Strategic planning is a very important step that is required before our company before it gets into a joint venture with the other international tourism according to Ritchie and Crouch (2003, pp. 63-81). Strategic planning can be defined as a step by step process with definite objectives and end products that can be implemented and evaluated. Very simply, it is a process by which we look into a future, paint a picture of that future based on current trends, and influence the forces that will ...
The performance that was observed was not lively as evidenced by the various features. The performance did not make most of the people in the audience to scream. Even the crowd was not cheerful as the performance went on and it showed that the crowd was not moved by the performance. However the dancers looked organized from the way they were entering the stage. I expected a more lively performance that could ignite the audience from the beginning to the end. Push /pull This piece had both men...
Basilicas were used for commerce, as public meeting places and for courts of law. The Hagia Sophia was built as the Byzantine Emperor, Justinian's personal imperial church. It was built in the hopes of competing with the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. The Forum was built from a vast stoa-lined piazza measuring 660 by 390 feet (200x120m) with exedrae on two sides. The main entrance to the forum is on the southern side, a triumphal arch surmounted by a statue of Trajan in a six-horse chariot. ...
VariAsian was held at the University Cultural Centre Dance Studio in NUS on 12th March 2011. It was the 6th NUS Arts Festival and they had many different artists from different fields and different countries to come down and perform in celebration of this festival. The performance was about the forgotten times of the past. With the new and improving world of technology, we tend to bury the memories and the things we once loved behind. What we used to play with when we were children such as th...
Is there a place for Islamic Art in the western Domicile? Introduction: What is Islamic Art? Islamic art does not copy nature but conveys what it represents. Islamic art is a mirror of a culture and its world view. Islamic art is a vibrant and distinctive form of Art. Unlike Christian art, Islamic art is not constrained to religious work, but includes artistic traditions in the Muslim culture. Because of the strict ruling against drawings of human or animals which might result in idol worship...
Merce Cunningham is one of the pioneers in the field of dance and choreography. He had been a mentor to most of the choreographers who have now become major names in modern times. In addition, there are certain body movements and symbolism in his dancing techniques that make him a distinctive pioneer in choreography; also, there are numerous choreographic pieces by Merce Cunningham that are still being imitated by many choreographers of our present time. Most importantly, I have analyzed the ...
In attempt to bring art back into American daily life, the Pop-art movement depicted elements of popular culture by using common everyday objects, chiefly advertising and product packaging, television and comic strips. The images are portrayed with a blend of humour, criticism and irony. Through this, the movement ascertained the position of art into everyday and contemporary life. It assisted in decreasing the gap between "high art" and "low art" and abolished the distinction between fine ar...
Is it possible to learn about ourselves from looking at a fiberglass sculpture? Should it be enough for us to see the physicality of ourselves in order to define our humanity? "Can a monster story teach us something about our own morality? [And] can a tale be a parable holding up a funhouse mirror to the beast lurking in our own hearts?" (Lamoureux, 107). Art is the looking glass of human emotions; it is a reflective instrument that holds neither flawlessness nor scar or threadbare imperfecti...
The story of David and Goliath was one of my favorites growing up. It is a remarkable story about a young brave shepherd named David who saves Israel by challenging and killing a giant named Goliath with nothing more than a slingshot and a bag of stones. The Biblical character of David has been the inspiration for many works of art throughout history. The young David, as Goliath's adversary, has been sculpted by such artists as Verrocchio, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Bernini. Although all of...
Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper Leonardo da Vinci's large mural of The Last Supper is one of the most familiar images in Western art, even though it has deteriorated to the point where its original brilliance can only be guessed at. The mural has largely been known through its repainted versions, or through touched-up copies that attempt to give some idea of what the original might have looked like. But, the various versions of the picture do little to convey how revolutionary Leonardo's ...