Aim The aim of this experiment is to investigate some properties of ionic complex compounds which contain water molecules, namely experiments of blue copper (II) sulphate hydrated. The number of coordinated water will be determined. Introduction The calculation of the value of x (the number of combined water) is based on the 'relative molecule mass (Mr)' and 'the mole'. Lister and Renshaw (2000) stated that, Mr is the mass of a molecule compared to the mass of 1 H atom, and is the sum of the ...
INTRODUCTION Energy is a concept at the center of every scientific discipline. Students examine the role of energy in our daily lives -- that is, how we produce the energy that we use to power our cities, our homes, and our schools, and at what cost. Students study several forms of energy production. They discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each energy resource, in particular, the controversy surrounding the use of nuclear energy. In the end, students gain insight into the difficult c...
ABSTRACT Bacterial resistance to antibiotics has become a major problem in the management of bacterial infections. Discovering new antibiotics is one approach to overcome this problem. Bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP), an essential enzyme in the process of transcription, is a target for only one class of antibiotics used in clinical practical, the rifamycins. Investigation of novel inhibitors of this enzyme to produce alternative RNAP inhibitors may contribute to the chemotherapy of bacterial ...
INTRODUCTION OF BIOSENSORS:- Biosensors or enzyme electrodes invariably refer to such devices that sence and analyze biological informations. A biosensor is a device that detects, records, and transmits information regarding a physiological change or the presence of various chemical or biological materials in the environment. More technically, a biosensor is a probe that integrates a biological component, such as a whole bacterium or a biological product (e.g., an enzyme or antibody) with an ...
The chemistry behind fireworks is a series of oxidation and reduction reactions which result in the desired sound and light. This happens as propellants push the firework into the sky. Oxidation reactions ensure that the oxygen needed to exhaustively burn the mixture of reducing agents and excite the atoms in the light-emitting compounds is produced. Oxidizers used such as chlorates, nitrates and percolates and reducing agents such as carbon and sulfur are available of the shelf for home-made...
Introduction What is a Calorimeter ? Definition: A calorimeter is a device used for calorimetry, the science of measuring the heat of chemical reactions or physical changes as well as heat capacity. The word calorimeter is derived from the Latin word calor, meaning heat. Differential scanning calorimeters, isothermal micro calorimeters, titration calorimeters and accelerated rate calorimeters are among the most common types. A simple calorimeter just consists of a thermometer attached to a me...
Introduction Genetically modified foods have become a major concern and have caused controversy regarding both their health and environmental effects (2). 'Using modern techniques of genetic engineering, it is possible to introduce specific genetic material derived from any species of plant, animal, or microorganism, or even a synthetic material, into different species of plant' (Journal 1) This allows a desired trait to be enhanced and reproduced. (3) (4) 'The resulting plants are commonly k...
INTRODUCTION Solar energy is an inexhaustible resource. The sun produces vast amounts of renewable solar energy that can be collected and converted into heat and electricity. Texas, due to its large size and abundant sunshine, has the largest solar energy resources among the states. Several other states, however, lead the nation in terms of using solar energy, mostly due to state policies and incentives that encourage the installation of solar energy systems. California is the nation's larges...
Results: Identify and mark the signals in the spectra and note the chemical shift values of the methyl resonances in aspirin and caffeine and the methylene resonance in s-trioxane. Using above expression, calculate the weight of aspirin and caffeine in one tablet, and the percentage w/w of each component in one analgesic tablet. Whole tablet weighed = 0.501 Half tablet weighed = 0.270 Mass of s-trioxane = 0.05 RMM of aspirin = 180 RMM of caffeine = 194 RMM of s-trioxane = 90 No. of moles of c...
1. Introduction 1.1 Atlantic Herring (distribution, character and biology) Norwegian spring spawning herring (NSSH, Clupea harengus) is one of the family from Clupeidae which are distributed over wider areas and one of the most abundant species in the world ( Nakken, 2008). Since NSSH playing an important role for Norwegian economy, the stocks was been highly exploited for commercial purpose which come out with bad impact to the ecosystems. Furthermore, changes in environmental condition also...