This essay is about how Robert Merton theory accounts for crime and deviance within a contemporary society. I will look at how he believes crime is a result of an ambitious society, and whether or not we can blame crime on the wider society and not on the deviant themselves. I will show how Merton and also Durkheim (1958-1917) construct their theories of crime from different principles, However, both use the theory of `anomie' (also referred to as 'strain theory') in their bid to explain the ...
Juvenile delinquency prevention has become more of an issue in the past 20 to 30 years in America and nobody truly knows why. "The number of under-18s convicted or cautioned over violent offences rose from 17,590 to 24,102 - an increase of 37 percent." (Leapman, 2008) It can possibly be because parents aren't home enough, or because after school activities have become less popular than doing drugs or alcohol while getting into trouble. Through this reading you will find that there are some in...
What is a serial killer? Many have their own ideas as to what a serial killer is, what they look like, and what kind of job they have or how they were raised or even where they live. In order for the reader to really understand the definition of a serial killer the research must pinpoint what makes a serial. Statistical data as well as demographic data will also be discussed so that it can show accuracy between profiles and stereotypes. Past studies and the articles under consideration mostly...
The concept of deviance in sociology is a broad one, encompassing many forms of behavior, legal and illegal, ordinary and unusual. Crime is one form of deviance, specifically, behavior that violates specific criminal laws. School violence, shootings in the workplace, drive by shootings: these are the images of violence in America. Violence is growing more rapidly among youth than any other groups - both as victims and as perpetrators. (Becker, 2004) What can be done about violence? Sociologis...
Between 1968 and 1985, in Florence Italy, eight couples were killed in violent acts that included multiple gunshots, stabbings and female genital mutilation. The perpetrator of these vicious crimes, dubbed 'The Monster of Florence,' has never been caught. Despite the violence of the crimes, the killer left no physical evidence at the crime scenes to connect himself to them. However, he did leave the makings of a psychological profile, the details of which are presented here using the five sta...
Domestic Violence The most serious threat to personal safety occur not on the city street but in the home. Discuss. The explorative of the discussion within this essay will to be examine what constitutes the term ‘domestic violence’, and what implementations as a result of government policies have been introduced to address and therefore eradicate the problem of domestic violence within society. Crimes committed within a private space, such as domestic violence within the family home are cons...
Nowadays hard to imagine daily life without news telling us stories about shocking tragedies happening around the world. Unfortunately almost everybody is interested in actions that can harm somebody. In media even existing a victim hierarchy (more sensational victim goes on top) of attraction interest of audience. People are 'measure' beings. It is in our habits to judge ourselves and people around us. Rules are governing everywhere; it sets correct and incorrect behaviour of society members...
Youth Crime Prevention Youth and Crime: The Need for a Prevention Strategy There is considerable debate over the issue of whether the level or the seriousness of offences committed by youth has increased in recent years. Those who feel it has point to statistical evidence of increased youth involvement in certain types of crimes. This position is also often supported by our personal experience of victimization, and our collective exposure to media reports of dramatic incidents involving young...
There is an often asked question that if the use of substances is correlated with youth crime. The fact is that, in some cases, drugs, alcohol, and tobacco are related to youth crime, such as selling drugs, robbery to get money in order to purchase drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. The representation of youth crime as well as youth substance use can be reflected by the broad media system, such as, magzine, TV show, and newspapers. Even youth crime only takes a small percentage of the overall crime...
Crime statistics were first published by the police force in 1876 in England and in Wales. Crime statistics attempt to provide accurate statistical measures of crime in society. Crime statistics are measured by police records and is used as a data resource also along with the police records there is a public survey called the British Crime Survey, the survey acts as an important source of information about different levels of crime and takes into consideration of the public's feelings and att...