A key telephone system is provided with main equipment including at least two extensions and at least one line wire which accommodates a digital line. The key telephone system is arranged to enable reciprocal data communications by effecting speed matching in data communications between a data terminal connected to the extension and the digital line accommodated in the line wire.
Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) needs Concerto Ensemble Inbound/Outbound, Power Center Email Management System and Power Center Interaction. The Ensemble TM suite is an integrated set of inbound, outbound and blended call management capabilities that help you deliver premium customer service more effectively, while reducing your costs and helping you attract and retain customers. Power Center EMS adds suggested and automated email response, supported by intelligent message analysis, to Power Center and ePowerCenter's integrated email handling function. Power Center Interaction manages customer interactions from multiple sources and routes them to the appropriate person for handling.
(b) The features available with each system.
Key Telephone System Features
Caller ID Integration - Caller ID Integration enhances call handling by combining Telephone Company Caller ID data with system call processing. Caller ID features include Incoming Caller ID Display and PC Interface which passes Caller ID data to PC software applications.
Off-Hook Voice Over - Off-Hook Voice Over allows busy executives to have screened calls announced without interrupting their existing calls.
User Select Distinctive Ringing - User Select Distinctive Ringing allows each station user to select a unique ring for their key telephone and for specific CO lines (WATS lines, local lines, internal calls, etc.).
Trunking and Networking Support - Trunking and Networking Support includes capabilities such as Direct Inward Dialing (DID), and T-1 service.
Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Feature
Intelligent skill based call routing, Call routing to remote agents , Prioritized call routing , DNIS assignment of agent groups , GUI interface , Unlimited number of agent groups , 800 Answering Services , Skills Based Call Routing , Custom messages for each DNIS, Call queuing and call routing , Web call backs , Multimedia support (email, chat, inbound, outbound calls) , Alarms for callers in queue , Call-back message support , Customizable agent screens
(c) The cost of equipment and installation.
Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
Multiple Locations
Whether you need voicemail for a distributed sales force or the ability to transfer calls between locations, Direct Enterprise can adapt to your needs-starting at only $24.95 per location.
Direct Enterprise
Office Enterprise starting at $99.95/month
Multiple locations starting at $24.95/month
For larger companies who require advanced PBX phone system features to meet their unique needs, we can help.
Direct Enterprise Plans DE1 DE2 DE3
Included Minutes 4000 7500 15000
Additional Minutes 3.9 cents/min 3.9 cents/min 3.9 cents/min
Available Extensions 25 50 100
Additional Local or Toll Free Number $9.95/month $9.95/month $9.95/month
Cost: (Call for Canada pricing) $99.95 $99.95 $99.95
KSU DSX40 Key Service Unit (4Other products by NEC), No customer reviews yet. Be the first. More about this product
List Price: $590.99, Price: $378.08, You Save: $212.91 (36%)
Provide a recommendation for which system to purchase and give reasons for this recommendation.( 5 marks)
We wish to recommendation for your company to choice Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) .Because ACD have many advanced features. There are Voice Mailbox, Voice-To-Email , Caller ID Capture , Fax Mailbox , Auto-Sensing Fax , Fax-To-Email , Personal Greeting , Simultaneous Calls , Pass Code Protection , Store 100 Voice Messages , Store 100 Faxes , Web Administration , Call Reports , Disaster Recovery , Customized Set Up , Cardless Calling Card , Cell Phone Text Message Notification .
Task 2
Task 2
Task 2
Investigate the possible network topologies and media that could be used to create the in-house network (LAN) for use by all teams. Explain how the topologies opetare.
Provide a recommendation for which topology and medium to use, and give reasons for this recommendation(5 marks).
Network topologies
Bus network topology
On a typical bus network, the cable is just one or more wires, with no active electronics to amplify the signal or pass it along from computer to computer. This makes the bus a passive topology. When one computer sends a signal up (and down) the wire, all the computers on the network receive the information, but only one (the one with the address that matches the one encoded in the message) accepts the information. The rest disregard the message.
