Part b) After reviewing the SWOT Analysis of myself, I came to the conclusion that the research based projects with the involvement of technical side would be very appropriate for me. It will give me a lot of exposure that how to conduct a research inside the organizations practically, in a live environment and will help me in improving my technical skills. This effort will open the doors for my future job opportunities and will help me leading towards the path of success, allowing me to overcome my weaknesses, boosting my confidence level, practical experience.
Part c) I will work on the timetable and divide my whole project into different parts. I will cover every part one by one according to the designed schedule or time table. I will design the time table in such a way that my deadline is 3-4 months, I will complete my project one week before the deadline so that I have enough time for the improvement of anything that is lacking inside my dissertation.
PART 1: (15%)
Analyse and briefly evaluate the article with respect to:
What type of research is it - is it ground breaking, or new or improved method, new algorithm, new theory?
A) The type of research used in this article is the revised approach leading towards the organizational knowledge management system.
Are its aims clear, significant, timely, original?
The basic aim or purpose of this approach was to facilitate competitive advantage, to cope knowledge as a group or organization in strong co-ordination with the various resources, aspects of the business and the practices which were based on the discussions that are inter-related with the explicit knowledge.
It is clear and helpful for the organisations.
The research provided valuable results and confirmed the suitability of the existing scope of the KMS support. It is a requirement of the organizations to assimilate the KMS capabilities within each and every class of technology. It is therefore recommended that it should strongly co-ordinate with the entire technology inside the firm.
The results were valuable at the time of the publishing. It involves a lot of time consumption and it could be an uphill task for the research team in order to maintain a smooth time frame for conducting the study for the purpose of gaining the attention of the panelists. In spite of its perceptible weaknesses, the Delphi method, if utilized in the accurate context and in the right format will result into a enhanced decision process as compared to the consensus groups and make decisions of superior quality as compared to those that made by interacting groups and consensus groups.
It is a revised approach.
What kind of method does it use?
The type of methods used in this article is the Delphi method followed by the semi-structured and in-depth interviews. It depends upon the structured surveys. It uses the instinctive information of participants that is available. These participants are generally experts.
The Delphi process passed through both the qualitative and the quantitative analysis of data. In the classic Delphi study for taking an overview about the findings of the subjects open-ended questions were used and the investigation of this situation was carried out with the help of qualitative data by the investigators.
Comment on its overall quality.
Simple usage
Implementation and integration is very concise and is well-suited to all the software and hardware that are already present.
A mechanism is included for the evaluation of the integrity and quality of knowledge.
Queries are responded instantly
Gives tracking and metrics usage
The users are allowed to find out the interface format and settings
Updates have been provided automatically
The users are authentic and have a back up strategy plan for the previously stored knowledge.
The results of the Qualitative Analysis led towards the recommendations that KMS should be in strong co-ordination with the whole technology inside the business. It is not a single unit and should be implemented to the different technologies for the formation of an integrated system.
Nevo, D. & Chan, Y.E. (2007). A Delphi study of knowledge management systems: Scope & Requirements: Elsevier, B.V.Publishers.
1) Rikowski, R. (2006) Teaching technical issues in IT: How and when. London: University of South Bank
2) Lynch, M.M. (2002) The Online Educator: A guide to creating the virtual classroom. London & New York: Routledge Falmer studies in distance education
3) White, K. & Weight, K. (1999). The Online Teaching Guide: A Handbook of Attitudes, Strategies, and Techniques for the Virtual Classroom. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
4) Ko, S. & Rossen, S. (2001) Teaching Online: A Practical Guide. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
5) Gerhardt, J. & Olan, M. (2009) Peer Tutoring in Programming: Lessons learned. Computer Science & Information systems, Richard Stockton College: USA.
6) Rossen, S. & Ko, S. (2008). Teaching Online: A Practical Guide. 2nd Edition. New York & London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group .
7) Juwah, C. (2006) Interactions in online education: Implications for theory & practice. London & New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group
8) Pallof, R. M. & Pratt, K.(2005) Collaborating Online: Learning Together in Community. U.S.A: Jossey-Bass
The type of method which I should use for gathering evidences in answering my title is the Qualitative Method. I will select interviews. I preferred to conduct interviews rather than considering any other methodology because it provides significant data with the build information & support, and the sharing and synthesis of numerous views is to the point. The open ended questions are used by them which are richer and descriptive in nature and give participants an opportunity of expressing their views in their own words with freedom in spite of being bounded in selection from fixed responses. The data used is textual which could be collected from audio and video tapes, field notes.
