In this era, technology makes a virtual world. And provides plenty of facilities for human. And also brings advantages in their life. Our planet nowadays has changed an enormous deal with the aid of information technology. Before every works that were once done by manually or done by a paper works out. However, nowadays all things become has modified in various way. IT becomes computerized operating systems, with prop of information technology just need a single click of a mouse to get the result or get a task completed. In With the aid of IT we are not only able to stream line our business processes but we can get an essential data or information constantly in ‘real time' within short time and up to date manner. Which is greater deal with IT.? Inaddtion, IT changes the professionally life. Like wise, it modifies personally life in different aspect. The significance of IT can be seen from the fact that it has penetrated almost every aspect of our daily routine life from business to leisure time and also in a society. Now a days, as we can seen personal computer, multimedia in mobile, fax machines, scanners, email and internet all these things have not only become an essential part of routine life but also an important in a regular life in our day to day activities. For instance, with the prop of information technology, communication has also become cheaper, quicker, and more efficient. On other side, with the use of information systems, there are plenty of ethical and social issues generate in t he professional and personal life. Like, in the business sector especially in the software field hacking, virus attack become a common nowadays. Apart from this, in a regular life that affect as well. Like, pornography, sexual abuse via internet. In addition, it influences instantuansly in the financial sector as well. This is huge problem for human force. So, we will demonstrate all ethical and social issues with all instances in life. So, this report covers essential role of information system in life. And also reveal the all issues related with information system.
In this era, every organization use an information system for security purpose and also utilize for maintain the database for employer Apart from this, information system plays vital role in the organization environment in every sector. In addition, there are many organizations in this era, which run by totally on the internet base. In a regular life, information systems also deal in various ways which perform a major role in regular life. For Instance, we know that plenty of business which run by online bas for instance e-bay, Amazon, etc. So, no need to go a market place. Information system have brought world closer. Moreover, an information system makes easy life for the human force as well and always try to generate a virtual world which is great deal with IT. According to the evident, the result demonstrate that, there are more virtual business compare to the real business world and also show that, all those companies became the most successful organization in business environment. In the regular routine life, in every sectors information systems perform essential role for human force. For example, as we know that CCTV, Transformation update etc. used by the London transport System which are real time example of the information system. Thus, according to these two real times evident we can understand an important of Information systems.
However, Information system also raises new ethical and social problems in the professional and personal life as well. Now a day, this issue generate a different challenge for human force. That is real fact of this current environment which is reality of today's world than ever. Other ethical issues raised by extensive use of internet. Especially for those information which are related with the bank or in the technological industries. Because of, security of information for these industry that is an essential things for an organization. For instance, if you are running your business or if you are working in the financial field you will need to ensure that your information systems protected from computer fraud. In addition, in an IT industry you will need to secure about your data. Because of, in this industry every coding or programs sell in a millions of pound. Moreover, in these industry without Internet not possible to workout on the right time. So, during that time viruses also influences or damage system which will dangerous for the organization. And also scared from the hacker. Moreover, with use of an information system their will be plenty of issue rise parallel. Like wise, if you want to get information about white house. So, user will visit site www.whitehouse.com. But, Whitehouse actually government entity. So the domain extension you need is.gov (www.whitehouse.gov) before you realise anything you browsing a pornography site. During that time if you entered your personal information. Then after week or month you will get documents from this site. So, this type of URL generate social problem in society especially for children.
In addition, if we talk about Privacy then financial sector comes first compare to other sectors. Now a days, most of business concern with only online base. “Federal Trade Commission (FTC) found that 97 percent of website collects personal information. But, apart from this only half of companies contained third party tools(collect user personal information data). On other evident shows that,90 percent of consumers says that, online security is an essential concern for business purpose, and half of are hesitant to use of their credit card and some online transaction to buy online product. Here, we are going to explain issues in an industry or an organization. For example, if your career an establish in HRM (human resources management) then, you need to involved in developing a corporate ethics policy and should providing special training to managers and employees. Apart from this, if your career in an information systems then, you will need to make management aware of the ethical implication of IT which is used by your organization. These are main and essential industries which used an information systems in broadly way. Information systems perform widely in an organizational structure. Apart from this, with prop of wrong information systems, their will be plenty of organization get lose in numerous way. If we talk about social aspect then impact of information systems in culture and also in a society. We will explain all issues which related with social environment.
