Advanced Professional Development And Methods To Improve Skills Education Essay

Published: November 21, 2015 Words: 2911

Advanced Professional Development is used for developing personal and professional skills of the person. It has lot of stages and analysis for developing the skills. These stages are like improving personal and professional skills, continuous professional development, personal skill audit and professional skill audit, personal development plan. In this assignment I am going to discuss about these topics.


Four professional skills for achieving personal or organizational objectives:


Coaching and mentoring


Leadership skills

Counseling skills:

This is the one method for improving organizational objectives in the organization. Counseling is known as to counsel the employee in the organization. The manager counsels the employees in the organization. The process of counseling the employees demands careful use of manager's communication skills.

Managers help to the employee for improving their skills. In this case the individual and organization both can get the benefits. Counseling is the communication tools between the employees and managers.

Counseling skills has two types of counseling approaches these are,

Directive counseling

Indirect counseling

Directive counseling:

It involves the initiative and actual suggestions for the solutions. The consequent of various courses of actions are outlined and the ranges of actions are considered.

Indirect counseling:

In this approach the counselee is capable of defining accurately her or his problems. It presupposes that solutions to problems will not be implemented unless counselees wholeheartedly accept their implications.

Coaching and Mentoring skills:

A coach is someone trained and devoted to guiding others into increased competence, commitment and confidence. Mentoring enables an individual to follow in the path of an older or wiser colleague who can pass on knowledge and experience and otherwise out of reach opportunities.

It has five areas of coaching and mentoring these is,

Business coaching and mentoring

Executive coaching and mentoring

Performance coaching and mentoring

Skills coaching and mentoring

Personal coaching and mentoring

Business coaching and mentoring:

It is used to improve the organizational development. It helps to achieve organizational goals.

Executive coaching and mentoring:

Work with potential captains of the industry and high profile business leaders.

Performance coaching and mentoring:

Performance coaching derives its theoretical underpinning and models from business and sports psychology as well as general management principles.

Skills coaching and mentoring:

Skills' coaching is to improve the personal development. Skill coacher are highly experienced and competent the skills they teach.

Personal coaching and mentoring:

These coaches and mentor separate operate in highly supportive roles to those who wish to make some form of significant change happen within their lives.


Multitasking means, "Switching back and forth between activities of varying complexity within the workplace and household". Multitasking is method of skill to improve the personal skills in the lives. It is used for better management time.

Leadership skills:

The leadership skills also improve the personal skills of the person. Leadership involves the whole range of skills, attitudes and behaviors. Leadership is the key quality that manager needs to develop.

Benefits of Time management for personal development skill:

Any person who can organize the time effectively will be able to cope better with difficult decisions, react more favorably to the problems and be better prepared for the future.

Most successful leaders are very good at time management. They have earned their success by working out how to get the maximum amount of work done in the most efficient way.

How to use time effectively:

If we want to know whether we are using our time effectively, we must look at the different ways that time is used during a period such as a week.

We have to break the time down into smaller units, and then we can establish if we are working to the capacity or simply wasting a large amount of it.

It has different steps like analyzing time spent, goal settings, SMART, planning, activity.

Analyzing time spent:

The amount of working time that you have available to you each week

The number and type of job related activities that you need to undertake each week

The amount of time that you spend on each activity

Goal setting:

Part of any planning process, either for the organization or the individuals, is setting goals and targets.

Goals setting for my personal life:

Buy a car in this year

Complete my PGDMS course within the next 3 months

Save £100 money for each month.

Goals setting for my professional life:

Get a good job in IT in a good company within this year

Improve my technical skill sets according to IT jobs


S - Simple

M - Measurable

A - Achievable

R - Realistic

T - Time related

My personal goal settings are one and two are measurable and achievable. Third goal is simple, measurable, achievable, and realistic and time related.

My professional goal settings are measurable, achievable, and realistic and time related.


Goals can be achieved by breaking them down into a series of smaller steps which are each realistic and manageable.

Techniques for improved planning:

Personal Goal: - Buy a car in this year



What do I want to achieve?

Buy a car

Why does it need to be done?

It for luxuries and convenient

When does it need to be done?

Within this year

How can it be done?

Saving of money

Where will it be done?

In my family

Who will take part?

My self

Benefits of time management for my personal and professional goals:

It is giving better prepared future for me in my life.

It is giving good leadership skills and successful life

Evaluation of continuous professional development program:

Continuing professional development (CPD) is becoming increasingly recognized by professional institutions as essential for ensuring their members remain up to date and maintain their professional competence.

