Abstract: Satellites have many types, applications and uses in our daily life. This report will discuss the work process of satellites, its types and its military or non military applications; also it will list the most important countries and entities that have the technology of manufacturing and launching satellites and countries that owns satellites, then the report will show the widely used applications of satellites in the daily life. Introduction: We all hear about satellites and its wi...
Corporate Environmental Obligation: An examination of the performance of ExxonMobil Modern consumers are increasingly sensitive to the environmental performance of corporations (Arana and Leon 2009), and recognise that at all stages of business operations, there is the potential to generate a negative impact on ecological systems (Handfield et al., as cited in Setthasakko 2009). For a multi-national corporation like ExxonMobil, recognised as the largest privately owned oil company in the worl...
The information communicated comes in number of forms and is used in various number of applications. In large number of these applications, it is desired that the communication has to be done in secrete. Such secret communication ranges from the obvious cases of bank transfers, corporate communications, and credit card purchases,and large percentage of everyday e-mail. Steganography is an ancient art of embedding a message in such a way that no one,except the sender and the recipient,suspects...
The aim of project is to built, test and design a wireless feedback control system. Replace point to point connection with wireless has so many useful advantages like reduced weight, simpler installation, reliability, maintenance, improved flexibility [Irwin, W.G. and Scanlon, W. (2010)] . Wireless sensors reduces the cost and effort related with installing wide length of coaxial cables. In order to transmit real time data in control systems, coaxial cables are consider as safest way to excha...
Communication is the most important and the most used of all skills in the hospitality and tourism industry. Managers spend the largest portion of their time in verbal or written communications with their employees or outside parties. Other staff member communicate among themselves , as well as their managers, frontline employees suppliers, and so on, to give and receive the information they need to perform their jobs. Communication has been recognized as the means by which both and people an...
2. Underwater Acoustic Communications 2.1 Introduction: From the past 4 decades, underwater acoustic communications received more attention for its vast applications in commercial utilization of technology other than military applications. Acoustic communications are normally differs from the other communication systems due to its complexity in signal transition, degradation due to multipath propagation, channel conditions ,salinity and spatial variability conditions. The field of underwater ...
Looking for the responsible technical position in a progressive organization and to get an intensive experience in the diverse field of Telecommunications based System Engineering and Support where I would be able to utilize my existing skills and enhance them further in order to provide a valuable contribution to my prospective employer. Work History: PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Mobilink (Behalf of Umbrella Company) Karachi, Pakistan (July 2005 - Jan 2007). RAN Engineer: Paktel GSM (Jan 2004 - ...
Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) is a key player in the establishment, maintenance and provision of telecommunication and related services under the license issued by the Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications. It is the dominant player in the fixed line telephony market in Malaysia, offering local call, long distance call and data services through a range of platforms. TM's mobile communications business operates under the Celcom brand while its Internet access business operates under the ...
Executive Summary The first section of this case study will introduce the background of McDonalds in Malaysia, the mission and vision of McDonalds and also the opportunity and threats of McDonalds. After the brief introduction is the external environmental analysis of McDonalds. The next section analyses the fast food industry through Porter's five forces model as well as the competitor analysis that consist of Burger King and KFC. Subsequently, market analysis is conducted to indentify the m...