1.3.2) Dataflow descriptions
In enquiry process
The customer enters the requirements to the system. This is the input data flow to the system. Then the system gives response to customer.
In Booking process
The customer enters his detail to the system. Then the system delivers it to the hostel. After the hostel has returned the confirmed booking to the system, the system gives confirmation letter to the customer.
In Invoicing process
The system produce invoice for booking and send it to the customer. The customer makes payment for the invoice, the system mark that payment on the invoice file. The system also generates the receipt and delivers to the customer.
In report process
The Manager request the report for the certain month, the system reads the files and generate reports and return it to the manager.
1.3.3) External Entity Definitions
Task 2
2.1) Entity Relationship Diagram
2.2) Entity description
2.3) Appropriate attributes
C_ID (Primary Key)
Customer Name
Father Name
Ph No
H_ID(Primary Key)
Hostel Name
Owner Name
Type Of Building
B_ID(Primary Key)
C_ID(Foreign Key)
H_ID(Foreign Key)
S_ID(Foreign Key)
I_No(Primary Key)
B_ID(Foreign Key)
S_ID(Primary Key)
2.4) Detail Relationship
One Customer can have many booking. One booking has one customer.
One Booking is related to one hostel. One hostel can have many booking.
One Staff can service for many booking. One booking has one Staff.
One Booking is related to one Invoice.
One Customer can have many invoice. One invoice is related one customer.
Task 3
Entity Life History
Task 4
4.1) Normalization
4.2) Data Dictionaries
Task 5
5.1 Prototype for Searching
First, user can choose the search option. The input box will appear according to the search option.
User should enter the name and click Search button. Whether the data is entered or not should be checked.
The result will show in the table.
If user chooses location, he should enter the name and click Search button. It should also check the field is entered or not or it is the name of town or not.
The result will show in the table.
If user chooses grade, he should enter the grade and click Search button. The entered grade should be counted by star and it should be between 1 and 5.
The result will show in the table.
5.2 Prototype for Processing Booking
User should first choose the hostel ID. Then, Hostel ID, Name and email will appear automatically. Then, user has to add the customer in check box. The check box will only show the related customer to the hostel selected. User can either add the customer one by one or add all customer at one time.
5.3 Prototype for Adding new Customer
Customer ID will generate automatically. User has to enter the required information and click save button to save to the database. If the user don't want to save, click Cancel button to clear the text box.
Here should be checked for data validation such as name empty, or duplicate NRC etc. After the data validation is checked the new customer should be saved.
Task 6
Task 1
For task1, I read thoroughly the prescribed text book. First, I tried to draw the Initial diagram of the system. Then I made the scope and convert it to the context diagram by reducing the other system and entities outside the scope. In Context diagram, I assumed that manager is a member of the staff. There is no external message passing between Customer and Hostel. This means that Customer and Hostel are connected only through the system during the booking time.
For aims and objectives, since this new system is client-sever application which is for staff use, the email will be sent only when the staff run the booking process. Booking will be sent automatically when the next version. But the advantage of this system is that it can produce the booking delivery in time and accurately. It can reduce the workload of the staff.
For Data Flow Diagram, I expand the context diagram into DFD. Since the system is small one, there is only first level DFD. There is only 4 processes and 4 data flow.
Task 2
From the task 1, I got the entities. I drew the entity relationship diagram which shows the relationship. First, I considered that booking and invoice are same. I thought that if the customer paid, I can change one of the field in the booking. But later, I thought that invoice have to store the date that the payment is made, the method, the staff who received the payment and other etc. So I considered that they are different.
After drawing the entity relationship diagram, I have to write the entity descriptions. Entity description is just the description of what the entity means. First, I thought it isn't necessary. But when I make my friend read my system, there are many misunderstanding about the entities. So I understand the value of entity description. They also enforce the entity relationship diagram.
Then, I populate each entity with appropriate attributes. First, I miss some of the attributes in some entity. But when I proceed the system and other diagram, I see what attributes are omitted. So I have to refill again. From this, I understood that, in SSADM, one diagram and another are related and they are complementary to each other. This mean one diagram show the omissions and requirements of the other.
Task 3
When I drew the entity life history, I realized that every entity must have create and delete and mid life. In midlife, entities are different. I considered that customer detail change is repeated because the customer may change the no of person or room type or hostel etc. But, every booking is not necessary to change. After the customer detail is fixed, the booking is sent to the respective hostel. So, the booking status is changed to the delivery. When the hostel replied, the booking status is changed to the confirmed state. Then, invoice is produced and sent to the customer. When the customer make the payment, the booking status is changed to the paid state.
In normalization, I first collect the form. Then, I gather the attributes. Then I differentiate the repeated attributes and other. I put the attributes under the respective title. Then, I put the primary key to each title and next I connect one group with other by putting foreign key to them. Since the system is not complex one, I have to normalize only to the 2nd Normal form. After the 2nd normal form, I got the normalized result which is rechecked by the entity relationship diagram.
Task 5
For prototype, I used the netbean Integrated development environment with java language. I designed the screen very simple according to the design rule. As the saying, “The simplest one is the most beautiful one”. Since it is just the official use, not for customer attraction, I thought it should be simple and understandable. Moreover it should be serviceable.
For searching, the prototype only offers 3 criteria, but in real system, the criteria may be more. In processing the booking, I would like to produce the mail list automatically adding the customer without needing the staff to click. In adding new customer, there may be some required fields but this is just for sample.
Weakness of this system
As everyone cannot be a perfect one, this system has many defects.
Improvements of this system
This system should be implemented as web-based by implementing the strong data validation and verification rules.
In web based system, we can implement the online payment system. By implementing the web based payment system, it can reduce the staff power to implement the booking system. Moreover, as the system is automatic, it can reduce the human error. But it needs strong validation and verification and security rules because nowadays, there are many hackers that hack the website.
The next advantage of the web-based system is that it can visualize the customer with the hostel image and room condition. Therefore, it can get more customer attractions and satisfaction.
The next thing is that, since it is web-based, there is no limitation of service time. Moreover, there is real time booking service is got.
If the level of assessment is added to that web-based system, the individual hostel can change the detail of them and image. Moreover, they can advertise on the web page.