Only one computer at a time can send a message; therefore, the number of computers attached to a bus network can significantly affect the speed of the network. A computer must wait until the bus is free before it can transmit.
Star Network topology
Each computer on a star network communicates with a central hub that resends the message either to all the computers (in a broadcast star network) or only to the destination computer (in a switched star network). The hub in a broadcast star network can be active or passive.
An active hub regenerates the electrical signal and sends it to all the computers connected to it. This type of hub is often called a multiport repeater.
Active hubs and switches require electrical power to run. A passive hub, such as wiring panels or punch-down blocks, merely acts as a connection point and does not amplify or regenerate the signal. Passive hubs do not require electrical power to run.
You can use several types of cable to implement a star network. A hybrid hub can accommodate several types of cable in the same star network.
You can expand a star network by placing another star hub where a computer might otherwise go, allowing several more computers or hubs to be connected to that hub. This creates a hybrid star network.
Ring Network topology
Every computer is connected to the next computer in the ring, and each retransmits what it receives from the previous computer. The messages flow around the ring in one direction. Since each computer retransmits what it receives, a ring is an active network and is not subject to the signal loss problems a bus experiences.
There is no termination because there is no end to the ring.
Some ring networks do token passing. A short message called a token is passed around the ring until a computer wishes to send information to another computer. That computer modifies the token, adds an electronic address and data, and sends it around the ring. Each computer in sequence receives the token and the information and passes them to the next computer until either the electronic address matches the address of a computer or the token returns to its origin. The receiving computer returns a message to the originator indicating that the message has been received. The sending computer then creates another token and places it on the network, allowing another station to capture the token and begin transmitting. The token circulates until a station is ready to send and captures the token.
Coaxial Cable
Thin coaxial cable is also referred to as thinnet. 10Base2 refers to the specifications for thin coaxial cable carrying Ethernet signals. The 2 refers to the approximate maximum segment length being 200 meters. In actual fact the maximum segment length is 185 meters. Thin coaxial cable has been popular in
Thick coaxial cable is also referred to as thicknet. 10Base5 refers to the specifications for thick coaxial cable carrying Ethernet signals. The 5 refers to the maximum segment length being 500 meters. Thick coaxial cable has an extra protective plastic cover that helps keep moisture away from the center conductor. This makes thick coaxial a great choice when running longer lengths in a linear bus network. One disadvantage of thick coaxial is that it does
Fiber Optic Cable
Fiber optic cabling consists of a center glass core surrounded by several layers of protective materials .It transmits light rather than electronic signals eliminating the problem of electrical interference. This makes it ideal for certain environments that contain a large amount of electrical interference. It has also made it the standard for connecting networks between
Fiber optic cable has the ability to transmit signals over much longer distances than coaxial and twisted pair. It also has the capability to carry information at vastly greater speeds. This capacity broadens communication possibilities to include services such as video conferencing and interactive services. The cost of fiber optic cabling is comparable to copper cabling; however, it is
The center core of fiber cables is made from glass or plastic fibers. A plastic coating then cushions the fiber center, and kevlar fibers help to strengthen the cables and prevent breakage. The outer insulating jacket made of teflon or PVC.
Unshielded twisted pair is the most common kind of copper telephone wiring. Twisted pair is the ordinary copper wire that connects home and many business computers to the telephone company. To reduce crosstalk or electromagnetic induction between pairs of wires, two insulated copper wires are twisted around each other. Each signal on twisted pair requires both wires. Since some telephone sets or desktop locations require multiple connections, twisted pair is sometimes installed in two or more pairs, all within a single cable. For some business locations, twisted pair is enclosed in a shield that functions as a ground. This is known as shielded twisted pair (STP).
Twisted pair is now frequently installed with two pairs to the home, with the extra pair making it possible for you to add another line (perhaps for modem use) when you need it.
