannot currently be broadly described because an Input-Process-output mechanism in space. It is required to offer major organizational solution to challenges and problems pose in the business environment. Hence manager requirements to be not presently computer-literate but also have a good idea of the managerial structure and functions as a whole. Information system use computers (or Information Technology) as tackle for the storing and rapid processing of information leading to examination, decision-making and better coordination and control. Hence an information technology provides the tackle and forms the base of modern information systems which are quintessential for the achievement of any organisations goal.
To make sure of any Organization the following factor must be there in employees of the organization like generate the abilities to work in a team as an active member to play an important role, their education must be relevant to the relevant section in which one is working, announce more incentives related to the performance of the individuals, their advancement should be based on the performance, structure of organization should be productive, managers should advise rather than supervise and controlling them, worked assigned to the employees should be multidimensional and finally, process should be parallel instead of linear and sequential.
The BPR is a line through which important improvements are made, though it requires large changes in organization and work style. This contains this require to change or even add to working styles, job functions, needed knowledge, and organization values. In this way, reengineering needs long-time dedication, capital, and effort. These are complete easier by with rudiments called enablers.
This present paper has discussed the significance of IT. Its role is tough as it allow a company to change processes in two ways: Increase in association grade and mediation score decrease through the accomplishment of shared databases and communication technologies.
So, IT can be help companies to get significant improvements on variables such as costs, quality, and relief time. Despite of, these are not only important rudiments, also bear in mind structural changes, company traditions, and human resources.