Bridget Jones is a single woman who tries to find herself a nice man, because she doesn't want to stay single for the rest of het life.
Write a summary in your own words of about 400-600 words.
The story is about Bridget Jones. The book describes a year of the live of Bridget Jones. Bridget is a woman around her thirties without a husband. Many times she has tried to loose weight and to quit smoking, but she never succeeds. She is still single but she tries to change that. Bridget is a quite common woman, only maybe a little bit clumsier.
When Bridget and her parents go to a new years buffet from friends of her parents she meets Mark Darcey. Their parents introduced them but they don't like each other. One day her boss sends her a flirting email and they and up in bed with each other. Bridget is convinced that he is the one she is going to spend the rest of her life with. Meanwhile Bridget's mother has left her father and has a new boyfriend. And she has less contact with her boss. At another party she meets Mark again but they still don't like each other.
Bridget is a woman around her thirties and she doesn't have a husband. Bridget works at a publishing house. She is afraid that she'll stay single the rest of her life. She is a little bit overweight and obsessed about her weight, and she smokes a lot. Sometimes she does strange and embarrassing things.
Describe two minor characters.
Daniel Cleaver is Bridget's boss. Bridget has a little crush on him. He is a very charming man.
Mark Darcey is a lawyer, his parents are rich people. Their mothers introduced them to each other, they want them to be a couple. At first she thinks he's just a dull bloke. But after a while she starts to like him.
Describe the place(s) where the story is set in detail.
When does the story take place? (How do you know? What is the length of time of the story? Is the story told chronologically? Does the author use flashbacks? Explain in detail!)
The length of time of the story is one year. There aren't any flashbacks in the in the book, so the story is told in chronological order
The person who tells the story is Bridget because it's her diary you are reading. The book is told from the point of view of Bridget. It's written in the I-perspective.
The title of the book is: Bridget Jones diary. That is because you're reading her diary. You read everything she wrights down.
Is the book just meant as a story or is the author trying to bring across a message? If so: why? If not: why not?
Leesbeleving en evaluatie
What is your opinion about the book?
I really liked the book because it is really realistic. Bridget is really funny because she gets herself in really idiotic situations. The whole book is really funny to read, sometimes it even made me laugh out load.
Would you recommend the book to your classmates?
I would recommend the book, but it's more a book for the girls. Because the can picture themselves as her. And it's a funny book to read. I don't really think boys would like this book.
Which part did you like best or was most important in the development of the story? Quote (citeer) a passage or sentence from the book which you found most impressive or touching.
Saturday, April 25
9st 1oz (excellent); alcohol units: 4; cigarettes: 24 (entirely understandable).
8am: Gaah! Gaaaah! Doorbell!.
8.05am: Was Magda's builder, Gary. Forgot he was coming round to put shelves up. "Ah! Super! Hello! Could you come back in 10 minutes. I'm just in the middle of something," I trilled, then doubled up, cringing in nighty. What would I be in the middle of? Sex? Making a vase on a potter's wheel which absolutely couldn't be left in case it dried funny?
Still had wet hair when doorbell rang again. Felt surge of middle-class guilt as Gary smirked at decadence of those who loll idly in bed while a whole different world of genuine hardworking folk have been up for so long is practically time for their lunch.
"Would you care for some tea or coffee?" I said graciously.
"Yeah. Cup of tea. Four sugars, but don't stir it."
I looked at him for a moment, wondering if this was a joke or a bit like smoking cigarettes but not inhaling. "Right," I said, "right," and started making the tea, at which Gary sat down at kitchen table and lit up a fag.