By traditional airline reservation system, the customer needs to go through airline agency and get the air flight ticket after three days of booking. If go through airline e-ticketing system, the customer can directly get the air flight ticket.
By through airline e-ticketing system, the customer only need a several steps to making reservation and does not need help of customer service.
Reduce effort and frustration for customer in scheduling trip. By through airline e-ticketing system, customer will know the status of the flight.
Reduce redundancy in the information required from the customer in order to buy tickets. By through airline e-ticketing system, we will provide the guide line for customer to making reservation.
This module was allow the manager to access to the staff information. At the same time, manager are authorized to add new staff, update staff information, search staff information, delete staff information and generate staff report. The function of add new staff was to insert a new staff information as a record of company and emergency contact. The function of update staff information was to update the staff department, position, address and contact. At last, the function of delete staff information was to remove the information of the staff for the security purpose.
This module was allow the manager to add flight schedule information, update flight schedule information and delete flight schedule information. This module was for the purpose of provided the latest information of flight schedule to customer and ensure the operation of airport are working well.
This module was allow the manager to add new airplane information, update airplane information, delete airplane information and generate airplane information. The purpose of this module was to help the airplane company to made decision for bought a new airplane or maintain the airplane.
This module was allow the customer to enter their transaction information and get their air flight ticket information through QR Code or printed.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 released on April 12, 2010. It support .NET Framework 4, Microsoft Silverlight and support developing application targeting Windows 7.It is use for designing a web application.
Microsoft Project 2010 is project management software. It is designed to assist a project manager in developing plan, assigning resources to task, tracking progress, managing budget and analyzing workloads. It is use for project planning.
Microsoft Visio 2010 is commercial diagramming program that vector graphic to create diagrams. It is use for designing system architecture floor plan.
Windows 7 released on October 2009. It included multi-touch capability which is similar to Microsoft Surface computer.
IBM Rational Software Architect is a comprehensive modeling and development environment that uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML). IT is use for designing Use Case Diagrams and UML diagrams.
Windows 7 released on October 2009. It included multi-touch capability which is similar to Microsoft Surface computer.
This sub-module is allowing the manager to enter the details of the new staff and assign the department for the staff. When having the emergency the manager can find the details of the staff for contacting their family. After success added staff detail in the database, the staff details will display on screen.
This sub-module is allowing the manger to update the staff details when the staff details are changing. For example, the staffs are changing their home address. The staff details will search by using staff ID and first name.
This sub-module is allowing the manager to delete the staff details when the staff is resign from the company. This module is for the purpose of the security for company.
The staff details will search by using staff ID and the first name. By before deleting the staff details, the system will prompt out the confirmation message to confirm user really wanted to delete the staff details.
These sub-modules are allowing the manager to search for their staff details according to their departments. This module also allows the user print report, save to Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word and PDF file.
This module are allows the authorized staff to update the data from time to time by providing the information of flight departure and arrival. For example the staff needs to enter the time estimation the flight arrive at the airport so that passenger need to check-in to the counter. After success added flight detail in the database, the flight details will display on screen.
The staff need to update the flight schedule from time-to-time when they gets the latest news of the flight, for example the flight cancel due to the weather or delay of flight when emergency like terrorists attack. The flight details will search by using flight ID.
The staff will delete the flight schedule details from time-to-time due to the flight no longer provide services in the airport. The flight details will search by using flight ID.
This module allows the staff to enter the airplane details by types, the seat capacity, registration number and the condition of the flight because it will help in schedule the flight. After success added airplane detail in the database, the airplane details will display on screen.
This module allows the staff to update the airplane details from time-to-time, for example current condition of the flight in the condition of maintenance that help passenger to having a safety journey. The airplane details will search by using airplane ID.
The authorized staff will delete the airplanes details for the airplane that no longer provide services in the airports and help the management to make decision to buy the new airplane model. The airplane details will search by using airplane ID.
The report will help the manager to know which airplane is in the good condition that can provide the services to customer. Furthermore, the manager also can make decision for maintenance for airplane due to the reason like changing engines. This module also allows the user print the report, save to Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word and PDF file.
The customer needs to pay the flight ticket by through the credit card. After the pay the payment, the flight ticket details will display on screen.
After the customers make reservation, they need to pay the payment and get the ticket.
The customer needs to scan the QR code through their smart phone device that contains the details of the flight ticket information. QR code is the new technology of 2D recognition technologies that scanning go through the smart phone.
This module is allowed the Manager or staff to enter new staff details, update staff details and delete staff details. If one of the records was added, deleted or updated, the system will display in the Staff Details table. Before the Manager delete the staff records, the system will prompt out confirmation message to confirm to delete the records. The * symbol means the user required to fill up the information before submit. The staff ID was auto generated by increase one by one. On the other hands, the managers are allowed printing the staff report or exporting to the PDF file, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word.
This module allows the Manager to add new airplane details, updated and delete the airplane details. If one of the records was added, deleted or updated, the system will display in the Airplane Details table. Before the Manager delete the airplane records, the system will prompt out confirmation message to confirm to delete the records. We provide the dropdown list to reduce the inaccurate data entering by the user. On the other hands, Manager are allow to search the airplane records and print the airplane report or exporting to the PDF file, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word.
This module is allowed the Manager or staff to update the flight schedule from time to time and it contain a validation between the travel date ranges. If one of the records was added, deleted or updated, the system will display in the Flight Information table. Before the Manager delete the Flight information, the system will prompt out confirmation message to confirm to delete the records.