There has been an increasing recognition of the contribution which the effective management of human resources can make to the competitive advantage of organizations.

Within this context the contribution of training and development in general, and the professional development of managers in particular, have secured recognition.

There has been a consistent growth in both managerial and professional employment since the 1960s and this trend is expected to continue.

Increasing staff's knowledge, skills, and awareness of wider developments within their profession by CPD, is said to have many positive results.

Briefly, these include:

improved staff performance

provision of a better quality service to users increased job satisfaction

higher self esteem


Skill audit:

Skill audit is a review of your existing skills against the skills you need both now and in the future. It can help you to identify your existing skills, identify what skills you may need to carry out your existing voluntary work and role more effectively and to plan, develop and improve the skills and knowledge needed for your future.

Carrying out a skill audit is a five stage process.

Stage 1: Existing skills and knowledge identification

This stage is used to identify the existing personal skills and knowledge of the person.

My existing skills and knowledge:

Communication skills

Problem solving

Mathematical skill

Communicating clearly and effectively

Visualizing thinking

Using listening skills

Creative writing

Taking the initiatives

Paying attention to final detail

Keeping the big picture in view

Leading a team

Using IT packages

Being creative

Organizing others

Making formal presentation

Self management and development

Understanding scientific concepts

Stage 2: Future skills and Knowledge identification

This second stage is used to identify the future skills which are required for future career development.

My future skills and knowledge:

Communicating verbally

Managing time

Interpreting diagram

Thinking theoretically

Applying theory

ITC skills

Managing tasks

Writing with and relating to others

Planning events

Research information

Selling an idea, concept or product

Interpreting financial information

Software knowledge

Programming skills

Stage 3: Rating your ability

In this stage used for rating the abilities. It has five point scale such as,

1 = No current knowledge or skill (not competent)

2 = Some awareness but not sufficient competent to use it (not sufficient competent)

3 = Familiar with and able to use the knowledge or skill (some competency)

4 = Proficient in the knowledge or skill and able to show others how to use it (high level of competency)

5 = Expert with a high degree of skill and/or comprehensive knowledge (fully competent)

Stage 4: Review ability rating

This stage used for review of skills. According to this review I need to develop my skills in the future.

Skills: Ratings

Communication skills 4

Problem solving 3

Mathematical skill 5

Communicating clearly and effectively 4

Visualizing thinking 2

Using listening skills 4

Creative writing 3

Taking the initiatives 4

Paying attention to final detail 5

Keeping the big picture in view 3

Leading a team 3

Using IT packages 5

Being creative 4

Organizing others 3

Making formal presentation 4

Communicating verbally 3

Managing time 3

Interpreting diagram 3

Thinking theoretically 2

Applying theory 3

ITC skills 3

Managing tasks 3

Writing with and relating to others 3

Planning events 4

Research information 3

Selling an idea, concept or product 3

Interpreting financial information 3

Software knowledge 5

Programming skills 4

Self management and development 4

Understanding scientific concepts 4

Stage 5: Future development

The final stage is simply that of using the information to concentrate on developing the skills and knowledge areas where you have a low score or have identified that you are not fully competent.

Interpreting diagram and visualizing thinking skills are having low competency. So I should improve these two skills for my future development.

Problem solving, Research information, Selling an idea, concept or product, interpreting financial information, Applying theory, ITC skills, Managing tasks,

Writing with and relating to others these skills are having not sufficient competency. So I need to improve these skills for my future skill and career development.

Management and Leadership development:

This personal skill audit is used for improving the skills and knowledge. According to this skill audit I will improve my skills this should help to improve my knowledge to a manager or leadership level.

Communication skill, problem solving, communicating clearly and effectively, organizing others, leading a team, taking initiatives, planning events, managing tasks, self management and self development these skills will be used for further management and leadership development.

Importance of identifying learning styles:

Learning and development:

Any work related activity contains the potential for learning. This could be new learning or confirmation of previous learning. There are number of ways in which you can learn at work, which we can collectively call learning experiences.

Learning cycle:

In this first step learning experience it may be comes from new or previous activities. Second we need to review our learning experience. Third learning lessons from the experience. Finally plan how about your development.

Learning style:

It has four types. These are Activist, Reflector, Theorist, Pragmatists. Each learning styles are having separate skills. According to this learning style skills and learning style audit score we can identify our learning style and we can improve our learning style for future development.

Learning style audit:

It will give the score for each learning style skills. For score calculation we need to use a scale from 0 to 10; 0 being nothing like you and 10 being completely like you. At the end of each section will give the total score. This will give the indication of your preferred learning style.