We would like to recommends the star topology and unshielded twisted pair cable. Because at star topology, all user nodes are connected via a dedicated link to the central server node. If a node other than the server fails the whole network fails. Star topology used central device hub or switch and easy to troubleshooting . The unshielded twisted pair cable is easy troubkeshooting and easy moves and changes.So, we think the star topology and unshielded twisted pair cable are suitable for your requirements.
Task 3
Task 3
Investigate the requirements for creating the company intranet including the following information;
Option for hardware to host the intranet, including costs of purchase, running and maintaining the hardware. (8 marks)
The machine on which Linux will be installed will offer the following services:
A domain name server (DNS) so that machines can be recognized with a name other than their IP address. In our scenario, we'll say that the IP address of the server is and that we'll be assigning it the name tux server.
An email server so that the clients can send and receive e-mail. The most common email server is Send Mail, but given how complicated it is to configure, we shall use Quail. This will let us use SMTP (outgoing mail) and POP (incoming mail)
A Web server for providing our own website. The server used will be Apache (the most-used server in the world) running the language PHP, which lets dynamic pages be used.
A database server (DBMS) for administering a database. We will install MySQL, a free DBMS that can run on Linux.
A file server so that the intranet's users can access all shared files. We will use SAMBA, which has the advantage of being fully compatible with Microsoft networks.
An LDAP server providing a very powerful directory service.
A mailing list for authorizing users to send email to all (or some) of the users on the intranet.
Type of server RAM Disk space
Traditional HTTP server >64 MB 9 GB
ASP/PHP/JSP Server >128 MB 9 GB
Application Server >256 MB 18 GB (+ RAID)
Streaming media server >512 MB 18 GB (+ RAID)
Options for extending this to an extranet to allow for home working and access by staff by staff whilst at client's premises. (8marks)
Extranet servers-house the tools required for a Web presence, including:
Security and access control
Transaction management
Site operations
Extensible and scalable architecture
Site operations and hosting
Multiple platform compatibility
Extranet applications-business applications that allow people to communicate, exchange files, purchase goods or services, conduct info searches, monitor business details, etc.
Interface layers-bridges between system software and graphical user presentation.
For your site, you will need:
Web server hardware and software. The size of the server will depend on the number of potential users and whether or not you will need a lot of bandwidth to support audiovisual content, eg video feeds.
Computers connected via a local area network - a closed, private network.
Firewall software and hardware, which will prevent unauthorised access from outside your organisation.
A content management system to add and update intranet content.
C) Options for storage of electronic files. The company will require a large amount of storage for images and video that is used on client's websites (8 marks)
Your options for storage include:
Online: Properly designed storage in your computer system may provide full access to appropriate users. Online access means that the record is accessible immediately through your network (e.g., on your network server or on your personal computers hard drive). This option maintains the greatest functionality.
Near line: Near line storage includes storage in a system that is not a direct part of your network, but that can be accessed through your network (e.g., an optical media jukebox). This option maintains a moderate amount of functionality.
Offline: Offline storage refers to storage on a system that is not accessible through your network (e.g., removable media such as magnetic tape). This option retains the least amount of functionality, while still maintaining records in an electronic format.
Paper or microfilm. Printing records onto archival-quality paper or outputting them to microfilm for storage may be acceptable as long as the complete record, including all components and metadata, is included.
Task 4
Task 4
Investigate the Internet connection requirements for Top Web.
Describe the Internet Services that may be required.( 5 marks)
Top Web, a web design agency, to discuss with client may be required chatting and e-mail .Web browser may be required to make the sample of customer required website.
So, customer may be checked the website design and requirements details. Chatting is also required to conversation with client to ask the detail specification. Email may be required to send the sample of require web pages design. So, we thought that the about Internet service may be required.
Explain the connection speeds that are suitable for these requirements.(3 marks)
256 kbps connection speeds that are suitable for these requirements. Because chatting with client to conversation the details requirements.
