As we already know, the rapid development of transportation and telecommunication sectors make the competition in business world getting tighter. Companies had to have added-value in order to compete in global markets, which are flexibility, cost and quality factors (Houma; -, Porter: 1980). Thus, the most important factor is the cost, because consumer will choose high-quality product with cheapest price. Cost leadership will be attained by companies which successfully eliminated the non adde...
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Corporate Governance is typically perceived as dealing with problems that result from the separation of leadership & control. Management Employees Board Shareholder DEFINITION:- Corporate Governance may be defined as holding a balance between economic & social goals & between individual & commercial goals. A good corporate governance is one where a firm commits & adopts ethical practices across its entire value chain & in all of its dealing with a wide group of stakeholde...
Budgeting, annual and otherwise, has been integral to the internal planning and control mechanisms of British public sector organisations for many years. Such budgeting processes, it has traditionally been accepted, enable public sector organisations and public departments to prioritise their operations and plans and control their spending. Traditional budgeting and planning processes have in recent times however been subjected to severe criticism, both in the public and in the private sector...
Corporate governance basically is a kind of concept that has been described with thousands of definitions because of its relations to economic positions of the companies.The most basic ones that can be conceptualised are as Corporate governance is a system that regulates efficiency in management of business companies involving of certain codes of practice,contracts and legislations. 'Corporate Governance are the policies, procedures and rules governing the relationships between the shareholde...
“The Centre for Policy Studies has labelled the treasury's new 50% tax rate as ‘unfair, complex, inefficient and damaging'” June 2009 “In view of the furore over the expenses of Members of Parliament, the question must be raised as to whether such a high rate is necessary.” Taxation has played a huge role in many of the countries since it was first introduce thousands years ago and still is an important role in modern society today. What is tax? Tax is a levy imposed by govern...
Financial statement is a tool that provided important financial information by a company to its stakeholders about whether to invest in that particular company. However, recently, an increased frequency of restated financial statements in many high-profile cases such as Enron, WorldCom, Royal Ahold, HealthSouth and others have drawn far greater attention on the failures of businesses in which defection of financial reporting and corporate disclosure. This will affect the users' view toward th...
Book Review of "Man of People: A life of Harry S Truman" Harry Truman was the 33rd president of the United States (1945-53), who led his nation through the final stages of World War II and through the early years of the Cold War, vigorously opposing Soviet expansionism in Europe and sending U.S. forces to turn back a communist invasion of South Korea. He was born on May 8, 1884, Lamar, Mo., U.S. and died at the age of 88 on Dec. 26, 1972, Kansas City, Mo. This paper is a book review of a book...
CHAPTER 1 In the past decades, many organizations were facing intensive pressures for changes in strategies and structures without a proper human resource management and performance management model (Weng, 2011). It has been a challenge to many managers to measure and appraise their human capital with an increasing and constantly changing volume of employees across the organization at different levels as well as across different geographic locations with high consistency and standards. Theref...
Australia has adopted full accrual accounting standards, consistent with IPSAS. According to the Financial Management and Accountability Act of 1997, accrual accounting was required to be adopted in budgeting, reporting and accounting. Since using accrual accounting, Australia was successful to show budget surplus in every year, to reduce liability and to bring economic growth in real GDP. (Mark Champoux, 2006) Progress In early 1990s, adoption of accrual accounting in Australia was to increa...
TASK 1 Give one possible internal source of finance and one possible external source of finance that Top Sounds could use, motivating the reasons? v Sale of Assets It's when a business sells some of its assets for a productive purpose or to finance other projects, as a form of acquiring working capital for the business. Any item of economic value owned by an individual or corporation, especially that which could be converted to cash. Top sounds has to sell some it's assets as a form of acquir...