In Questionnaires, the questions are fixed as well as closed-ended and require a thorough understanding of what essential questions need to be asked, the best way to ask and variety of probable responses. The qualitative methods provided useful and rich information of any complex situation also helps in proposing hypothesis for the justification of that phenomenon.
The information received is much valid and up-to-date because the students are minutely interviewed.
These interviews will be conducted in between the stake holders (University) and the students of the HUDDERSFIELD UNIVERSITY computing department.
The following data should be collected:
Is the online program useful
What will be the Benefits of this program to students
if the program is not beneficial, what's the reason for it, what they think about it
which communication dynamics are more significant in between face to face and online peer tutoring sessions
Online peer tutoring behavior
Tutor training approach
Will program give valuable experience to the tutor and the tutee
what will be the effects of this program on students
Are the online programming courses challenges for the females who possess less programming courses
Is this program helpful in developing academic community for the support of students
Will it promote deeper approach to learning
Will it promote creative problem solving
Is it helpful in developing group skills
Development of Communication skills
Will language diversification matter
Are there any cultural issues
Quality Assurance
Virtual learning environments
Is tutoring service valuable
Awareness of the motivation of students
Student satisfaction. Are they satisfied or not
If not what are the reasons and what measures should be taken to overcome those problems.
Teachers response with students, availability of them
Time consuming or not
Suggestions for improvement of the service
Feedback to the responses
1) Gerhardt, J. & Olan, M. (2009): Peer Tutoring in Programming: Lessons learned: Computer Science & Information systems. Richard Stockton College. USA.
2) Macdonald, J. (2006). Blended Learning and Online Tutoring: A Good Practical Guide. Hampshire: Gower.
3) Mulder, R.A. & Pearce, J.M. (2007) Praze: Innovative teaching through online peer review: University of Melbourne
4) Facey-Shaw, L., Golding, P., "Effect of Peer Tutoring, Attitude on Academic Performance of First Year Introductory Programming Students", 35th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2005
5) Wood, D. & Friedel, M. (2008). Peer review of online learning and teaching: New Technologies. Melbourne.
6) Ko, S. & Rossen, S. (2001) Teaching Online: A Practical Guide. Boston: Houghton Mifflin
7) Carol, P.M. & Falmouth, M.E. (1993) Training & development resources: managing a small HRD department, p.23.
8) Anon. (no date) [Online] Available at: http://< > [Accessed 3rd June 2010]
While conducting an interview, you should not take the personal information of any student like date of birth, phone number, mobile number, address etc, it is an ethical issue. You can collect only the name of the interviewee such that we can differentiate in genders: male and female.
The materials you are using should be your own, you are not copying or using the material of any other person, and it is like stealing and comes inside the data protection act.
If you are using any body`s information you should properly reference it and they should be credited for providing you help in any situation.
You should be honest, polite, sincere and fair while dealing with others and committed to your professional ethics.
You are accepting all the responsibilities for all your professional actions.
Rikowski, R. (2006) Teaching technical issues in IT: How and when. London. University of South Bank
Rossen, S. & Ko, S. (2008). Teaching Online: A Practical Guide. 2nd Edition. New York & London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group .
Lynch, M.M. (2002) The Online Educator: A guide to creating the virtual classroom. London & New York: Routledge Falmer studies in distance education.
I have learnt a lot of things through these portfolio exercises. I learnt the techniques of doing SWOT analysis. In the portfolio exercise, we covered an example of the SWOT analysis of our self. It was a very interesting topic and after doing this topic, I did SWOT analysis on different other topics for practice. We studied about the concepts of research methods from the point of view of the information systems management. We had lectures on the referencing and report writing. This Harvard referencing is very useful while doing referencing inside dissertations. It will be very helpful for me during my dissertation making. We did various workshops related to the research proposals. All these workshops and exercises are very helpful in making my proposal. We came to know about various professional issues and studied different case studies. We had lectures on literature review, paraphrasing, plagiarism and collusion. I learnt proper way of literature reviewing, different concepts of paraphrasing, collusion, plagiarism. I worked on the inspiration software and learnt how to make mind maps and covered various exercises, class activities and assignments related to mind-mapping. I worked on the Microsoft Project software. This software will be very useful for me. I also learnt about different types of methodologies, collection of data, analysis and evaluation of data. I prepared some questionnaires and learnt how to make a professional questionnaire. We did presentations related to these questionnaires. This increased my level of confidence and also enhances my presentation skills. All these portfolio exercises will be very helpful for me in the second module of dissertation making and in the future as well.