A Clinical Information System For Hospitals Information Technology Essay

Published: November 30, 2015 Words: 1025

The purpose of this report was to examine the analysis and justifications of the solutions to the problems and on introducing deLacy: a clinical information system for hospitals in St. Vincent's Hospital. It further determines the cost benefit, integration, and implementation analyses of deLacy in the hospital.

The major finding indicates the use of clinical information system is helpful for St. Vincent's Hospital which are possible to be implemented.


Delacy application is a patient centric clinical information system which is designed to facilitate clinical service delivery processes and provide an electronic medical record at the point of care. It is intended to be used in the clinical environment in real time during the actual process of delivering health care services.

As designed by clinicians, the primary users are all of multidisciplinary team involved in providing patient care during any episode of care. Care management by the help of multidisciplinary team is centred on patient care guides that each patient is assigned for any given episode of care.

Product Scopes

The scope of the Clinical Information Systems includes:

Patient Care Guides

Variance Tracking


Medical History


Progress Notes



Questionnaires-Clinical Forms

Management Reporting

deLacy Product Technical Specifications

Application Architecture

A rapid application development tool set (DADA) which is designed to accelerate if there is any addition of functionality and application modification in order to match the pace of change in processes of healthcare service.

Two databases

An information repository that stores captured information

An application database that stores 'metadata' defining application components such as screens

Business objects

Business logic

Application logic

An Interface Engine



Delivery Platform

deLacy is entirely an internet browser based application (IE5.5+)

Workstations can be network connected or wirelessly connected both locally or remotely

Simple and highly secure delivery platform


Likewise the any other organisation, bringing a change in organisation is never an easy task and there is always a reason that forces any organisation to think and process change. St. Vincent's also faced the same type of scenario introducing DeLacy which as discussed in Journal 1 which were to implement the thoughts regarding change in a way that the management should accept change. And also how message be passed to the entire management team and how they would perceive and the consequences. Another challenge faced by DeLacy was how the change how the change could be implemented without facing the business function and new and existing priorities must remain in the available resources.



EHS is an internet browser-based application which allows fixed or mobile workstations, connection locally and remotely, wired and wireless infrastructure.


EHS runs on standard database engines (MS SQL or Sybase) and standard network servers(Windows or Linux)


Emerging Health Solutions Application builds an information repository which stores and captures information, an application database that stores metadata which define application components such as screens, business objects that hold business logic & application logic, a standards based interface engine that uses HL& and XML.


The value of a structured environment, health and safety (EHS) and sustainability program is understood, the purchase of an enterprise wide software solution to help manage EHS is seen by the upper management as a pure support function expense. Most EHS professionals recognize the benefit of a corporate-wide centralized system for managing EHS programs, the financial arm of the organization may be reluctant to fund implementation projects.

Cost analysis is an integral part of the business case. A financial calculation component of a cost benefit analysis is to kept as part of a standard business case. Cost benefit analysis is one of the mist widely used component for project selection purposes within organizations. Cost benefit analysis focuses on the identification of costs and benefits using reasonable estimates and quantitative data from Net Present Value calculations, cost benefit ratios and payback period identification.

Comparison of Alternatives

Most cost benefit analysis will often represent a comparison of alternative projects. In the case of EHS implementation, comparisons will be between implementing a new software solution.

Quantitative vs. Qualitative data

For the business case to have the best chance of securing the desired funds, proposal should focus in the quantitative and qualitative aspects of proposed projects. Example of quantitative data associated will be the cost of savings realized while an example of qualitative data could be improved employee morale.

Integrating the New Product Development

Emerging Systems EHS stores and accesses all data relating to patient within a specific health care environment forming an electronic record (EHR).

EHS Supports Clinical Communication and Patient Flow

Patient progress from pre-admission through to discharge enabling timely clinical decision making. Access of the available medical record information of a patient is electronically.

System Integration

EHS integration system makes developers simple to enrich their existing products. EHS Integration Engine provides the ability to connect other systems seamlessly enhancing the user experience. Integration engine allows valuable sharing of data by providing connection with other systems.

Patient Flow

EHS provides a coordinated approach to managing patient flow by providing consistent care guidelines enhancing safety and quality, coordinating the care delivered to patients by the entire care team, linking Workforce Resource Management to clinical care requirements, prompting activity/ interventions based on care pathways to ensure the right care is given at the right time, providing management with real time reporting tools to monitor and manage workload optimally.

Implementation Analysis

EHS Corrective Action like ensure accountability, eliminate risk quickly and increase productivity.

Corrective, Preventive and Task management functionality is the core to the EHS. A single tool enables assignment and follow up of environmental, health, and safety action items from any source including incident investigations, audit findings, impact analysis, and change management. Users will find all of their tasks in one consistent, simple to find, simple to use format.

Tools used in this category will help companies develop their integrated systems to manage environmental, health and safety issues. By following the Deming Cycle of

Plan (set objectives & processes)

Do (implementation & collection of data)

Check (measure results against expectations)

Act (analyse differences & apply changes) .