Introduction: Expatriation is a very significant characteristic of International Human Resource Management (IHRM), which is a result of the developments made in global business environment. For instance, such as Asia Pacific Region came up as world economic centre becoming the rivals of existing centres of Europe and North America. Moreover, the extended role World Trade Organization in dispute settlement and facilitating international trade flows and emergence of international economic forum...
Today, many organizations are facing an increasingly competitive and hastily changing environment illustrated by various labor market, deregulation, globalization, improved information technologies, uninterrupted labor markets among other factors. For success in its operations, a company/firm should improve its performance through reduction of its operation costs, creation of new processes and products, increasing quality, productivity and speed market. Consequently, organizations have to cen...
1 Introduction Human resource management (HRM) refers to the activities an organization carries out to utilize its human resources effectively, including determining the firm's human resource strategy, staffing, performance evaluation, management development, compensation, labor relations. The staffing activity is concerned with the selection of employees who have the suitable skills required to perform a particular job. To perform staffing function effectively, there are three main approache...
Employee Voice Ensures Effective Performance Introduction Talking from the perspective of Human Resource Management (HRM), Employee Voice (EV) signifies the involvement of employees in organizational decision making. EV is an offshoot of the Participative Management Model which aims at achieving corporate goals through management-employee harmony. The chief ingredients of EV are Employee Participation and Employee Involvement. From the works of many management scholars it has been observed th...