Whether you're an Internet junkie or an entrepreneur on the go, there's nothing better than having Internet connection without any disruptions.
Stay online all the time with Red Link Broadband enterprise plan. With the high speed of up to 256/128 kbps. This plan is just what you need to make heavy downloading, surfing and browsing simply a breeze.
Find examples of Internet Service Provider (ISPs) that can meet these requirements in your country.(4 marks)
Recommending up to 4 PCs, Enterprise plan is the perfect, easy to set-up medium sized office used broadband solution if you've multiple workstations, while our enterprise plan packages best suit medium sized business environments of up to 15 PCs. Static IP addressing options are also available should your business require enhanced features.
Speed by 256 kbps
Maximum Attach Devices: 4 PCs
Get Free Email: 3 account
Free Email Account
Maximum Attached
4PC + 1 VOIP
256 kbps
One Time installation Fees
Wi Max Activation Fee
840 FEC
Wi Max Annual Fee
60 FEC
Wi Max Equipment Fee
600 FEC
1,500 FEC
VOIP Service (Optional)
VoIP Activation Fee
(Per Line)
50 FEC
VoIP Annual Fee
(Per Line)
60 FEC
VoIP Adapter
(3 ports)
250 FEC
360 FEC
Additional Services
• Co-location
• Global Audio Conferencing Services
• Managed Equipment Services
• Managed Security Services
1. Relocation - 200 FEC
2. Additional Email - 24 FEC
3. Email Username Change - 10 FEC
4. Plan Change
• Upgrade - FOC (free of charge)
• Downgrade - 30 FEC
5. Disable - FOC
6. Terminate - FOC
7. Customer Detail Change - FOC
WiMAX Broadband connection by private firm in Burma
Broadband WiMAX needs only an 'outdoor unit' for an internet connection and is easy to
install. Moreover it will have a separate VOIP phone line with a seven digit phone number.
Similar broadband services without landline telephones were previously provided by other ISPs
such as Bagan, which is taken over by the Myanmar Teleport and Myanmar Post and
Telecommunication. But the customers of these ISPs are faced inconveniences when the
outdoor units complete its life span.
Dial up
Fiber access
2500 5
Wi max
ActivatioThe speed of the Internet connection for the whole of Burma is 7.8 Gps and 25
percent of users are domestic. n
Make a recommendation to use one particular ISP based upon the services offered and price charged.
We wish to recommend the service of Red Link broadband Enterprise because they have Co-location, Global Audio Conferencing Services, Managed Equipment Services, Managed Security Services .So, user can save time and get a lot of benefit in the future. This service may give customer satisfactory and make a lot of profit.
Task 5
Task 5
Create a comprehensive, professional report describing your network recommendations. This should include the details of Task 1 - 4, have estimates of cost throughout and have an executive summary at the start giving the key points.
I want to express the information for TopWeb, concern with networking topologies and media, telephone system, establish company intranet/extranet and requirement for connecting the internet.
For Task 1-
I choose the PABX system for TopWeb, because PABX is more reliable than other telephone system. And then I think it's cost is not expensive. So I choose the PABX system for TopWeb.
For Task 2-
Star topologies are very easy to manage because of its simplicity in functionality. The problems can be easily located logically in a star topology and therefore is easy to troubleshoot also. Because of using the Fiber Optic cable with star topologies, the system will send data quickly and less disruption.
For Task 3-
I recommend the extranet and using file server. By using file server in the extranet, the company can store the electronic data reliably.
In the Task 4, WiMax from RedLink Communications Services should be recommended because that Broadband Wireless Network is scalable and fully routable to the entire existing network in Myanmar. So, it is reasonable to choose RedLink because the price is cheaper. The expense of one time installation fees is FEC 1500 and the VoIP service is FEC 360.
The technologies, I recommend in the above are the essential requirement for the TopWeb. I think, the company can choose the most suitable technology for reliability and their requirement for their company network. And then, TopWeb can choose the reliable internet line for their requirement internet services.