The higher score indicates your preferred learning style, although it should be noted that, it is possible to have high score in more than one category.

The principles of progress through the learning process are to be maintained, the importance of finding out about you preferred learning style or combination of learning styles is that it will give you a greater understanding about how you would approach a new learning opportunity and how may be able to adapt to situation which do not necessarily suit your preferred style.





You are a practical person

You like to solve problem

You enjoy experimenting to improve techniques

You frequently come up with the answer to a problem

Your only interest in theories is to see if they work in practice

You dislike situations where there is no clear, practical outcome

You work well to deadline

You are expected to make practical decisions

Using simulations and case study

Learning from proven good practice, using the examples and the expertise of others.











Pragmatist total =



You seek a logical explanation for everything

You like to think through all the possible implications

You are only comfortable once you can account for what is happening

Some might regard you as a little detached

You prefer not to deal with very emotional situations

You prefer structured situations

Your prefer dealing with facts rather than feeling

You have to analyze the activity

Carrying out a lengthy and detailed task which requires much thought

Discussing the views and experience of others











Theorist total =






You are an enthusiast who will try anything

You enjoy a challenge

You enjoy working with others

You prefer to be center of attention

Long term implementation is a weakness

You are easily bored

You don't always put in enough thought before starting

You thrive on responsibility

Thrown in at the deep end (i.e. under pressure)

Faced with role plays and outward bound activities











Activist total =



Listening to others

Attention is not focused on them

Undertaking repetitive tasks with time for reflection

Following the lead of others

Carrying out a lengthy and detailed task which requires much thought

Presented with challenging activities

Working with others

Given responsibility

When they are center of attention

Thrown in at the deep end (i.e. under pressure)











Reflector total =


According to this learning style audit my learning style is pragmatist.

Usefulness of learning styles audit:

This is used to identify our learning styles. It explores our personal skills to outside. Learning style helps to improve our skills for future plan and goal developments.


Personal development planning (PDP) enables individuals to take charge of their own learning. Learning becomes a proactive as well as a reactive process, designed and prioritised to support immediate development needs as well as longer-term ambitions, and encourages people to enlist the support of colleagues and managers in achieving goals

Plan for goals:



Success criteria

By when

Develop clear career goals

Talking with friends who does this well.

Career plan

Within next month

Register with agencies and job portal

Through internet and phone

Getting interview calls from the company

Next 3 months

Got job in good MNC

Prepare for interview

Studying job related materials

Follow good guides

Clear the interview

Next 4 months

Get performance appraisal

Improve performance

Job involvement

Get reward from manager

Next 10 months

Become a senior level in the organization

Improve job satisfaction

Improve skills

Planned work

Get work experience from the job which I am doing in the organization

Within 2 years

Become a manager of the organization

Improve management skills

Improve communication skills

Improve interaction with the senior managers

Increment in job position consequently.

Getting work rewards from the organization

Within 5 years

Plan is not just a statement of intention. It is a plan, incorporating the where, when, how and why of your personal development. It will contain specific goals and milestones so that you can measure your progress as you go along.


This is about you recognising the need to improve in particular areas of your personal and professional life.

Development is a relative term:

it may be about developing existing skills, or acquiring new ones;

about gaining specialist knowledge in an area, or a broad knowledge of another area;

About finding space to develop your career, and space within your career to develop yourself.

Development records of my goals:

Action against plan

What did I learn

How I used this learning

Further goals

Talked with friends

Made full plan

I got useful information from them

Developed my career path efficiently

Build confidence

Registered with job portals

Faced bad and good consultancy and companies

Used getting better job

Get help from others

Got job

I got confidence

Further career development

Maintain this job as much as good

Got performance appraisal

Technical skills and job nature

Improve my job performance


Got senior position

Learnt about my organization

Improve my job levels

Get good place in organisation

Became a manger

I learnt about managerial skills and management

Used for my manager job

Improve organisation management level


Learning log :


Skills development has been attempted

Resources used


Develop clear career goals

Taking the initiatives, communication skills, planning events

Friends, news papers, magazines and internet

Developed effective career plan

Registered with job portals

Research information

Internet and consultancy

Got interview calls for job

Get good job in good MNC

Software knowledge, communicating clearly and effectively, mathematical skill

Learning materials

Good salaried MNC job

Get performance appraisal

Being creative, managing time, programming skills

Existing learning experience and knowledge

Got performance rewards

Get senior position

Self management and self development

Existing learning experience and knowledge

Got senior position

Become manager

Organizing others, leading a team, problem solving

Work experience in the organization

Got manager position