Derek Wilson really paints a picture of Henry VIII and the fanaticism he had with his own succession. Wilson describes when King Henry VIII became certain that his current wife, Catherine of Aragon, could not give him male heirs, and how he began a fight with the Catholic Church to have a marriage of twenty-four years annulled. This situation intensified until Henry eventually broke down completely with the Catholic Church, and began his own religion. He also further emphasized his power as a supreme ruler. Henry created laws that enabled him to destroy his enemies, take their lands, and plunder the churches. This particular section of the book accentuates how Henry extorted money from his people, who were already experiencing severe poverty while rewarding his friends and going on expensive escapades.
Ridgway, Claire. "Anne Boleyn's Coronation Procession." April 6, 2010. (accessed 10/6/2010).
This essay explains that King Henry VII only had formal coronations two out of six. King Henry VII and Katharine had their coronations at the same time. Unlike his remaining four wives, Anne Boleyn had an extravagant and costly coronation even though she was to be executed three years later. The essay goes on to explain that Anne's coronation was widely accepted even though the event itself was extremely detailed and expensive. Anne Boleyn was very unpopular lady and apparently, she was insulted and laughed at. Her reputation according to Ridgway was that Anne wriggled her way into being queen by manipulating King Henry VII. Anne was currently pregnant at her coronation with who would be Queen Elizabeth I. Her pregnancy was cause for a swift marriage to Henry and her coronation.
Hall, Edward. "The coronations of Henry VIII and Katharine of Aragon." November 4, 2005. (accessed 10/2/2010).
This essay portrays the coronation parade, that is customary the night before, to Westminster and they were received with great enthusiasm. Hall goes on to say that the custom is that both Henry and Katherine spend the night before their coronation in the Tower of London, which is ironic seeing as that is where Henry's later wife, Catherine Howard was beheaded. Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon were jointly crowned by the Archbishop of Canterbury at their coronation. A banquet then followed the celebration at Westminster Hall. In honor of the coronation and festivities, many new Knights of the Bath were produced. King Henry VIII christened twenty-six new Knights, many of which were close friends. On the day of the coronation, the essay describes Henry and Katherine as wearing red robes and being preceded by the nobility, as they walked down to Westminster Abbey along a carpet that was sprinkled with flowers and other delightful things.
I, Mary. "Letter of Princess Mary to King Henry VIII." November 4, 2005. (accessed 9/28/2010).
Princess Mary was the daughter of Katherine of Aragon. The following letter was Princess Mary's way of defending herself against the King. The letter explains that she acknowledges that she was an illegitimate child of Henry's and that any statement she made otherwise was untrue and not meant to offend. She also states that the marriage between her mother and the King was "incestuous" and "unlawful". Most of the letter is her apologies and her submission to the King, on behalf of offending him by stating that she was his daughter. She asks him that he be gracious and takes great mercy on her.
Starkey,David. Six Wives: The Queens of Henry VIII. 2 ed. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 2003.
This book's different chapters gave brief descriptions of all six of King Henry VII's wives the first of which was Catherine of Aragon. After the death of Catherine's first husband, and Henry's brother, Arthur, she was allowed to marry Henry. After her years of not producing him a male heir, Henry started an affair with Anne Boleyn, who was to be his next wife. The marriage between Catherine and Henry was annulled.
Anne Boleyn was the woman who stole Henry VIII away from Catherine. Starkey explains that Henry's marriage to Anne, and her consequent execution, made her an important figurehead for the beginning of the English Reformation. Although the proof against Anne was unimpressive, she was beheaded because of charges such as incest, high treason, and adultery.
Henry's third wife was a bit different from the rest. Jane Seymour was her name. She was a lady-in-waiting for Anne Boleyn and Starkey proposed that Jane was one of the reasons that Henry got rid of Anne. After they were married, Jane gave him his only male heir, Edward VI. Sadly enough, in a little less than two weeks, she died.
Henry's fourth wife and second Anne was Anne of Cleves. The marriage only lasted six months because she had a previous pre-contract of marriage with Francis I, which were grounds for annulment of her marriage to Henry. Anne agreed without a fight, because the marriage was not consummated. She was generously compensated, and a friend to Henry and his children. Anne also outlived the King and his last two wives.
Catherine Howard was the fifth wife of Henry's. He caught wind of her supposed adultery and after she was not crowned Queen, Catherine was beheaded.
Catherine Parr was King Henry VII's sixth and last wife. Starkey states that Catherine also has a unique place in history because she had been married a number of times. She had four husbands in all; Henry being her third. She was widowed three times, very quickly might I add, and after Henry's death, she married again. She had one child and died in childbirth.