All universities have wide plans for welfare of their students. Universities always mind that no student have to suffer because of their policies, all their policies are for welfare of their students. Here we discuss some policies of Abu Dhabi university and compare them with policies of Duke University, Western Carolina University. These both universities are SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools) accredited. Well there is no much difference in the policies of different universities only main differences come in that way that how they apply those policies. Here we discuss student health policy and student employment policy. These both are very important for student. A student who studies in a university always has a tension about his career. So university in which he is studying has responsibility that it took care for student placement. Universities also have a major responsibility about student health. If student is not healthy he can never study well. Abu Dhabi University has better policies for student employment and student health. (Student Employment Policies and Procedures)
Abu Dhabi University is one of those universities which take better care of their students. For their student's health it has social and human resources policy. Social and human resources policy include a wide variety of goals and initiatives. Their main objective is that every student should be healthy and physically fit. Abu Dhabi University is having a significant change in healthcare delivery for those ill students (localities and non localities), providers and those responsible for planning to ensure that the quality of services is prepared. Abu Dhabi University's vision for the improvement of natural and human resources describes a society featured by the provision of super class education; health care and variant services where students (both national and migrants) are appreciated and their unparalleled skills and ethical contributions are leveraged to attain a better quality of life for all. Key objectives of social and human resources policy are:
The first priority should always be to improve the quality of care which can be applied by the application of rigorous service standards and performance targets.
Extend access of all medical services, also giving the rights to access all medical services to students with the power to choose any health care services.
Implemented a new system of mandatory health insurance through a new financing modal.
Objectives of Abu Dhabi University show that they are so much desperate for student health. They believe if their students are not healthy then how they will study. So students want to study more and more that they should be healthy. All other universities also take care that their students should be healthy. But they have different plans for their students as per their conveniences.
Duke University has several health policies for their students. Out of which most important is Health Insurance Policy. The purpose of this policy is to provide the Graduate School health insurance payment policy to Ph.D. students. Also Duke University has duke health enterprise which keeps all information related to student's medical. This enterprise keeps all these information confidential. Duke Health Enterprise organized Health Care Arrangement which covers many entities, e.g. Duke University Health System, Duke University Hospital, Durham Regional Hospital etc. All these hospitals are for better care of university's students. Duke University also provides their students Duke Student Medical Insurance Plan (SMIP). SMIP is necessary for all migrated students who attend Duke University on an F-1 orJ-1 visa. Like Abu Dhabi University and Duke University Western Carolina University also have various health policies for student's welfare. For student they have opened a health centre. They take care of students while they are away from home. The Western Carolina University Health Center (UHC) attempt to provide efficient and effective health care even to a student with their staff and also their staff perceived as student's primary care provider away from home. The Western Carolina University Health Center is situated on the upper grounds of campus in the Bird Building and health centre staff is a mixture of physicians and physician extenders. The Health Center is available to every university student without taking any fees for their treatment. The University Health Centre provides daily scheduled appointments for those students who need routine medical services. The UHC also offers walk-in appointments for students who need more urgent care. The health center also give facilities like women's health clinic, allergy clinic, immunization services, laboratory services, also some limited pharmacy services. Only health centre in Western Carolina University fulfill all need and necessasities of their student. Students of any universities have one more big tension with their health and that tension is their career. They have tension that how they can cost own. So to remove students from this tension every university makes some policies for student employment. Abu Dhabi University also runs a program for student employment named as student employment program. (Abu Dhabi University (ADU), 2010-2011)
The Student Employment Program provides Abu Dhabi University students a successful employment experience which also supports their education, proficiency, skills and capabilities. The students who want to attain more work experience with their education and also want to be able to pay their educational expenses for those students, student employment program provides on-campus employment. This program has various eligibility criteria for placement of students, e.g. cumulative GPA of any student should be 2.5 or more than it. This program provides many more facilities to a student employ. But as a student employ he has some responsibilities also, e.g. sincerity about work, honesty about profession, maintain professionalism etc. Duke University also has such programs for their student. By working at Duke University education student get the opportunity and the responsibility to make a real difference in the world. Duke University's students when work as employees in the university then they learn excellence in education, research, and patient care. Duke University gives their students a wide opportunity in their library. Every year university gives more than 250 jobs in variety of posts in the library. Some library posts are Library student assistant new materials, staff public service desks, computer database search process, edit on-line record, old and worn books, versions that have circulated for our patrons, clerical duties and improve the shelf thousands and many other duties.
Duke University provides a wide option for student employment; university offers job to student with high wages starting at $8.25 per hour, DU offers a flexible schedule of job to students as they can manage themselves as per job timings. Duke University gives a better platform to students to meet many interesting people. Like Abu Dhabi University and Duke University Western Carolina University have wide plans for student employment. All jobs on campus provided by Western Carolina University are such that all students of university have an equal employment opportunity (EEO). (Duke University Graduate School, July,2009)
Jobs offered by university are posted on the Career Services Website of Western Carolina University. The Western Carolina University pays very well to a student employ which is maximum hourly pay is $10.00 for undergraduate and $12.00 for graduate students and minimum hourly pay is $7.25. Western Carolina University also has non-work study student employment policies. Non-work study jobs are part-time campus positions within the University which are funded by the individual departmental budgets. Students can select jobs from a wide range of on-campus jobs from university's office. These all jobs are available to all Western Carolina University students not necessary that they should have any financial need. To work in on-campus job an undergraduate student must carry at least 6 hours per day and a graduate student must carry 3 hours per day. All non-work study jobs offered by Western Carolina University are available on student service website. (Jobs)
All universities available now are only in progress due to students who study there. So for their better progress they must take care of students. For better future of students universities should apply different - different policies time to time. Abu Dhabi university, Duke University, Western Carolina university all these universities also have plans for their student's future. All policies applied by these universities are very nice and these policies are really good for better improvement of the student. All health policies applied by these universities have a better take care of student health. The health centers started by these universities are really able to take care of the student. Many health organization started by universities are able to help the universities in taking care of student. Also student employment policies are able to make a student to cost own. With the help of employment policies student get the opportunity and the responsibility to make a real difference in the world. Students when work as employees in the university then they learn excellence in education, research, and patient care. While working in universities students meet many interesting personalities who can guide them in a better direction. But as the saying goes that no one is perfect. If universities think deeply than they can improve these policies for better future of student.
Student employment policies in WCU (n.d.) retrieved on March 17, 2011 from
Student employment policies in Duke University (n.d.) retrieved on March 17, 2011 from
Student employment policies in ADU (n.d.) retrieved on March 17, 2011 from
Student health policies in Duke University (n.d.) retrieved on March 17, 2011 from :
Student health policies in Abu Dhabi University (n.d.) retrieved on March 17, 2011 from :,.pdf
Student health policies in Western Carolina University (n.d.) retrieved on March 17, 2011 from :