Now a days, human force always concern about an information technology. And try to get a work quickly as much as possible. With use of information systems human force got plenty of things which is an essential point for them. For instances, NASA. More word to say that, in educational side structure of that totally modify compare to last one decade. When children are learning communication skills. Children learn plenty of things which are an essential for this advance technical era. But, other activity in children life also deal vital role in routine life style. As we said that, online learning is major concern for educational. However, with use of information systems children used to access different URL. Apart from this, much web content may not be suitable for children. they accessing some gaming zone for an entertainment and also pornography site. In addition, children may also be subject to adult conversations. Some time when they use messenger for chatting always hide own identification. As per Evident, “The Communications Decency Act of 1996(CDA) and the child Online Protection Act of 1998(COPA) were designed to restrict pornography on the internet, particular in the interest of children.COPPA(The children's Online privacy Protection Act)prohibited URL from collecting personal information from children under the age of 13, they indicted that teenagers are more likely than children to divulge information.” As per e-business fact shows that, one group discovered that access to pornographic material was growing per 20,000 hosts per day. In addition, other ethical issues like cybercrime, hate email, and pornogrpy.these are major issues rise for using information systems in this technical era. Hate email which is very danger mail for system. Because of this type spam mail will Damage systems in dramatically way.use of an information systems framework we will get more and right information. Which is an essential way to know about the all issues rise by use of information systems. As we know that, social and ethical issues rise for use of an information systems, political issues as linked with an information systems. As we know that an ethical dilemma manager of an information systems typically is reflected in both social and political debate both way. As we can see in this graph, social, ethical and political issues with prop of information systems.
The introduction of new information technology has a ripple effect, raising new ethical, social, and Political issues that must be dealt with on the individual, social, and political levels. These issues have five moral dimensions: information rights and obligations, property rights and obligations, system Quality, quality of life, and accountability and control. As we present all information regarding generated issues related with that field.
(2)Recent Development
As we know that, ethical and social issues rise by utility of information systems. Recently as a decade ago, most of companies concern organization ethics only in terms of internal rules and regulations. some related with administrative viewed which related with legal stage. However, now a day this formation of inside industry totally changes in numerous ways which is huge achievement for human force. Because of today, Structure of industry totally different compare to last five year. Every business sector attention to business ethics is on the rise across the world and they recognize that in order to get succeed then, they have to focus on to respect and confidence of their customers. Like wise, if we talk about before five year back they never focus on any legal and ethical behaviour. They always focus or target one thing that's related with only finance improvement. However, the way of thinking is totally change in this era. Because of, industry focus on important of social and ethical responsibility in society. Then and then customer can understand value of any organization
In addition, If we talk about related with some ethical way. Then we always concern or focus in to information technology industry which is major performs a vital and crucial role for this way. In addition, in this industry main and major problem is a computer crime (virus attack), hacking, spam mail, etc. because of, in this industry every little information an essential line for industry. As we can see in this Graph, we get important information for security especially for IT sectors.
In addition, for socially way organization started to work on anti-virus attack which was generated by hacker who wants to damage systems. Apart from this, every organization focuses on to the privacy of data. Like wise, privacy is the ability of individuals or in groups to determine for identification of them self. Apart from this, privacy becomes secrecy might be some extend dangerous. But, it will influence positively. For instances, for criminal, terrorist or very important that's computer hacking. More over, one of the USA based Company had started to work on the authenticity means that, to present the user's identification. Because of, Authentication of user that is crucial things for an industry or management of that particular organization. Which concern more than any other? Because of, all these things are especially legal matters. For instances, User name or his/her Password on to a network of company. Or swapping card systems, figner scan, or just face capture. In addition, all these systems concern more in to industry. Because of in side organization their will be plenty of transaction related with Finance or other sector.so, that time need to authentication data. Which is an essential for user as well as for industry also. In addition, all IT companies also deal with the intellectual property, which are related with qualitative ideas, work of different art, Software data or information (programming), collections of information and presentations of data, trade marks, legally property. Because of, these types of works are essential things for an organization future.
