Field, Laboratory, and Modeling Study of Reactive Transport of Groundwater Arsenic in a Coastal Aquifer Introduction Introduction Advantage of Kd : easy to use. Disadvantage of Kd : become inaccurate when deals wide range of geochemical conditions. When develop reactive transport model with Kd, Langmuir isotherm is more suitable for most contaminant sorption reactions compared to linear isotherm. Reason: It accounts for the decrease in Kd value as the adsorbing surface is increasing occupied ...
The Shaanxi earthquake is considered to be the deadliest recorded earthquake, in which about 830,000 people died and an area of 840 kilometers wide was destroyed. Reported damages included 20 meter deep crevices. Effects were felt as far as 500 kilometers away from the epicenter. Landslides also occurred and caused great destruction. The earthquake damaged many historical monuments and monuments. Permanent deformation occurred. Plains had lowered and risen are still like that today. For examp...
INHOUDSOPGAVE VOORWOORD Voor u ligt het profielwerkstuk waar wij dit schooljaar aan hebben gewerkt. Wij willen... en .... Bedanken voor hun hulp bij het maken van dit document We hopen duidelijkheid te geven in.. en ... Wij moeten in havo 5 een profielwerkstuk maken over een vak die je in je profiel heb. Wij hebben allebei het profiel Economie & Maatschappij met vele vakken daarin. Waarom hebben wij het vak Engels gekozen? Je hebt vele keuzes in vakken binnen je profiel. Beide zijn wij redeli...