This module is allowed the user to enter the information of the credit card holder information and this page also contains the information of user agreement and privacy policy. The * symbol means the user required to fill up the information before submit. The payment ID was auto generated by increase one by one.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 released on April 12, 2010. It support .NET Framework 4, Microsoft Silverlight and support developing application targeting Windows 7.It is use for designing a web application.
Microsoft Project 2010 is project management software. It is designed to assist a project manager in developing plan, assigning resources to task, tracking progress, managing budget and analyzing workloads. It is use for project planning.
Microsoft Visio 2010 is commercial diagramming program that vector graphic to create diagrams. It is use for designing system architecture floor plan.
Windows 7 released on October 2009. It included multi-touch capability which is similar to Microsoft Surface computer.
IBM Rational Software Architect is a comprehensive modeling and development environment that uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML). IT is use for designing Use Case Diagrams and UML diagrams.
System Planning was the first criteria to evaluate the key of success of the system and fulfill the requirement of customer.
the Airline e-Ticketing System and database is hosted in the central server. The client and the authorized management staff only can access to the system through the internet service provider. The fire wall is to prevent the malicious entries to the server. The diagram also shows a backup server and cloud computing for backup the data of Airline e-Ticketing System.
Requirement analysis also act as check point for customer and developer to agree with the function that implement in the system because client may change the requirement form time to time until caused the system delayed for delivery to client.
the managers are allow adding new staff, deleting staff and generating report. Besides, the staffs are allowed to update their own particular from time to time, for example phone number and home address for emergency use purpose.
the staff need to enter the new details of the new model airplane details that provide service at the airport. Besides, the staff also needs to update the airplane details from time to time for maintenance of airplane. If the airplane no longer provides service, the staff needs to delete the airplane details from the database.
that the User (Staff/Manager) they need from time to time to update the flight schedule that was important to provide latest notification for customer. The customer can view flight schedule from Website or mobile access.
the user (customer) that need to enter their transaction number to make payment and get their flight ticket. If the pin code numbers are invalid, the system will display the error message that needs the customer to re-enter the pin code number again.
the Manager are allow adding new staff, deleting staff and generate report. Besides, the staffs are allowed to update their own particular from time to time when their changing address or phone number.
allows the Manager to add new airplane details, updated and delete the airplane details. If one of the records was added, deleted or updated, the system will display in the Airplane Details table. Before the Manager delete the airplane records, the system will prompt out confirmation message to confirm to delete the records. We provide the dropdown list to reduce the inaccurate data entering by the user. On the other hands, Manager are allow to search the airplane records and print the airplane report or exporting to the PDF file, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word.
the Manager or staff to update the flight schedule from time to time and it contain a validation between the travel date ranges. If one of the records was added, deleted or updated, the system will display in the Flight Information table. Before the Manager delete the Flight information, the system will prompt out confirmation message to confirm to delete the records.
the user to enter the information of the credit card holder information and this page also contains the information of user agreement and privacy policy. The * symbol means the user required to fill up the information before submit. The payment ID was auto generated by increase one by one.
System design also important to developer for future enhancement of the system.
the function of the data is encrypted into QR Code. QR Code is the current technology used in most of the marketing strategy. By default in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, does not have the QR Code library. The author is import the library of QR Code into Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
the function of payment via PayPal that implement inside payment module in the ATRS Airline e-Ticketing System. This PayPal was use the PayPal Sandbox Test Environment that crated and managed test accounts and associated email and API credentials. In the Paypal.aspx was writing by using HTML.
the usage of Ajax Toolkit that apply in the textbox that does not allowed the user to enter any of the numeric data and it only allow the user enter characters only. FilteredTextBox is an extender which prevents a user from entering invalid characters into a textbox and it was not found in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. The author are import the toolkit extension in to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
the system will generate a unique ID that does not allow the user to generate by their own. It’s also to prevent duplicate ID for database in Microsoft SQL Server.
the data are update into the Microsoft SQL Server and Error or Successful Message will be prompt while the system successful or error update database to Microsoft SQL Server.
the data are remove from the database in Microsoft SQL Server. Before user want to delete the record, the system will be prompt confirmation message to confirm user to delete the record and record was deleted will be counted.
On the other hands, junior developer may use up about hundred line of code to developed a system but professional may use up about 30 lines of code to developed a system.Currently the user interfaces of this system is only with little color and not so attractive. This problem will be improved in the future in order to attract more customers.
Currently, the system is just provided the login authentication only; it is not enough to secure the online transaction. However the payment security will be integrated soon to improve the transaction security.
Nowadays, many of the people are having more than one smart device on hands and most of the companies are move forward to have mobile application to gain competitive advantage in the market to provide latest information to customer. With the help of the mobile application, the customer can book their airline ticket through their smart phone. For example, Malaysia Airline Mobile application available Windows Phone marketplace that allows the customer to make reservation and check-in.
Microsoft was introducing Windows 8 in September 2011 for use on desktops, laptop and tablets. Nowadays, more of the company is move their company web application toward the tablet application. For example, AirAsia Application that available in Windows Store that allows the customer to make their reservation easily.
In the beginning of the project, the author was decide to use Windows Azure as a data storage for database, after that get the information from Microsoft Malaysia staff says that the if want to use the Windows Azure need to pay for the USD 99 for one year. If the Windows Azure was free of charge, the author will implement the Windows Azure technology inside the Final Year Project.
In conclusion, the problems encountered in Final Year Project would help the authors facing the problems in future career.
In conclusion, the author able to know the level of programming skill that needed in the industrial. Furthermore, the user interfaces also important to attract the company to buy the application. At last, a good developer should not only know programming, at the same time also need to know how to design. In conclusion chapter was for the purpose of developer to evaluate themselves programming skills and the check point for the system documentation. System documentation should updated from time to time, if got any enhancement of the application.