Now a days, all companies always concern with safety for an organization, sequrity, and also related with future of an industry.Apart from this they focus on people, and machinery. Because of, both these are vital for any organization, for an industry aspect they focus on to the how an effective and safe design for an organization? And how it will be easier for human force? Apart from this, also focus on to social and ethical aspect as well. Which issues will rise with comapere of routine life of human force? Thus, these are the recent development of an industry which run based on information systems.
3. Contribution To business Organizations:
Now a days, there are plenty of business run based online. For instances, in music field, cartoon field, and in technical field. Every where business focus on internet. So, we can understand an important of information systems. As per some theory, we can say that there are strength of the information system. And day by day create new opportunities for human forces. Which is crucial things for an organization. However, In big industry launch varieties of software or music or product. Especially for that particular, industry spend billions of pounds behind that particular project. So, for this industry copyright is threat for them. For instance, if we talk about giant Information technology company then always comes in our mind that is “MICROSOFT”. As we know that, Microsoft is very big IT company and this company always try to do something better than its competitor. For example, Apple.
In addition, Microsoft launches different software for organization or for other sector as well. Like, just before last 2 year back Microsoft launched New operating systems that's Vista Operating System. As per some evident, “According to The Seattle Times, Microsoft took 10,000 employees about five years to ship Vista. If each employee costs Microsoft about $200,000 a year, the estimated payroll costs alone for Windows Vista hover around $10 billion.” So, just we got information about only for one project in microsoft.Moreover, if you wan to buy original window vista operating system then it will cost you £100 approximately. Which you will get from Microsoft trade marks symbols. Apart from this, you will get all facilities, future, sequrities etc from Microsoft. But, If Some one will give you same product in almost one third price cost. Then defiantly every one wants to get that particular software. But, Why huge different between price structure them? Because of, Copy right. You can get same product but cheaper has not any trademark. And customers never feel badly in their mind. However, this thing problem for that industries whose send billions of pounds in their particular project. So, microsfot loss £93 per customer if that particular customer will buy copyright version (duplicate). So, copy right it means that “ A copyright protects the particular manner in which a work's contents, and ideas are expressed you cannot copyright ideas, facts, titles, short phrases, slogans, or names, among other things.”
However, for an apple structure that thing is totally different compare to Microsoft. If you have Apple i-pode or i-phone. You need to download apple software. And if you want buy from their you need to be register in site. So, apple industry covers in both way aware, privacy for an organization. And main and essential thing is that the authentication of owner of that particular product.So, no one make copyright without APPLE it self. So, an information system influence positively on that particular industry or also effect negatively. As we know that “EVERY COIN HAS BOTH SIDE”. Thus, Ethical ways this thing influence major in an industry.
Information system deal vital role with human force. Because of, Chapter 4 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems 127. HEADS UP. Information systems raise new and often-perplexing ethical problems. This is ... www.prenhall.com/.../pdf/laudon%20MIS10_CH-04%20FINAL.pdf(28/11/09)
Before we can know about all the advantages and disadvantages of information technology, it is essential that we know what information technology is exactly ... www.smallbusinessbible.org › ... ›(29/11/2009)
The degree of security of information systems determines society's confidence in ... Methodologies for analysing social impact and ethical considerations ... www.bodine.phila.k12.pa.us/kaufman/.../socialethical.htm
Attention to business ethics is on the rise across the world and many companies ... maintain and consistently improve an ethical-legal compliance management system. .... Do not miss the section on CSR general information. Corporate Social ... Each issue of Business Ethics, the magazine of corporate responsibility, ... www.enterweb.org/ethics.htm
7 Dec 2006 ... But have you ever wonder how much money or cost and human or ... Thus, the ability of Microsoft to invest more money at a future project than it has thrown at ... how much money did microsoft spend on windows vista? ... www.mydigitallife.info/.../how-much-time-money-and-human-costs-spent-to-produce-windows-vista/
COPYRIGHT & RELATED ISSUES FOR MULTIMEDIA AND ONLINE ENTREPRENEURS .... Music Industry; Sampling: Recent decisions in the music industry may offer some .. www.medialawyer.com/lec-copy.htm